# Battery State of Charge Estimation Using Kalman Filter
This small project comes from the simulation part of my college graduation design which aimed to estimate the state of charge(SoC) of lithium battery. I mainly finished the experiments, parameters identification and simulation of extended kalman filter(EKF). The completion unscented kalman filter(UKF) simulation needs to thank the contribution from my friend, Pengcheng Gu. And the BBDST working condition block is also benefit from the help of my senior, Cong Jiang. 馃槝馃攱thanks angain to my warm friends.馃攱鉂�
## General Content
Li-Battery model building, parameters identification and verification, SoC estimation using extended kalman filter(EKF) through two ways:
1. Simulinks(EKF only)
2. Scripts(EKF&UKF)
## First Try
The inputs of the model include current and voltage comes from battery data in HPPC(Hybrid PulsePower Characteristic) test.
Thevenin equivalent circuit model and extended kalman filter are included in the simulation file "EKFSim_R2016.slx", of which the structure is shown in the snapshot below.
The estimated curve has distinct divergences in the current pulse areas and it converges to the true value in the constant current discharge areas.
The estimated SoC and update Up(voltage of RC element in Thevenin ECM) change synchronously due to the same state vector that they are in, that can be seen in the function block 'EKF'.
Kalman filter update of states including SoC and Up, according to the difference between observed values and predicted values of UL(voltage on the load). The code format of this expression is as following.
X_upd = X_pre + K*(UL_obs-UL_pre);
The output results of the simulation are shown in the figures belows.
![States Output](./imgs/SimOutput.jpg)
![UL curves](./imgs/UL.jpg)
## Improvement
After improvement, the I/O relationship between modules becomes more perspicuous, the corresponding Simulink file is named Improved_EKFSim.slx.
The BBDST(Beijing Bus Dynamic Street Test) working condition is used here as the input current.
The output results are shown in the figures belows.
## Scripts
MATLAB scripts simulate discharge process of lithium-ion battery under the BBDST working condition and constant current working condition with observation noise, and uses EKF/UKF method to estimate SoC of the battery.
function main(Work_modes, SoC_est_init)
The main function requires two arguments:
- Work_mode: Choice of working condition with 1 representing BBDST working condition and 2 representing constant current.
- SoC_est_init: The initial value of estimated SoC, it's set to 1 by default, if just one argument is passed.
Type in command window like `main()`or`main(1)`or`main(1,1)`, the result curves will appear as follows.
![States estimation curve](./imgs/SimResult.jpg)
## Related Knowledge
### 1. Thevenin equivalent circuit model
Thevenin equivalent circuit model(ECM) is a first-order RC circuit. The discharge direction is taken as the positive direction of current, as shown in the figure below.
The voltage on the polarization capacitor is denoted as Up. Then according to KVL and KCL we get the following equations.
UL(t) = UOC - Up(t) - Ro * I(t) 路路路路路路(1)
I(t) = Up(t) / Rp - Cp * (dUp(t)/dt) 路路路路路路(2)
The solution of the differential equation (2) is as follows.
Up(t) = C * exp(-t/tao) + I(t) * Rp 路路路路路路(3)
tao = Rp * Cp 路路路路路路(4)
Here `C` is an arbitrary constant. The zero input response of the circuit model corresponds to the idle condition of the battery while zero state response corresponds to the working condition. The discretized form of Up in different states can be unified as follows.
Up(k+1) = Up(k) * exp(-螖t/tao) +
Rp * I(k) * (1 - exp(-螖t/tao)) 路路路路路路(5)
Here `螖t` denotes the sample interval. The parameters in the Thevenin ECM, including `UOC`, `Ro`, `Rp` and `Cp`, are deemed to be related to the SoC of the battery. The relationships are usually identified through the so call Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization(HPPC) test.
### 2. Extended Kalman Filter
The basis of Kalman filter is the process of fusing the information from the prediction and the observation, under the hypothesis that the process error and the observation error are both stochastic noises, obeying Gaussian distributions. The EKF mainly consist of three steps: prediction, linearization and update.
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The prediction needs the knowledge of the state transition, expressed as equation (5) and (6), and observation estimate, expressed as equation (7) and (8).
SoC(k) = SoC(k-1) - eta/Qn * I(k-1) 路路路路路路(6)
UL(k) = UOC(k-1) - I(k-1) * Ro - Up(k-1) 路路路路路路(7)
UOC(k) = f(SoC(k-1)) 路路路路路路(8)
Here `eta` and `Qn` denote the coulombic efficiency and the rated capacity of the battery respectively. Let `X` be the state vector `[SoC, Up]'`, `A` be the state transformation matrix `[1, 0; 0, exp(-螖t/tao)]` and `B` be the input control matrix `[-eta/Qn, 0; 0, Rp*(1-exp(-螖t/tao))]`. Then equation (5) and (6) can be expressed as follows.
X(k) = A * X(k-1) + B * I(k-1) 路路路路路路(9)
The Kalman filter makes use of the process noise and observation noise for the state estimation. Then there's an important step of predicting the covariance of process error, expressed as `P`.
P(k) = A(k-1) * P(k-1) * A'(k-1) + Q 路路路路路路(10)
Here `Q` is a diagonal matrix containing the variances of the process noises. For the state `X=[SoC, Up]'`, `Q` is a 2x2 diagonal matrix `[Qs, 0; 0, Qu]`, in which `Qs` is the variances of process noises for `SoC` and `Qu` is that for `Up`.
Note that `UOC` is a nonlinear function of `SoC`, which makes the `UL=g(X, I)` is nonlinear. The linearization step is Taylor expanding `g(X, I)` around `X(k)` with first order approximation.
UL = g(X(k), I(k)) + 蓹g/蓹X(k) * (X - X(k)) 路路路路路路(11)
C(k) = 蓹g/蓹X(k)
= [蓹g/蓹SoC(k) 蓹g/蓹Up(k)]
= [蓹(UoC-Ro*I(k))/蓹SoC(k) -1] 路路路路路路(12)
Hence `UL = C(k) * X + (g(X(k), I(k)) - C(k)*X(k))`. `C(k)` is a constant matrix and `(g(X(k), I(k)) - C(k)*X(k))` is a constant too. The linearization is completed.
Based on the result of linearization, the update step include updating the state vector and the covariance of process error by using the variance of observation noise `R` and observation value `UL_ob`.
K(k) = P(k) * C'(k) *
(C(k) * P(k) * C'(k) + R)^(-1) 路路路路路路(13)
X(k) = X(k) + K(k) * (UL_ob - UL(k)) 路路路路路路(14)
P(k) = P(k) - K(k) * C(k) * P(k) 路路路路路路(15)
An Intuitive Derivation of the Kalman filter process is [Here](https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece420/sp2017/UnderstandingKalmanFilter.pdf). An detailed explanation of UKF is [Here](https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/Julier_Uhlmann_mar04.pdf).
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1.基于matlab的锂电池的模型构建、参数识别和验证、SoC估计,Simulink采用扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)。 2.采用m脚本(EKF和(无迹卡尔曼滤波)UKF)。程序已调通,可直接运行。运行环境Matlab2023b及以上。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。 5.作者介绍:机器学习之心,博客专家认证,机器学习领域创作者,2023博客之星TOP50,主做机器学习和深度学习时序、回归、分类、聚类和降维等程序设计和案例分析,文章底部有博主联系方式。从事Matlab、Python算法仿真工作8年,更多仿真源码、数据集定制私信
matlab_利用卡尔曼滤波器估计电池充电状态.zip (48个子文件)
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