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a new reliable SVDbased image watermarking scheme that uses integer wavelet transform (IWT) is proposed to overcome FPP and fulfil all watermarking requirements. Unlike in other schemes, the S and V matrices of the watermark are used as secret keys, whereas the S singular vector of the watermark is embedded into the singular values of the host image. The additional secret key is obtained from the watermarked image during the embedding process to increase security and avoid FPP completely.
Information Sciences 417 (2017) 381–400
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Information Sciences
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A new reliable optimized image watermarking scheme based
on the integer wavelet transform and singular value
decomposition for copyright protection
Nasrin M. Makbol
, Bee Ee Khoo
a , ∗
, Taha H. Rassem
, Khaled Loukhaoukha
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Department, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 27 December 2016
Revised 22 April 2017
Accepted 14 July 2017
Available online 20 July 2017
Image watermarking
Integer wavelet transform
Multi-objective ant colony optimization
False positive problem (FPP)
a b s t r a c t
Although image watermarking schemes based on singular value decomposition (SVD)
demonstrate high robustness and imperceptibility, they are exposed to the false positive
problem (FPP). This drawback mostly occurs when embedding steps depend on singular
values while singular vectors are used as secret keys. In this study, a new reliable SVD-
based image watermarking scheme that uses integer wavelet transform (IWT) is proposed
to overcome FPP and fulfil all watermarking requirements. Unlike in other schemes, the
S and V matrices of the watermark are used as secret keys, whereas the S singular vec-
tor of the watermark is embedded into the singular values of the host image. The ad-
ditional secret key is obtained from the watermarked image during the embedding pro-
cess to increase security and avoid FPP completely. To improve the robustness, as well as
achieve balance between robustness and imperceptibility, multi-objective ant colony opti-
mization (MOACO) is utilized to find the optimal scaling factors, namely, multiple zooming
factors. Results of the robustness, imperceptibility, and reliability tests demonstrate that
the proposed IWT-SVD-MOACO scheme outperforms several previous schemes and avoids
FPP completely.
©2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Diverse computer and communication technologies have resulted in new opportunities to process and distribute multi-
media information. These technologies include powerful software and devices (e.g., scanners, printers, and digital cameras)
that enable users to create, manipulate, duplicate, and distribute images easily and economically. Moreover, the development
of multimedia networks and the availability of numerous content distribution applications on the Internet (e.g., peer-to-peer
file sharing and file transfer protocol) significantly contribute to facilitating the exchange and distribution of multimedia con-
tent, even among unauthorised users [20] . Protecting the intellectual property rights (IPR) of content, verifying the origin
of content, and identifying authorised parties who initially distribute images to unauthorised parties are gaining attention.
Several techniques have been generated to address these issues. Watermarking technology is an approach to IPR protection.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: Nasrin_makbol@usm.my (N.M. Makbol), beekhoo@usm.my (B.E. Khoo), tahahussein@ump.edu.my (T.H. Rassem),
khaled.loukhaoukha.1@ulaval.ca (K. Loukhaoukha).
0020-0255/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
382 N.M. Makbol et al. / Information Sciences 417 (2017) 381–400
Digital image watermarking protects content by embedding a signal; imperceptible information (i.e., copyright protection
information) into the host image without a noticeable degradation in visual quality. Consequently, a watermarked image is
developed and marked as public or sent to end users. Extracted or detected watermarks can be used for copyright protection
and content authentication [12,28] . Researchers interested in digital image watermarking are facing challenges in creating
new algorithms with suitable properties (requirements) to serve their intended applications. The essential requirements for
any watermarking technique are robustness, imperceptibility, capacity, and security. The performance of a given watermark-
ing scheme can be assessed based on these properties. Robustness is the capability of a scheme to maintain the validity of
including a watermark even after being subjected to geometric or non-geometric attacks. Imperceptibility is the property
to indicate that the watermarked data (image) should retain the quality of the original one as closely as possible. Capacity
refers to the number of bits that can be embedded into an image. A trade-off always exists among robustness, capacity,
and imperceptibility [8,12] . For example, enhancing watermark robustness will reduce its imperceptibility because of the
high watermark energy placed on a cover image [7] . Moreover, a high capacity will compromise imperceptibility because
numerous modifications in the cover image are required to embed the watermark. The fourth essential property, namely,
security, refers to the resistance of the scheme against hostile attacks. Invisible watermarks ensure that attackers cannot
access secured data to remove or alter them.
