Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware
1. Introduction
The package is a combination of the Unlocker code written by Zenith432 plus some
scripts written by myself that wrap the actual unlocker code.
It has been tested against:
* Workstation 8.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions)
* Player 4.0 on Windows and Linux (32 & 64-bit versions)
* Fusion 4.0 on Snow Leopard and Lion
* ESXi 5.0
* Workstation Tech Preview March 2012
* Fusion Tech Preview March 2012
The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product
being patched:
* Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot
* Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during creation
* Copy darwin.iso if needed to VMware folder
Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item.
You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation.
Also Player is missing vmware-vmx-debug and vmware-vmx-stats files and so an
error is shown during patching as the files are not found. This can be safely
In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have
been shutdown.
2. Windows
On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using
Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator".
install.cmd - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware
uninstall.cmd - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware
3. Linux
On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts.
You may need to ensure the contents of the linux folder have execute permissions
by running chmod +x against the 4 files. - patches VMware and copies darwin.iso tools image to VMware - restores VMware and removes darwin.iso tools image from VMware
4. Mac OS X
On Mac OS X you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts.
This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of Mac OS X.
You may need to ensure the contents of the osx folder have execute permissions
by running chmod +x against the 3 files. - patches VMware - restores VMware
5. ESXi
ESXi has to be patched using the scripts, as the unlocker is used to overlay
the ESXi firmware at runtime. You will need to transfer the files to the
ESXi host either using vSphere client or SCP.
Once uploaded you will need to either use the ESXi support console or use SSH to
run the commands. Please note that you will need to reboot the host for the
patches to become active.
You may need to ensure the contents of the esxi folder have execute permissions
by running chmod +x against the 3 files. - patches VMware - restores VMware
6. Zenith432's Unlocker
In all cases the unlocker can be run without the scripts but you would need to
carry out additional actions which the scripts encapsulate for you especially on
ESXi. If you want to run the unlocker directly the parameters are:
Usage: ./Unlocker.Linux64 [-h] [-u] [target_directory]
-h: print help
-u: remove the patch
target_directory: customize location of vmx executables
On all platforms you must run it with administrator or root privileges.
The source code is provided and Zenith432 makes it freely available for
modification. In 1.1.0 I have modified the code and it is available
as per Zenith432's original statement.
Thanks to Zenith432 for building the unlocker and Mac Son of Knife for all
the testing and support.
11/10/11 1.0.0 - First release
07/11/11 1.0.1 - Fixed typo in Windows command files
07/12/11 1.0.2 - Updated patcher and tools for latest release WKS 8.0.1 & FUS 4.1.1
10/05/12 1.1.0 - Changed the patching mechanism for vmwarebase .dll or .so
& tested against ESXi 5.0 U1 and Tech Previews.
(c) 2011-2012 Dave Parsons
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
在intel e5620 cpu测试没问题。 1.安装esxi5.1,开放ssh2 2.下载VMware Unlocker for OS X 1.1.0 3.然后上传解压,将esxi进入到维护模式(通过vsphere client操作即可),进入esxi目录,执行 chmod +x * ./ 完成后,reboot 4.创建虚拟机,默认选择scsi硬盘即可。连接dmg文件,启动后磁盘做分区,然后安装。 5.搞定。
收起资源包目录 (20个子文件)
darwin.iso 12.56MB
darwin.iso.sig 256B
install.cmd 912B
uninstall.cmd 902B
Unlocker.exe 136KB
Unlocker.cpp 15KB
Unlocker.sln 882B
Unlocker.vcxproj 4KB
Makefile 533B
linux 498B 488B
Unlocker.Linux64 1.15MB
Unlocker.Linux32 1.02MB
Unlocker.OSX 13KB 243B 243B
esxi 901B 452B
Unlocker.ESXi 1.15MB
readme.txt 4KB
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