RDMA over Commodity Ethernet at Scale
Chuanxiong Guo, Haitao Wu, Zhong Deng, Gaurav Soni,
Jianxi Ye, Jitendra Padhye, Marina Lipshteyn
{chguo, hwu, zdeng, gasoni, jiye, padhye, malipsht}@microsoft.com
Over the past one and half years, we have been using
RDMA over commodity Ethernet (RoCEv2) to support
some of Microsoft’s highly-reliable, latency-sensitive ser-
vices. This paper describes the challenges we encoun-
tered during the process and the solutions we devised to
address them. In order to scale RoCEv2 beyond VLAN,
we have designed a DSCP-based priority flow-control
(PFC) mechanism to ensure large-scale deployment. We
have addressed the safety challenges brought by PFC-
induced deadlock (yes, it happened!), RDMA transport
livelock, and the NIC PFC pause frame storm problem.
We have also built the monitoring and management
systems to make sure RDMA works as expected. Our
experiences show that the safety and scalability issues
of running RoCEv2 at scale can all be addressed, and
RDMA can replace TCP for intra data center commu-
nications and achieve low latency, low CPU overhead,
and high throughput.
CCS Concepts
•Networks → Network protocol design; Network
experimentation; Data center networks;
RDMA; RoCEv2; PFC; PFC propagation; Deadlock
With the rapid growth of online services and cloud
computing, large-scale data centers (DCs) are being
built around the world. High speed, scalable data cen-
ter networks (DCNs) [1, 3, 19, 31] are needed to connect
the servers in a DC. DCNs are built from commodity
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SIGCOMM ’16, August 22 - 26, 2016, Florianopolis , Brazil
2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4193-6/16/08. . . $15.00
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2934872.2934908
Ethernet switches and network interface cards (NICs).
A state-of-the-art DCN must support several Gb/s or
higher throughput between any two servers in a DC.
TCP/IP is still the dominant transport/network stack
in today’s data center networks. However, it is increas-
ingly clear that the traditional TCP/IP stack cannot
meet the demands of the new generation of DC work-
loads [4, 9, 16, 40], for two reasons.
First, the CPU overhead of handling packets in the
OS kernel remains high, despite enabling numerous hard-
ware and software optimizations such as checksum of-
floading, large segment offload (LSO), receive side scal-
ing (RSS) and interrupt moderation. Measurements in
our data centers show that sending at 40Gb/s using 8
TCP connections chews up 6% aggregate CPU time on
a 32 core Intel Xeon E5-2690 Windows 2012R2 server.
Receiving at 40Gb/s using 8 connections requires 12%
aggregate CPU time. This high CPU overhead is unac-
ceptable in modern data centers.
Second, many modern DC applications like Search
are highly latency sensitive [7, 15, 41]. TCP, however,
cannot provide the needed low latency even when the
average traffic load is moderate, for two reasons. First,
the kernel software introduces latency that can be as
high as tens of milliseconds [21]. Second, packet drops
due to congestion, while rare, are not entirely absent
in our data centers. This occurs because data center
traffic is inherently bursty. TCP must recover from the
losses via timeouts or fast retransmissions, and in both
cases, application latency takes a hit.
In this paper we summarize our experience in deploy-
ing RoCEv2 (RDMA over Converged Ethernet v2) [5],
an RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) technol-
ogy [6], to address the above mentioned issues in Mi-
crosoft’s data centers. RDMA is a method of accessing
memory on a remote system without interrupting the
processing of the CPU(s) on that system. RDMA is
widely used in high performance computing with In-
finiband [6] as the infrastructure. RoCEv2 supports
RDMA over Ethernet instead of Infiniband.
Unlike TCP, RDMA needs a lossless network; i.e.
there must be no packet loss due to buffer overflow at
the switches. RoCEv2 uses PFC (Priority-based Flow
Control) [14] for this purpose. PFC prevents buffer