C++入门经典(第3版): I created all the files under Microsoft Windows so lines are terminated by CR/LF. In addition to this "ReadMe" file you will find three zip archives in the primary archive, so you need to unzip each of these to get at the code. The code from the chapters in the book are in the archive "2271 Code from the Book.zip". The solutions to the exercises are in the archive "2271 Solutions to Exercises.zip". A sample solution to the project defined in Appendix F is in the archive "2271 Project Solution.zip". The archives containing the code from the book and solutions to the exercises are organized by chapter. When you unzip an archive, you will find all the code corresponding to a given chapter stored in a single directory. Where the code for an example or solution is contained in a single source file, I have stored the source file in the chapter directory. For example, the code for the second example in Chapter 2 is in the source file "Prog2_02.cpp" that is in the directory "ch02". Where a code example or a solution involves more than one source file, I have stored the files in their own subdirectory with the same name as the solution or example.For instance,you will find the files containing the code for the solution to the second exercise at the end of Chapter 10 in the directory "Ex10_02" that is a subdirectory of "ch10". Note that my solutions to the exercises are not the only ones possible or even the best solutions. If your solution to an exercise is different, it doesn't mean that it is wrong. As long as it works it is OK. You may well be able to come up with better solutions that the ones in the archive! Have fun! Ivor Horton
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