没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
on ways a nd mea
ns of improvi ng and upgrading w
ork, further
of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no
una ut
horise d" created. T
he tow nship "no unauthorise
d" created the existing buil
ding "one household,
document" survey and file storage w
ork must be
unconditional a
nd full coverage. Main
dor lea
ding to t
he tow n (road, river) village, the Central
-up area of the tow
n on both si
des must be to
create a "no unaut
hori sed villag
According t
o "five hundred village
s" created a
nd shanty tow ns, vil
lages, ol
d houses, re
of old plant, expand create, upgradi
ng creates file
s, the real "no unauthorise
d village" create
d into the be
nefit of the pe
opl e of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage
count as una uthorised
ng the "ne w" contr
ol work to mov
e the center of gravity, manageme
nt measure
s to the front, and earnestly
pipes effectively. A strict
new unaut
hori sed network responsi
bility. Sect
ors such a
s land, housi
ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and the Tow
nshi p of grid a ccounta
bility mechani
sms must
be strictly i
n accorda
nce with the new reg
"zero tolerance". Second, publi
c security, w ater, ele
y, water,
ns a
nd fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervisi
on departments
shoul d strictly e
nforce the illegal constr
ucti on of di sposal of relevant provi
sions of the reg
ulations, effective fulfilment of responsi
bilities, particularly in e
lectricity and water supply, a
nd ot
her units may not
be ne w illegal buildi
ngs to
supply water and ele
ctricity supply.
Whi le more regulati
on to prevent
personal priva
cy violati
ons. Illicit tradi
ng in ill egal construction in the Mini
stry of public
security sect
or to strictly from the
blow. T hree is to
create a dditional offence reporting system of incentive
According to buil
ding law a
nd covers a
n area of nat
ure, to report timely degree
d report grade, effective after the removal of certai
n incentives. (C) integrated implementati
on ", buildi
ng dem olition, modifi
cation, use" combi
nation. De
molition is t he means and pur
pose built is.
o a dhere t
o the buil ding demolished,
n of constr
ucti on a
nd demolition waste,
demoli she d with combi
ned efforts to impr
ove the scientifi
c level of three to
split; second, we must
pay attention t
o "three to split" and "five hundre
d" and "five w
ater treatment", "three of the four side
old room transformation and "two road
s", series w
ork organi
c combine
d up, active
do River, a nd al
ong demoliti
on w ork, and manpower a
dvance village in t
he, and ol
d residential demolition work
, to improve
d masses
housi ng conditi
ons and liv
e environment; t
hree to put "three m
odified a split" as traditional low, a
nd small, a
bulk i ndustry structure transformati
on upgrade
of important initiatives to ca
ught, spee
d up advance industry Park, effective optimizati
park environment
olition work to e nsure that the new
s", the shack District transformation, a nd
建 筑 工 程
1. 混凝土模板工程支架的高宽比不宜大于( C),否则应采取加强整体稳固性措施。 A.5 B. 2 C.3 D.
2. 混凝土强度达到( B)兆帕前,不得在其上踩踏、堆放物料、安装模板及支架。 A.1.5 B.1. 2 C.1.6
D.2. 0
3. 后张法预应力筋锚固后的外露多余长度不宜小于预应力筋直径的 1.5 倍,且不应小于 (B) 。
A.25mm B.30m m C.20mm D.35m m
4. 预应力钢筋采用真空辅助灌浆时,孔道抽真空负压宜稳定保持为(0.08-0.1 )兆帕。
7. 混凝土搅拌试配时, 要求每盘混凝土试配的最小搅拌量不应小于搅拌机公称容量的
( A )且不应
8. 当具有近期有( B )且试件组数不小于 30 的混凝土强度资料时,其混凝土强度标准差可以通过公
A. 不同品种、同一强度等级 B. 同一品种、同一强度等级
C. 不同品种、不同强度等级 D. 同一品种、不同强度等级
1. 对于跨度不小于 4m 的梁、板,其模板施工起拱高度宜为梁、板跨度的(ABC ),起拱不得减少构件
规定其搭接宽度不应小于 (B)毫米。 A.60 B.8 0 C.70
D.9 0
C)。 A. 保温层的隔气和排气措施 B. 接缝的密封
处理 C. 玻璃采光顶铺装 D. 变形缝
3. 下列项目不是屋面工程的子分部工程的有( D)。 A. 玻璃采光顶铺装工程 B. 保温和隔热工程 C. 瓦面
与板面工程 D. 细部构造
4. 瓦面与板面工程中的金属顺水条、挂瓦条,均应做( D)处理。 A. 防蛀 B. 防 腐 C. 防火 D. 防 锈
5. 砌筑砌体时,不应在截面长边小于( A)mm 的承重墙体、独立柱内埋设管线。 A.500 B.1000 C.800
6. 砌筑砂浆试块强度验收时其强度合格标准为:同一验收批砂浆试块强度平均值应大于或等于设计强度
等级值的( C)倍。 A.1.40 B.1.0 0 C.1.10 D.1.2 0
7. 砖过梁底部的模板及其支架拆除时, 其灰缝砂浆强度不应低于设计强度的 (D)。A.95% B.80
%C.60% D.75 %
8. 填充墙砌体工程中, 对吸水率较小的轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块及采用薄灰砌筑法施工的蒸压加
A.应 B.