The current challenge is to achieve trade-off among the requirements of robustness, imperceptibility, and capacity. Most
Watermarking technologies prioritize robustness and imperceptibility, which are the major requirements that differentiate
watermarking from other data protection technologies [8,12] . The watermarking techniques are classified into spatial do-
main and transform domain techniques according to the embedding domain. Spatial domain techniques are the simplest;
however, they suffer from several drawbacks. They provide low embedding capacity and the watermark can be easily re-
moved using image processing operations. By contrast, transform domain techniques provide higher embedding capacity,
more robust, and can preserve the imperceptibility. They are gaining popularity and provide accurate aspects of the human
visual system model because of multi-resolution analysis [28] . Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) [1,18,23,34] , redundant
DWT (RDWT) [6,29] , integer wavelet transform(IWT) [30] , redistributed invariant discrete wavelet Transform (RIDWT) [4] ,
and lifting wavelet transform (LWT) [25] are examples of wavelet transforms.
Most image watermarking schemes improve their performance by combining two or more transforms; such schemes are
referred to as hybrid schemes. This idea concept is based on the assumption that combining two or more transforms can
make up for the defects of an individual transform, thereby resulting in an effective scheme [16,21,23,25] . The incentive for
developing hybrid schemes is to use the properties of the incorporated transforms and achieve the required goals of the
intended application. The success of hybrid schemes in achieving the desired goals depends on the appropriate selection of
the involved transforms. Several robust hybrids of digital-image watermarking schemes based on singular value decomposi-
tion (SVD) in the wavelet domain were developed a few years ago [6,23,29,30] . A matrix in SVD is decomposed into three
matrices: U, S and V
. These matrices have the same size as the original matrix as follows:
where S represents the singular values, and U and V
are the left and right singular vectors, respectively. Various embed-
ding strategies of SVD-based watermarking schemes are based on the involved U, S , and V matrices. Most researchers prefer
to embed the watermark into S . Although the robustness and stability of such SVD-based watermarking schemes are good
when embedding is performed in S , these schemes face a high probability of encountering the false positive problem (FPP)
[23,29] . Recently, avoiding FPP has become one of the active research topics in the area of watermarking. FPP in SVD-based
watermarking schemes occurs because both the U and V matrices are adopted as secret keys. The suggested solution for
these kind of schemes is to propose an embedding technique that consider only one of the singular vectors as the secret
key. Furthermore, an optimization method is used to select multiple scaling factors (MSF) instead of a single scaling factor
(SSF) to maintain the trade-off between robustness and imperceptibility. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have
played a major role in the watermarking field to improve the performance of schemes by optimizing scaling factors. Several
optimization algorithms have been adopted and used in SVD-based watermarking schemes to achieve acceptable impercep-
tibility and robustness against most common attacks. Ant colony optimization (ACO), genetic algorithm (GA), differential
evolution (DE), artificial bee colony (ABC), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are examples of optimization algorithms
for AI techniques [2–5,25–27,34,34,40] .
In this paper, a new optimized SVD-based image watermarking scheme in the IWT domain is proposed. We propose a
new embedding strategy where the singular vector ( U
) of the watermark is embedded into the singular values of the first
level of the IWT host image ( S
). The novelty of this proposed scheme is using the singular vector ( V
) and singular values
( S
) as secret keys. Moreover, an extra secret key from the watermarked image is also generated in order to use it during
the extraction process to achieve more security and completely avoid the FPP. Multiple objective ACO (MOACO) algorithm is
used to select the optimal multiple zooming factors(MZF) to perform the proposed embedding strategy and maintain high
visual quality of the host image. This scheme is called as IWT-SVD-MOACO. The proposed scheme demonstrates high robust-
ness against different types of attacks as well as good imperceptibility. This scheme can solve the security issue attributed
to FPP, and thus, it can be used for copyright protection.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 offers an explanation of the FPP; its reasons, modes of attack, and
suggested solutions are presented. Section 3 briefly describes the preliminaries used in the paper. In Section 4 , the proposed
IWT-SVD-MOACO scheme is explained. The experimental setup and results (i.e., imperceptibility and robustness tests, FPP
N.M. Makbol et al. / Information Sciences 417 (2017) 381–400 383
Table 1
Abbreviations that are used in the paper.
