Universal Data Access Components
Copyright 2008-2015, Devart. All Rights Reserved
Demo for FastReport included in UniDAC was built and tested using
Fast Report 4
Fast Query Builder of FastReport is disabled by default. To enable them you
should find frx.inc file in the FastReport installation directory and uncomment
following line:
Demo is provided as is, and there is no warranty that it is fully
compatible with other versions of Fast Report.
Before using Demo you should install FastReport 4 UniDAC Components.
The following instruction will help you to compile and install
FastReport 4 UniDAC Components manually using IDE.
C++Builder 2007
If you have only C++Builder 2007, you should perform the following steps
1. Make sure that you have UniDAC and FastReport installed
2. Open the Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi11\MakeCBuilder.bat file in edit mode
3. Make sure that the following paths are assigned correctly:
DCCPATH - path to the compiler DCC32.exe
PROJECTPATH - path to packages from Fast_Report_Demo\Delphi11
FRLIBDLLPATH - path to FastReport4_Inst_Dir\LibD11
4. Save MakeCBuilder.bat
5. Run MakeCBuilder.bat. After that all generated files will appear in the project path (PROJECTPATH)
6. Copy PROJECTPATH\*.bpl files to a folder that is included in the PATH environment variable
7. Run IDE and add dclfrxUniDAC11.bpl and dclfsUniDAC11.bpl via Component->Install Packages... menu
8. To compile applications with UniDAC for FastReport components, add PROJECTPATH to the "Library Path" and "Include Path" lists
Delphi and C++Builder for Win32
Run your IDE and walk through the following steps:
1) Compile DAC run-time package (frxDACXX.dpk)
2) Compile UniDAC run-time package (frxUniDACXX.dpk)
3) Compile and install UniDAC design-time package (dclfrxUniDACXX.dpk)
You can find these packages in
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi6\*.dpk - for Delphi 6
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi7\*.dpk - for Delphi 7
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi9\*.dpk - for Delphi 2005
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi10\*.dpk - for Delphi 2006
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi11\*.dpk - for Delphi 2007
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi12\*.dpk - for Delphi 2009
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi14\*.dpk - for Delphi 2010
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi15\*.dpk - for Delphi XE
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi16\*.dpk - for Delphi XE2
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi17\*.dpk - for Delphi XE3
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi18\*.dpk - for Delphi XE4
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\Delphi19\*.dpk - for Delphi XE5
Demos\Win32\ThirdParty\FastReport\FR4\CBuilder6\*.bpk - for C++Builder 6
To compile applications based on FastReport 4 UniDAC Components, add the following
path to the "Library Path":
where %UniDAC% is the UniDAC installation path on your computer.