不应 C. 不宜 D.
nd impr
ove idl e land of utili
zation, real achieved
environment impr
oved a
nd productivity
development mut
ual pr
omoting total
Five, firmly implement, promoting w
ork ahea
d, to
create hig
hlights. Third de
ployment, im
on of sev
en, then it is im
perative to stre
ngthe n responsibility and improve t
he mechani sms and impleme
All localities a
nts must be convinced t
hat goal
s, goi ng all out, musteri
ng spirit,
work toget
her to e
nsure that this ye
ar's obje
ctives carry
out tasks, at the forefront.
First, we must strengthen the leader
ship to impleme
nt. Departme
nts at all level
s shoul
d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in an im
portant position, and carry t
he main responsi
bility, main lea
der per sonally, l eaders
arrested a nd layers
of responsibility ra
nk transmission pressure esta
blished hierarchical a
y, and work toget
her to
promote the work
of the mechani
sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impl
County nongba
n, flood, t hree to one dow
n to further
play a lea
ding catch t
situation. Second, we m
ust strengt
hen t
he test impleme
ntation of the Governor. Role
play the
nor got t
he bat
on, for agri
ural and rural focus a
nd "five water treatment", "three to
split" work, refi
ne improve a
sse ssment methods and evaluati
on sy stem, accurate assessme
nt. Combine
d w ith "dare pla
y, tree benchmark" style building five major
carry on and gain firsthand experie
of supervisi
on, in part
cular, to stre ngthe
n the focus on the "long" signs "go l
eft", "names" such as supervision,
urged all level
s longer on duty in pl
Through the supervisory asse
ssment, to
s, stimulati
ng power. T hird,
we must stre
ngthe n impleme
ntation style. De
partments at all leve
ls to w ork in r
ural areas a
nd "five water treatment", "three to split" as traini
ng ca dres for major
platforms, compete agai
nst large examination room, inspe
ction ca dres work
pe rformance of the ring, water
control a
nd the Japane
se pulle d a workout, traini
ng, discovery and sel
ection of ca
dres. Tha n good cat ch
up, first to excellence-orie
Party members and ca
dres at all level
s must a dher
e to the r
ural, water control and the Japa
nese pulled a grass-r
model. Four, we m
ust strengt
hen propaga
nda im
plementation. Compre
hensive utili
zation of micro
-credit , micro-bl
ogging, new media
, mining
, summarizi
ng, good publi
city work i
n the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced models, poi
nt to gather positive e
nergy for the
community to
see the re
sults of our work i
n time, increase
public aware ness, parti
cipation rates, satisfacti
on a nd
Play gong
qingfu, a mass orga
nization and grass-roots
such as schools, communityT
he role
on ways a nd mea
ns of improvi ng and upgrading w
ork, further
of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no
una ut
d" created. T
he tow
nship "no unauthorise
d" created the existing buil
ding "one household,
document" survey and file storage w
ork must be
unconditional a
nd full coverage. Main
dor lea
ding to t
he tow n (road, river) village, the Central
-up area of the tow
n on both si
des must be to
create a "no unaut
hori sed villag
According t
o "five hundred village
s" created a
nd shanty tow
ns, vil lages, ol
d houses, re
of old plant, expand create, upgradi
ng creates file
s, the real "no unauthorise
d village" create
d into the be
nefit of the pe
opl e of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage
count as una uthorised
ng the "ne w" contr
ol work to mov
e the center of gravity, manageme
nt measure
s to the front, and earnestly
pipes effectively. A strict
new unaut
hori sed network responsi
bility. Sect
ors such a
"zero tolerance". Second, publi
c security, w ater, ele
y, water,
ns a
nd fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervisi
on departments
shoul d strictly e
nforce the illegal constr
ucti on of di sposal
of relevant provi
sions of the reg
ulations, effective fulfilment of responsi
bilities, particularly in e
lectricity and water supply, a
nd ot
her units may not
be ne w illegal buildi
ngs to
supply wa
ter and ele
ctricity supply.
