* Flexigrid for jQuery - New Wave Grid
* Copyright (c) 2008 Paulo P. Marinas (webplicity.net/flexigrid)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* $Date: 2008-04-01 00:09:43 +0800 (Tue, 01 Apr 2008) $
$.addFlex = function(t,p)
if (t.grid) return false; //return if already exist
// apply default properties
p = $.extend({
height: 200, //default height
width: 'auto', //auto width
striped: true, //apply odd even stripes
novstripe: false,
minwidth: 30, //min width of columns
minheight: 100, //min height of columns
resizable: true, //resizable table
url: false, //ajax url
method: 'POST', // data sending method
dataType: 'xml', // type of data loaded
errormsg: 'Connection Error',
usepager: false, //
nowrap: true, //
page: 1, //current page
total: 1, //total pages
useRp: true, //use the results per page select box
rp: 15, // results per page
rpOptions: [10,15,20,25,40],
title: false,
pagestat: '当前显示第{from}条 到 第{to}条 , 总记录数为:{total}.',
procmsg: '加载中, 请稍等 ...',
query: '',
qtype: '',
nomsg: '无数据!',
minColToggle: 1, //minimum allowed column to be hidden
showToggleBtn: true, //show or hide column toggle popup
hideOnSubmit: true,
autoload: true,
blockOpacity: 0.5,
onToggleCol: false,
onChangeSort: false,
onSuccess: false,
onSubmit: false // using a custom populate function
}, p);
.show() //show if hidden
.attr({cellPadding: 0, cellSpacing: 0, border: 0}) //remove padding and spacing
.removeAttr('width') //remove width properties
//create grid class
var g = {
hset : {},
rePosDrag: function () {
var cdleft = 0 - this.hDiv.scrollLeft;
if (this.hDiv.scrollLeft>0) cdleft -= Math.floor(p.cgwidth/2);
var cdpad = this.cdpad;
$('thead tr:first th:visible',this.hDiv).each
function ()
var n = $('thead tr:first th:visible',g.hDiv).index(this);
var cdpos = parseInt($('div',this).width());
var ppos = cdpos;
if (cdleft==0)
cdleft -= Math.floor(p.cgwidth/2);
cdpos = cdpos + cdleft + cdpad;
cdleft = cdpos;
fixHeight: function (newH) {
if (!newH) newH = $(g.bDiv).height();
var hdHeight = $(this.hDiv).height();
function ()
$(g.block).css({height:newH,marginBottom:(newH * -1)});
var hrH = g.bDiv.offsetTop + newH;
if (p.height != 'auto' && p.resizable) hrH = g.vDiv.offsetTop;
$(g.rDiv).css({height: hrH});
dragStart: function (dragtype,e,obj) { //default drag function start
if (dragtype=='colresize') //column resize
var n = $('div',this.cDrag).index(obj);
var ow = $('th:visible div:eq('+n+')',this.hDiv).width();
this.colresize = {startX: e.pageX, ol: parseInt(obj.style.left), ow: ow, n : n };
else if (dragtype=='vresize') //table resize
var hgo = false;
if (obj)
hgo = true;
this.vresize = {h: p.height, sy: e.pageY, w: p.width, sx: e.pageX, hgo: hgo};
else if (dragtype=='colMove') //column header drag
this.hset = $(this.hDiv).offset();
this.hset.right = this.hset.left + $('table',this.hDiv).width();
this.hset.bottom = this.hset.top + $('table',this.hDiv).height();
this.dcol = obj;
this.dcoln = $('th',this.hDiv).index(obj);
this.colCopy = document.createElement("div");
this.colCopy.className = "colCopy";
this.colCopy.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;
if ($.browser.msie)
this.colCopy.className = "colCopy ie";
$(this.colCopy).css({position:'absolute',float:'left',display:'none', textAlign: obj.align});
dragMove: function (e) {
if (this.colresize) //column resize
var n = this.colresize.n;
var diff = e.pageX-this.colresize.startX;
var nleft = this.colresize.ol + diff;
var nw = this.colresize.ow + diff;
if (nw > p.minwidth)
this.colresize.nw = nw;
else if (this.vresize) //table resize
var v = this.vresize;
var y = e.pageY;
var diff = y-v.sy;
if (!p.defwidth) p.defwidth = p.width;
if (p.width != 'auto' && !p.nohresize && v.hgo)
var x = e.pageX;
var xdiff = x - v.sx;
var newW = v.w + xdiff;
if (newW > p.defwidth)
this.gDiv.style.width = newW + 'px';
p.width = newW;
var newH = v.h + diff;
if ((newH > p.minheight || p.height < p.minheight) && !v.hgo)
this.bDiv.style.height = newH + 'px';
p.height = newH;
v = null;
else if (this.colCopy) {
if (e.pageX > this.hset.right || e.pageX < this.hset.left || e.pageY > this.hset.bottom || e.pageY < this.hset.top)
$(this.colCopy).css({top:e.pageY + 10,left:e.pageX + 20, display: 'block'});
dragEnd: function () {
if (this.colresize)
var n = this.colresize.n;
var nw = this.colresize.nw;
$('th:visible div:eq('+n+')',this.hDiv).css('width',nw);
$('tr',this.bDiv).each (
function ()
$('td:visible div:eq('+n+')',this).css('width',nw);
this.hDiv.scrollLeft = this.bDiv.scrollLeft;
this.colresize = false;
else if (this.vresize)
this.vresize = false;
else if (this.colCopy)
if (this.dcolt != null)
if (this.dcoln>this.dcolt)
this.dcol = null;
this.hset = null;
this.dcoln = null;
this.dcolt = null;
this.colCopy = null;
toggleCol: function(cid,visible) {
var ncol = $("th[axis='col"+cid+"']",this.hDiv