function processedImg = BayesianNLM(img, blockSize, windowSize, gapBwnBlock, h)
% Function: Bayesian-based nonlocal means algorithm
% Input:
% img: the origin image [data type: double or integer]
% blockSize: size of the block
% windowSize: size of the search window
% gapBwnBlock: gap between the search blocks (in order to solve computational burden)
% h: filtering parameter controlling the decay of the exponential function
% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ imgSize_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
% |* * * * * * * * * * |
% |* * |
% |* + + + * |
% |* + + * |
% |* + + + * |
% |* blockSize * |
% |* * |
% |* * |
% |* * windowSize * * |
% | |
% | |
% |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
% Output: the despeckled image
% Author: Shuwei Xing
% Date: 2019-09-03
% Reference: Coup谷, Pierrick, et al. "Nonlocal means-based speckle filtering for ultrasound images." IEEE transactions on image processing 18.10 (2009): 2221-2229.
% Define variables for algorithm
originImg = double(img); % the raw image with noises
imgSize = size(originImg,1); % Assumption: the shape of image is suqare
processingImg = zeros(size(originImg)); % the value of processing
indexImg = zeros(size(originImg)); % show the number of each pixel
denoisedImg = zeros(size(originImg)); % the resotred(denoised) image
epsilon = 10^(-13); % handle 0/0 case
sideBlock = fix(blockSize/2);
a = ceil(blockSize/2);
b = imgSize - a + 1;
A = ceil(windowSize/2);
B = imgSize - A + 1;
numCompletedPixel = 0;
% Optimizaing the search space
rowTotal = ceil(a / gapBwnBlock)* gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : b ;
colTotal = ceil(a / gapBwnBlock) * gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : b;
indexImgTotal = zeros(imgSize);
indexImgTotal(rowTotal, colTotal) = 1;
mask = logical(img);
searchIndexMatrix =double(mask).* indexImgTotal;
[rows, cols] = find(searchIndexMatrix);
% Bayesian-based NonLocal Means Algorithm
% for row = ceil(a / gapBwnBlock)* gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : b
% for col = ceil(a / gapBwnBlock) * gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : b
for i = 1:size(cols, 1)
col = cols(i);
row = rows(i);
% row = 12;
% col = 200;
% Get the block matrix of origin image
% To do list: if the alogrithm can run fastly, write the specific
% function to get the block.
originBlock = originImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]);
% Discuss this solution within different conditions
if row >= A && row <= B
if col >= A && col <= B
weightList1 = [];
NLBlockWithoutNormalization1 = zeros(blockSize, blockSize);
for row_NB = ceil((row - A + a )/ gapBwnBlock)* gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : (row + A -a)
for col_NB = ceil((col - A + a)/ gapBwnBlock) * gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : (col + A - a)
neighborBlock = originImg([(row_NB - sideBlock) : (row_NB + sideBlock) ], [(col_NB - sideBlock) : (col_NB + sideBlock)]);
% Compute Pearson Distance
distance = getPearsonDistance(originBlock, neighborBlock);
% Compute the weight without normalization , just for single
% neighborBlock
weightWithoutNormalization = exp(-distance/(h^2));
weightList1 = [weightList1, weightWithoutNormalization];
% Compute the restored neighbor block NL_u_B without normalization
subNLBlock1 = neighborBlock*weightWithoutNormalization;
NLBlockWithoutNormalization1 = NLBlockWithoutNormalization1 + subNLBlock1;
% Sum these weightes and get the final restored neighbor
% block NL_u_B
NLBlock = NLBlockWithoutNormalization1/sum(weightList1);
% pixels'value of the NL_u_B is put in the processingImg
processingImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) = processingImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) + NLBlock;
% pixels' logic value of the NL_u_B is put in the indexImg
indexImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) = indexImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) + ones(blockSize);
% disp('run to this position')
if col < A
weightList2 = [];
NLBlockWithoutNormalization2 = zeros(blockSize, blockSize);
for row_NB = ceil((row - A + a )/ gapBwnBlock)* gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : (row + A -a)
for col_NB = ceil(a / gapBwnBlock)* gapBwnBlock : gapBwnBlock : (windowSize + 1 -a)
neighborBlock = originImg([(row_NB - sideBlock) : (row_NB + sideBlock) ], [(col_NB - sideBlock) : (col_NB + sideBlock)]);
% Compute Pearson Distance
distance = getPearsonDistance(originBlock, neighborBlock);
% Compute the weight without normalization , just for single
% neighborBlock
weightWithoutNormalization = exp(-distance/(h^2));
weightList2 = [weightList2, weightWithoutNormalization];
% Compute the restored neighbor block NL_u_B without normalization
subNLBlock2 = neighborBlock*weightWithoutNormalization;
NLBlockWithoutNormalization2 = NLBlockWithoutNormalization2 + subNLBlock2;
% Sum these weights and get the final restored neighbor
% block NL_u_B
NLBlock = NLBlockWithoutNormalization2/sum(weightList2);
% pixels'value of the NL_u_B is put in the processingImg
processingImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) = processingImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) + NLBlock;
% pixels' logic value of the NL_u_B is put in the indexImg
indexImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) = indexImg([(row - sideBlock) : (row + sideBlock) ], [(col - sideBlock) : (col + sideBlock)]) + ones(blockSize);