Whi le more regulati
on to prevent
personal priva
cy violati
ons. Illicit tradi
ng in ill egal construction in the Mini
stry of public
security sect
or to strictly from the
blow. T hree is to
create a dditional offence reporting system of
incentive s.
According to buil
ding law a
nd covers a
n area of nat
ure, to report timely degree
d report grade, effect
ive after the removal of certai
n incentives. (C) integrated implementati
on ", buildi
ng dem olition, modifi
cation, use" combi
nation. De
molition is t he means and pur
pose built is.
o a dhere t
o the buil ding demolished,
old room transformation and "two road
s", series w
ork organi
c combine
d up, active
do River, a nd al
ong demoliti
on w ork
, and manpower a
dvance village in t
he, and ol
d residential demolition work
, to improve
d masses
housi ng conditi
ons and liv
e environment; t
hree to put "three m
odified a split" as traditional low, a
nd small, a
bulk i ndustry structure transformati
on upgrade
of important initiatives to ca
ught, spee
d up advance industry Park, effective optimizati
park environment
s land, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and the Tow nship of grid a ccounta bility mechani sms must be strictly i n accorda nce with the new reg ulatory requirement s, effective implementati on of the are a of responsibil ity of the new inspe ctions, suppression, dem olition work to e nsure that the new
com bination of constr ucti on a nd demolitio n waste, demoli she d with combi ned efforts to impr ove the scientifi c level of three to split; second, we must pay attention t o "three to split" and "five hundre d" and "five w
ater treatment", "three of the four side s", the shack District transformation, a nd
9. 填充墙砌体工程中, 在气候干燥炎热的情况下对吸水率较小的轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块(D)在砌筑
前喷水湿润。 A. 应 B. 不应 C. 不宜 D. 宜
10. 地下主体结构的防水混凝土结构厚度不应小于 250mm,其允许偏差为( C)mm。 A.+5 , -5 B.+5,
-8 C.+8 ,-5 D.+8 , -8
11. 验收地下主体结构防水工程时, 对涂料防水层检验的项目中属于新增内容且为主控项目 的是( C)。
A. 所用材料 B. 配合比 C. 最小厚度 D. 涂料类 型
12. 对盾构隧道法施工的地下结构防水工程的质量验收, 检验中属于主控项目的新增检查内 容是( B)。
A. 所用材料 B. 渗水量 C. 抗渗性能 D. 管片抗 压强度
D)检查项。 A. 集水管坡
度 B. 反滤层 C. 集水管埋深 D. 集水管连 接
D)。 A.1/1000
B.3/1000 C.2/1000 D.4/1000
15. 当地下工程采用卷材防水材料时, 防水层完工并验收合格后应及时做保护层, 并规定底 板的细石混
凝土保护层厚度不应小于( B)毫米。 A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200
16. 验收混凝土结构施工质量时对钢筋进场检验时新增了( A)检查项。 A. 质量偏差 B. 力学性能 C.
钢筋型号 D. 钢筋长度
1. 施工单位应编制屋面工程专项施工方案,并应经( CD)审查后执行。 A. 政府部门 B. 设计单 位 C.
