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Infineon 白皮书 关于高效电池再生系统

White Paper
www.infineon.com/batteryformation Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document v2.0
Efficient battery formation systems with energy
Overview of Infineon devices for battery formation - from AC grid to
There is a global demand for lithium-ion batteries due to the increasing number of battery-powered
applications, in particular electric vehicles (EVs) and portable devices such as smart phones, tablets, and
power tools. Battery formation process is the time and power demanding process in the battery
manufacturing which activates lithium chemistries by precisely controlled charge and discharge cycles,
transforming the chemistries in a useable format. Therefore, a battery formation system requires high
power density in order to increase the charge and discharge channels, and efficient power conversion with
energy recycling capability, i.e., bidirectional power processing. In this white paper, we begin with a brief
tour of the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process and a short overview of different types of formation
systems. After some background understanding, we move to key design challenges in formation systems:
power density, reliability, and energy recycling. Some essential power device characteristics will also be
discussed. The core stages of the formation system, i.e., power factor correction (PFC) stage, isolated
DC-DC and non-isolated DC-DC stages, topologies and Infineon recommended power devices will be
presented. Finally, we make suggestions on practical solutions for each stage as reference.
By Martin Cheung, Senior Staff Engineer, Infineon Technologies Hong Kong Limited

Efficient battery formation systems with energy recycling
Overview of Infineon devices for battery formation - from AC grid to battery
www.infineon.com/batteryformation 2
Table of contents
1 Introduction to battery formation 3
1.1 What is battery formation? 3
1.2 Types of formation systems 4
2 System design challenges 7
3 Key topologies and Infineon device technologies 8
3.1 Unidirectional PFC converter 8
3.2 Bidirectional PFC converter 9
3.3 Isolated unidirectional DC-DC converter 10
3.4 Isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter 11
3.5 Non-isolated DC-DC converter 12
3.6 Auxiliary circuit and driver ICs in the system 12
4 Recommendation of Infineon devices and demonstration boards 14
4.1 Power factor correction converter 14
4.2 Isolated DC-DC converter 15
4.3 Non-isolated DC-DC converter 16
5 Summary 18
References 19

Efficient battery formation systems with energy recycling
Overview of Infineon devices for battery formation - from AC grid to battery
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1 Introduction to battery formation
Our everyday lifestyle trends towards having more and more wireless and battery powered devices in our
surroundings. The worldwide battery production capacity is estimated to increase substantially year by
year. This trend is driven by the growing demand of battery powered devices and the rapidly rising number
of EVs, targeting high capacity batteries of 500-700 watt-hour per kg. The essential stage every battery
needs to undergo in the manufacturing process is called battery formation [1]. The purpose of battery
formation is to activate battery chemistries and also to determine the characteristic of the battery [2]. In
this process, every newly assembled battery is initially charged and discharged with high accuracy.
Nowadays, battery formation is the bottleneck of battery production due to the fact that it can take up to
several days or even weeks depending on the cell manufacturer and cell chemistry [3-4]. It also has a
great impact on battery lifetime [2], quality, and cost [4].
1.1 What is battery formation?
Figure 1 A simplified scheme of the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process
Figure 1 shows the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process that includes electrode preparation,
assembly, and formation. The battery formation stage has two key functions; on one hand to create the
solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the anode and cathode electrolyte interphase (CEI) [1-2]. On the other
hand, during the formation process battery cell performance measurements, such as impedance and
current capacity, are collected and recorded for battery pack process or quality analysis. SEI and CEI
layers are created by deposition in the formation process when the cells take their first charge. Since the
electrolyte lithium salt dissolved in organic solvent, it reacts vigorously with carbon anode during the initial
formation charge and builds a thin SEI layer by the moderated charge rate with 0.1 C rated current.
1 C rate means that the discharge current will discharge the entire battery in one hour. To complete the
formation process, 3-5 cycles at 0.1 C at room temperature and 3-5 cycles at higher C-rate at higher
temperature are required [3] to control the thickness of the SEI layer. This takes several days and means
the bottleneck in the battery formation process and the battery production itself. The thick SEI layer
increases the internal impedance of the battery, which reduces current capability and decreases charging
and discharging cycle times [2]. Unlike the battery standard charging procedures, battery formation
process begins with a low current, 0.1 C [3], and variable output voltage which requires the reliable battery
formation power supply to provide stable charging and discharging current.

Efficient battery formation systems with energy recycling
Overview of Infineon devices for battery formation - from AC grid to battery
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1.2 Types of formation systems
Figure 2 shows the functional block diagram of the formation of the power supply from the AC grid to the
formatted battery. As depicted, the system includes a PFC stage as an interface to the AC grid, an isolated
DC-DC stage for galvanic isolation and voltage step down, and a non-isolated DC-DC stage to provide
tight charge and discharge voltage together with well-controlled charge and discharge current. All the
stages are based on switching converter technologies rather than linear regulators. The switching
converter approach allows the formation system to increase energy efficiency, power density, and gives
the possibility to use the same hardware for energy recycling, thus reducing battery manufacturing cost.
Figure 2 Basic block diagram for battery formation switching mode power supply
Figures 3, 4 and 5 show different types of energy recycling formation systems in which the isolated DC-
DC converter usually supports more than one channel in the non-isolated DC-DC converter for battery cell
formation. The traditional and simple switching converter approach uses synchronous (SR) buck-boost
converter for bidirectional power flow. The PFC stage and the isolated DC-DC stage have unidirectional
power flow from the AC grid to the buck-boost input as shown in Figure 3. This energy recycling is based
on controlling the charging and discharging time of each or a set of buck-boost converters, therefore the
discharging energy may cannot be completely recycled.

Efficient battery formation systems with energy recycling
Overview of Infineon devices for battery formation - from AC grid to battery
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Figure 3 Simple approach for limited energy recycling at the non-isolated buck-boost stage
Figure 4 Bidirectional battery formation system energy recycling from battery to the AC grid
A full bidirectional energy flow battery formation system is shown in Figure 4. Compared to the traditional
approach, the discharge energy can transfer from the formatted batteries to the grid due bidirectional
power flow design of the isolated DC-DC and the PFC stages. The system’s charge and discharge power
level is usually a few kilowatts and the connected buck-boost converters should charge and discharge at
the same time to maximize recycling energy efficiency. This configuration allows to measure the high
power battery pack characteristics, but designing the isolated DC-DC stage is required to provide a certain
range of variable output voltages.
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