* Subversive Change Log *
* *
* Subversive - a brand new Eclipse Client for Subversion (SVN) *
* See details at http://www.eclipse.org/subversive *
Now the Subversive project was moved to Eclipse.org and new version numbers was introduced.
Change Log's for older versions still present in this file.
Version 0.7.9.I20110819-1700 [19 August 2011]
* Add "record-only" option to the merge dialog (bug 354996)
* GetRemoteFolderChildrenOperation implementation depends on the JDK specific (bug 352947)
* Do not mess svn:externals order (bug 350143)
+ special thanks to Julien HENRY
* Duplicate folder name for svn:externals if same destination (bug 353009)
+ special thanks to Julien HENRY
* Performance problem with Create Patch (bug 333785)
* Refactor SVN locks support code (bug 354058)
* Data processing error is mistakenly recognized as a bug in the CreatePatchOperation code [ID-W32HV] (bug 354062)
* When i "create patch". The patch file don't encode in utf-8. (bug 284081)
* Missing Resources dialog does not resize correctly (bug 304486)
* JavaHL is independent of Windows, please properly document this (bug 307397)
* Exceptions when eclipse start (bug 302569)
* Validation of the issue number using bugtraq:logregex is broken (bug 300402)
* SetRevisionAuthorNameOperation shouldn't be performed if original (commit, copy etc.) operation failed [ID-WP0UC] (bug 354812)
Version 0.7.9.I20110715-1700 [15 July 2011]
* Make SVN: 'Save Authorization Info' operation optional (bug 349111)
* Update Subversive help regarding persistent SVN+SSH connection option (bug 349139)
* Negative revision numbers are not allowed [ID-VBVYH] (bug 296094)
* 'Replace with revision' fails when using javahl16 connector (bug 351370)
* SVN repositories view blocks UI thread (bug 295110)
* Useless reordering in the SVN Repositories View (bug 351649)
* Team Hook does not work while moving versioned files or folders into unmanaged project (bug 254846)
* NPE in CompareEditorInput.setDirty in Eclipse 3.7 [ID-MAMS9] (bug 348787)
* SVNKitconnector may access uninitialized CoreExtensionsManager (bug 351357)
* IllegalArgumentException in AbstractActionOperation [ID-CUA4N] (bug 350077)
* extremely poor refreshLocalResourceImpl performance (bug 259287)
* FileReplaceListener performs time consuming actions at inappropriate time (bug 321542)
* svn perspective launches svnserve which never close (bug 305658)
* Correct french translation for PerformancePreferencePage_enableCache (bug 349138)
Version 0.7.9.I20110602-1700 [2 June 2011]
* Correct help section regarding latest changes in Merge Dialog behaviour (bug 347143)
* Bug fix: update version number to the actual 1.6.15 (bug 347568)
* Indigo requires license update (bug 346698)
* Sometimes SVN Kit does not throw an exception when repository is inaccessible [ID-VIT54] (bug 347737)
Version 0.7.9.I20110523-1700 [23 May 2011]
* Provide a flexible way to traverse resources tree in operation execution context (bug 345170)
* Deadlock when starting Eclipse with Synch View open [ID-V0QM2] (bug 313866)
* Indigo requires license update (bug 346698)
* Make revision selection dialog more intuitive (automatically include lesser revision changes into the selected range) (bug 319962)
* No way to specify correctly a name for the resources traversal operation (bug 345855)
* Rename Class/Interface causes code garbage with Subversive and keyword substitution (bug 315279)
* MarkAsMergedOperation ignores cancellation event (bug 345169)
* SVNMoveDeleteHook does not report any errors happened while moving resources (bug 344361)
* Unused NLS message (bug 343439)
Version 0.7.9.I20110419-1700 [19 April 2011]
* Provide several modes for a branch/tag creation based on the working copy (bug 343073)
* Undo and Redo doesn't work in Commit Dialog (bug 298556)
* Malformed network data during synchronization (bug 337151) [allow usage of the older SVN Kit version without the issue]
* Branch/Tag action from the "Team" menu blocks UI thread (bug 342743)
* "Keep resource history" option name in the "Team->Copy To" dialog causes misunderstanding (bug 341723)
* Set Keywords action is enabled for new resources (bug 311665)
* NPE in SVNHistoryPage resource state listener [ID-Q5KRR] (bug 341896)
* Undo Delete does not restore the latest file state but the version before (bug 340318)
* Missing NLS string in plugins.properties (bug 341364)
* UIMonitorUtility is not equipped to handle applications with more than one shell (bug 341271)
* IndexOutOfBoundsException during cache update (bug 315544)
* Correct connectors compatibility ID [ID-D1U3Y] (bug 340527)
Version 0.7.9.I20110318-1700 [18 March 2011]
* Add the svn:mergeinfo property into the SVN Property editor list (bug 339832)
* Improve bug report facilities (bug 337250)
* Correct Mylyn integration feature dependencies (bug 340376)
* IllegalStateException in discovery feature when network problem or cancellation occurs [ID-FEJWD] (bug 334408)
* Extract operation fails with exception [ID-BOAKP] (bug 339469)
* "Unrecognized node kind" error while comparing resources [ID-RTYVU] (bug 338876)
* Unhandled EOF exception in Revision Graph [EID-NVOHU] (bug 338485)
* No error dialog appears if commit fails (bug 338641)
* "Find/Check out as": destination folder browser should open location of actual workspace [ID-P1ILO] (bug 334252)
* ResourceContentStorage does not implement equals() (bug 305866)
* Update Subversive help regarding installation and updating workflow (bug 338289)
Version 0.7.9.I20110207-1700 [07 February 2011]
* Allow to branch/tag files and folders in single transaction in the SVN Repositories view (bug 335922)
* Provide API to open the History view on a specific revision range (bug 335421)
* Remove Subversive menu in Help (bug 229495)
* The "svnconnector" extension point is broken (bug 336207)
* SWTException in SVNTeamModificationValidator when lock is required (bug 336064)
Version 0.7.9.I20110124-1700 [24 January 2011]
* Use the latest SVN Kit version (1.3.5) (bug 334452)
* There is no access to the SVN 1.6-related method signatures (bug 333211)
* Allow repository creation with the latest SVN Kit-based connector (bug 333202)
* Extract operation fails under certain conditions (bug 335079)
* Remove duplicated code parts (bug 333061)
* Pressing Cancel during compare results in invalid GUI message (no differences) (bug 328820)
* Calls to the deprecated function in the SelectPatchFilePage (bug 332775)
* There is a compilation issue in the core plug-in under Eclipse 3.7 (bug 332528)
* Connectors from polarion update site not detected (bug 328104)
* No serialVersionUID for the serializable class ActionIDList (bug 332235)
* Finish to create new SVN repository and share project in s