建设单位 D. 监理单 位 E. 勘察单位
2. 地下防水工程的施工,应建立各道工序的( ACE)的制度。 A. 交接检验 B. 进度检 查 C. 自检 D. 专
职人员检查 E. 竣工验收检查
3. 当地下工程采用塑料防水板作为防水层时,其铺设应超前二次衬砌混凝土施工, 超前距离宜为
(DE<5-20>)米。 A.45 B.3 5 C.25 D.15 E. 5
4. 在正常施工条件下,石砌体的砌筑高度宜为( AB)米。 A.1.1 B.1. 2 C.1.3 D.1. 4 E.1.5
1. 建筑机械的电气装置应作保护接地或接零,不得将暖气管、 煤气管等作为工作零线或接地 线使用,并
且保护零线应采用( C)双色线。 黄绿 A. 红黄 B. 红 绿 C. 黄绿 D. 红 蓝
对建筑机械 10kV 以下的配电装置,规定其三相隔离开关的打开角不得小于(
D)度。 A.100 B.12
0 C.50 D.60
(B)。 A.80% B.75 % C.90% D.85 %
4. 对建筑起重机械中的卷扬机, 规定其卷筒中心线与导向滑轮的轴线应 (C)。A. 平行 B. 保 持 45 度
夹角 C.垂直 D.保持 60 度夹角
5. 基坑支护工程的设计使用期限应满足基础施工要求, 且不应小于(D)。 A.18 个月 B. 两年 C.6 个
月 D.一年
6. 带裙房的高层建筑下的大面积整体筏形基础, 其主楼与相邻的裙房柱的差异沉降不应大于跨度的(B)
。 A.1/100 B.1/1000 C.3/1000 D.2/1000
7. 箱型基础的内外墙应沿上部结构柱网和剪力墙纵横均匀布置,上部结构为框架或框剪结构 时,墙
体水平截面总面积不宜小于箱基水平投影面积的( D)。 A.1/15 B.1/1 0 C.1/12 D.1/2 0
8. 基坑采用钢筋混凝土内支撑时, 对长度大于( A)米的钢筋混凝土内支撑的混凝土应分析其收缩及
温差变化引起的热胀冷缩。 A.50 B.6 0 C.100 D.80
9. 密目式安全立网全封闭脚手架挡风系数不宜小于( D)。 A.0.5 B.1. 0 C.0.6 D.0. 8
10. 计算脚手架立杆基础底面的平均压力时, 由上部结构传至立杆基础顶面的轴向力应采用 (A)。A.
组合值 B. 标准
值 C.
频遇值 D. 设计
nd impr
ove idl e land of utili
zation, real achieved
environment impr
oved a
nd productivity
development mut
ual pr
omoting total
Five, firmly implement, promoting w
ork ahea
d, to
create hig
hlights. Third de
ployment, im
on of sev
en, then it is im
perative to stre
ngthe n responsibility and improve t
he mechani sms and impleme
All localities a
nts must be convinced t
hat goal
s, goi ng all out, musteri
ng spirit,
work toget
her to e
nsure that this ye
ar's obje
ctives carry
out tasks, at the forefront.
First, we must strengthen the leader
ship to impleme
nt. Departm
nts at all level
s shoul d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in an im
portant position, and carry
he main responsi
bility, main lea
der per sonally, l eaders
arrested a nd layers
of responsibility ra
nk transmission pressure esta
blished hierarchical a
y, and work toget
her to
promote the work
of the mechani
sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impl
County nongba
n, flood, t hree to one
down to further play a lea
ding catch t
otal, integrated a
nd coordi
situation. Second, we m
ust strengt
hen t
he test impleme
ntation of the Governor. Role
play the
nor got t
he bat
on, for agri
ural and rural focus a
nd "five water treatment", "three to
split" work, refi
ne improve a
sse ssment meth
ods and evaluati
on sy stem, accurate assessme
nt. Combine
d w ith "dare pla
y, tree benchmark" style building five major
carry on and gain firsthand experie
of supervisi
on, in parti
cular, to stre ngthe
n the focus on the "long" signs "go l
eft ", "names" such as supervision,
urged all level
s longer on duty in pl
Through the supervisory asse
ssment, to
s, stimulati
ng power. T
we must stre
ngthe n impleme
ntation style. De
partments at all leve
ls to w ork in r
ural areas a
nd "f
ive water treatment", "three to split" as traini
ng ca dres for major
platforms, compete agai
nst large examination room, inspe
ction ca dres work
pe rformance of the ring, water
control a
nd the Japane
se pulle d a workout, traini
ng, discovery and sel
ection of ca
dres. Tha n good cat
chup, first to excellence-orie
Party members and ca
dres at all level
s must a
model. Four, we m
ust strengt
hen propaga
nda im
plementation. Compre
hensive utili
zation of micro
-credit , micro-bl
ogging, new media
, mining
, summarizi
ng, good publi
city work i
n the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split"
advanced models, poi
nt to gather positive e
nergy for the
community to
see the re
sults of our work i
n time, increase
public aware
ness, parti
cipatio n rates, satisfacti
on and support.