Abbreviations Meaning Abbreviations Meaning
SSF Single Scaling Factor MSF Multiple Scaling Factors
IPR Intellectual Property Rights AI Artificial Intelligence
FPP False Positive Problem SVD Singular Value Decomposition
IWT Integer Wavelet Transform DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform
RIDWT Redistributed Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transform
LWT Lifting Wavelet Transform RDWT Redundant DWT
MOACO Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization GA Genetic
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization ACO Ant Colony Optimization
ABC Artificial Bee Colony DE Differential Evolution
PSNR Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio NC Normalized Correlation
reliability test and comparative analysis) of IWT-SVD-MOACO are presented in Section 5 . Finally, conclusions are provided in
Section 6 . The abbreviations that used in this paper are summarized in Table 1 .
2. False Positive Problem (FPP) in SVD-based image watermarking schemes
Due to the mathematical properties of SVD [11,22] , most SVD-based image watermarking schemes display high robust-
ness against image processing attacks and geometrical attacks while preserving good imperceptibility. Recently, SVD is pre-
ferred to be implemented with other transforms because it requires extensive computations when applied on its own. SVD-
based digital watermarking schemes embed a watermark by modifying either the singular values ( S ) or the singular vectors
( U and V ). Each embedding method has advantages and disadvantages. Most researchers prefer to embed into S given the
stability and properties of S . Despite the stability and robustness of SVD-based image watermarking schemes that embed the
watermark by altering S , these schemes fail to resolve the issue of rightful ownership because they are vulnerable to FPP. In
this problem, a counterfeit watermark is detected from a content which a different watermark [16,23,24] . Two embedding
methods lead to such problem. The first type of embedding method that is vulnerable to FPP is identified as follows:
S + αW = U
W Host
W Host
W Host
where S is the singular value matrix of the host image; W is the watermark; and U
, S
, and V
W Host
are the matrices
obtained after applying SVD to the result of the previous embedding operation. ( S
) represents the singular values of the
watermarked image (i.e., the image in which the watermark has been embedded), whereas ( U
, V
W Host
) are the singular
vectors. Examples of schemes that adopts such embedding method are [23,29] . The second method is identified as follows:
Water mar ked
= S + αS
water mar k
In this embedding strategy, the watermark is subjected to SVD, and then U
, S
, and V
water mar k
are obtained.
S and, S
are the singular values of the host and the watermark, respectively. The embedding process is achieved by
altering S by adding S
to it after multiplying it with a scaling factor ( α). S
represents the watermarked
data. Ganic and Eskicioglu [16] , and Rastegar et al. [33] proposed schemes that followed the embedding method described
in Eq. (3) .
The observed flaws of the aforementioned embedding methods that are addressed using Eqs. (2) and (3) result from using
( U and V ) as side information or secret keys for the extraction process. The U and V matrices include major information on
the structure of an image. Thus, FPP occurs because an attacker can claim rightful ownership by using these secret keys in
different manners (attacks). Three potential attacks are applied to any watermarking scheme using Eq. (3) or Eq. (2) as the
embedding method. These attacks have been discussed and addressed in [35,41,42] . To explain how these attacks operate,
they are tested on the embedding method indicated by Eq. (2) . Moreover, similar attacks may occur using the embedding
method described in Eq. (3) . The attacks are as follows according to Guo and Prasetyo [17] :
1. Attack 1
This type of attack ( Fig. 1 ) is interpreted as an ambiguity on the part of the owner. Suppose the owner has O as the
host image and two different watermarks W
and W
. The owner applies the watermark embedding method twice. In
the first, W
is embedded into O , which yields O
as the watermarked image and ( U
and V
) as the secret keys. In
the second, W
is embedded into O , which yields O
as the watermarked image and U
and V
as the secret keys. FPP
occurs during the extraction process when the owner extracts a watermark W
2 ∗
from the O
using the incorrect secret
keys ( U
and V
). W
2 ∗
is visually similar to W
. This result is considered to be a corrupted watermark because W
is the
correct embedded watermark in O
. A similar problem may occur when a watermark W
1 ∗
is extracted from O
the incorrect secret keys ( U
and V
. Thus, the owner extracts the corrupted watermark indicated as W
1 ∗
, which appears
similar to W
. However, the correct embedded watermark is W
2. Attack 2
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