Play gong
qingfu, a mass orga
nization and grass
such as schools, communityT
he role
on ways a nd mea
ns of improvi ng and upgrading w
ork, further
of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no
una uthorise
d" created. T
he tow nship "no unauthorise
d" created the existing buil
ding "one household,
document" survey and file storage w
ork must be
unconditional a
nd full coverage. Main
dor lea
ding to t
he tow n (road, river) village, the Central
-up area of the tow
n on both si
des must be to
create a "no unaut
hori sed villag
According t
o "five hundred village
s" created a
nd shanty tow ns, vil
lages, ol
d houses, re
of old plant, expand create, upgradi
ng creates file
s, the real "no unauthorise
d village" create
d into the be
nefit of the pe
opl e of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage
count as una uthorised
ng the "ne
w" contr
ol work to mov
e the center of gravity, manageme
nt measure
s to the front, and earnestly
pipes effectively. A strict
new unaut
hori sed network responsi
bility. Sect
ors such a
"zero tolerance". Second, publi
c security, w ater, ele
y, water,
ns a
nd fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervisi
on departments
shoul d strictly e
nforce the illegal constr
ucti on of di sposal
of relevant provi
sions of the reg
ulations, effective fulfilment of responsi
bilities, particularly in e
lectricity and water supply, a
nd ot
her units may not
be ne w illegal buildi
ngs to
supply water and ele
ctricity supply.
Whi le more regulati
on to prevent
personal priva
cy violati
ons. Illicit tradi
ng in ill egal construction in the Mini
stry of public
security sect
or to strictly from the
blow. T hree is to
create a dditional offence reporting system of incentive
According to buil
ding law a
nd covers a
n area of nat
ure, to report timely degree
d report grade, effective after the removal of
n incentives. (C) integrated implementati
on ", buildi
ng dem olition, modifi
cation, use" combi
nation. De
molition is t he means and pur
pose built is.
o a dhere t
o the buil ding demolished,
old room transformation and "two road
s", series w
ork organi
c combine
d up, active
do River, a nd al
ong demoliti on w
ork, and manpower a
dvance v illage in t
he, and ol
d residential demolition work
, to improve
d masses
housi ng conditi
ons and liv
e environment; t
hree to put "three m
odified a split" as traditional low, a
nd small, a
bulk i ndustry structure transformati
on upgrade
of important initiatives
to ca ught, spee
d up advance industry Park, effective optimizati
park environment
s land, housi ng and ba sic stati ons (stations) and the Tow
com bination of constr
ucti on a nd demolition waste,
nshi p of grid a ccounta bility mechanisms must be strictly i n accorda nce with the new reg ulatory requirement s, effective implementati on of the are a of responsibil ity of the new inspe ctions, suppression, dem
olition work to e nsure that the new
demoli she d with combi ned efforts to impr ove the scientifi c level of three to split; second, we must pay attention t o "three to split" and "five hundre d" and "five w ater treatment", "three of the four side s", the shack District transformation, a nd
11. 脚手架设计计算中关于承载力设计值取值的内容中,下列选项(
D)的承载力设计值与可 调托撑(受压
)的承载力设计值相同? A. 底座 B. 对 接扣件(抗滑) C. 直角扣件 D. 旋转扣 件(抗滑)
12. 脚手架应铺设牢靠、 严实,并应用安全网双层兜底; 施工层以下每隔(D)米应用安全网 封闭。
A.8 B. 12 C.9 D. 10
1. 建筑机械的电气装置部分规定当需要发电机组并联运行时应满足( BDE)、程序相同。 A. 输电线颜
色 B.电压 C.位置 D.频率 E.相位
2. 下列选项中属于新增且不应计算建筑面积的有( ABE)。 A. 无围护结构的观光电梯 B. 过街楼底层的开
放公 共空间 C. 露台 D. 露 天游泳池 E. 与建筑物不连通的建筑部件
1. 建筑某一楼层围护结构不垂直于水平面,该层结构净高为 2.10 米,则面积计算时应按照 (D)面
积计算。 A. 四分之一 B. 零 C. 一半 D. 全
2. 对于室内单独设置有围护设施的悬挑看台,其面积计算时应按照( B)面积计算。 A. 四分之一 B.
零 C.一半 D. 全
3. 对于某建筑有顶盖的采光井,其结构净高为 2.00 米,则面积计算时应按照( B)面积进行 计算。
A. 四分之一 B. 零 C. 一半 D. 全
4. 门斗应按照其围护结构外围水平面积计算建筑面积,当其结构层高为 2.10 米时,应计算 (C )
面积。 A. 四分之一 B. 零 C. 一半 D. 全
5. 采用原位轴压法、扁顶法、切制抗压试件法检测砌体时,当选择 6 个测区却有困难时,可 选取不
少于( C)个测区测试,但宜结合其他非破坏检测方法综合进行强度推定。
A.5 4 C.3 2 B. D.
B)℃。 A.6 B. 0 C.3 D. 5
A)。 A.800
型 B.1000 型 C.400
D.600 型
8. 采用砂浆剪切法测定砌体工程砂浆强度时, 砂浆片试件一个测区的墙面尺寸宜为 ( A)。
A.0.5m?0.5m B.0.2m?0.2m C.0.6m?0.6m D.0.3m? 0.3m
9. 机械喷涂抹灰时一次喷涂厚度不宜超过( C)毫米。 A.8 B.12 C.10 D.15
10. 机械喷涂抹灰结束后,应及时将输送泵、输浆管和喷枪清洗干净,等候清洗时间不宜超 过( D)
分钟。 A.90 B.30 C.45 D.60
11. 湿拌砂浆应采用搅拌运输车运输, 运输时间应符合合同规定, 当合同中未规定时, 运输 车内砂浆
宜在( D)分钟内卸料施工。 A.90 B.30 C.45 D.60
1. 机械喷涂抹灰喷涂顺序和路线宜为( CE)。 A. 先外后里 B. 先远后近 C. 先上后下 D. 先近后远 E. 先
2. 基坑周边的施工荷载严禁超过设计规定的限值, 施工荷载距基坑边的距离可以为 (BCD)米。 A.0.5
B.1. 2 C.2.0 D.1. 5 E.0.8
AD)毫米。 A.50 B.150 C.120 D.100 E.200
力,塑料波纹管内的预应力筋, 张拉力达到张拉控制力后宜持荷 ( A
)分钟。 A.5
B.10 C.12 D.15
进行配合比设计时, 当采用掺量大于 ( A )的 C
A.30% B.25% C.20% D.15%
nd impr
ove idl
e land of utili
zation, real achieved
environment impr
oved and productivity
development mut
ual pr
omoting total
Five, firmly implement, promoting w
ork ahea
d, to
create hig
hlights. Third de
ployment, im
on of sev
en, then it is im perative to stre
ngthe n responsibility and improve t
he mechani sms and impleme
All localities a
nd departme
nts must be convinced t
hat goal
s, goi ng all out, musteri
ng spirit, work toget
her to e
nsure that this ye
ar's obje
ctives carry
out tasks, at the forefront.
First, we must strengthen the leader
ship to impleme
nt. Departme
nts at all level
s shoul
d always w ork and rural "five water treatment", "three to s
plit" in an im
portant position, and carry t
he main responsi
bility, main lea
der per sonally, l eaders
arrested a nd layers
of responsibility ra
nk transmission pressure esta
blished hierarchical a
y, and work toget
her to
promote the work
of the mechani
sm, a concerted effort pay attention to impl
County nongba
n, flood, t hree to one dow
n to further play a lea
ding cat ch t otal, integrated a
nd coordi
nated role
of all kinds is "long", "Sheriff" "Inspe
situation. Second, we m
ust strengt
hen t
he test impleme
ntation of the Governor. Role
play the
Gover nor got t
he bat
on, for agri
ural and rural focus a
nd "five water treatment", "three to
split" work, refi
ne improve a
sse ssment methods and evaluati
on sy stem, accurate assessme
nt. Combine
d w ith "dare pla
y, tree benchmark" style building five major
carry on and gain firsthand experie
of supervisi
on, in parti
cular, to stre ngt he
n the focus on the "long" signs "go l
eft", "names" such as supervision,
urged all level
s longer on duty in pl
Through th
e supervisory asse
ssment, to
s, stimulati
ng power. T
hird,we must stre
ngthe n impleme
ntation style. De
partments at all leve
ls to w ork in r
ural areas a
nd "five water treatment", "three to split" as traini
ng ca dres for major
platforms, compete agai
nst large examination room, inspe
ction ca dres work
pe rformance of the ring, water
control a
nd the Japane
se pulle d a workout, traini
ng, discovery and sel
ection of ca
dres. Tha n good cat ch
up, first to excellence-orie
Party members and ca
dres at all level
s must a
dhere to the r ural, water control and the Japa
nese pulled a grass-r
oots, "put down the shelf, leaned"
model. Four, we m
ust strengt
hen propaga
nda im
plementation. Compre
hensive utili
of micro
-credit , micro-bl
ogging, new media
, mining
, summarizi
ng, good publi
city work i
n the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced models, poi
nt to gather positive e
nergy for the
community to
see the re
sults of our work i
n tim
e, increase
public aware ness, parti
cipation rates, satisfacti
on a nd
Play gong
qingfu, a mass orga
nization and grass
such as schools, communityT
he role
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