Unofficial version Rx library for Delphi 2005/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2/XE3/XE4/XE5/XE6 DISCLAIMER: * This software is provided "as is" and is without warranty of any kind. The author(s) of this software does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use or results of use of this software in terms of reliability, accuracy or fitness for purpose. You assume the entire risk of direct or indirect, consequential or inconsequential results from the correct or incorrect usage of this software even if the author(s) has been informed of the possibilities of such damage. Neither the author(s) nor anybody connected to this software in any way can assume any responsibility. * All rights held by the author(s) or owner(s) of units or documents. _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.13 1/ Update for Delphi XE6 _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.12 1/ Update for Delphi XE5 2/ New component TRxPanel added _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.11 1/ Update for Delphi XE4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.10 1/ Update for Delphi XE3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.09 1/ Delphi package source actualization 2/ Delphi 6 conditional corections 3/ TRxFindFiles support class added 4/ Corrections for default (ENG) lang. resource _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.08 1/ file case name unit corrections. 2/ only one language file can be used in your applications like: a) in Rx.inc activate {$DEFINE _LNG_ONE_}. b) activate yours own language in new include RxLangDef.inc like {$DEFINE RXLANG_Cze}. note: Languages different from English locates in utf-8 files, may be editor problem for lower version Delphi than 2005. c) in your project use global conditional define like RXLANG_MYLANG (it activate your lang file only). d) rebuild your application, it will be smaller with one your language mutation for RxLibrary only. 3/ repair malfunction of TColor property (big thanks to Remy Lebeau). 4/ many new constant color names added into module RxColors (+ 229 named constant). 5/ new component TRxThread added for better access. 6/ repair malfunction of property caption editor. 7/ new components TRxAnimBitBtn, TRxAnimSpeedButton added. 8/ repair malfunction with styles in TRxProgress. 9/ refresh code in TRxDBGridSorter. 10/ adopted 20 function utilities by Alexey Popov into module RxProps. 11/ activate Align property in TRxSpinButton. 12/ rename parameter Name to AName in define event TExecOpenDialogEvent, because occur names conflict. 13/ repair conflict in string property in module RxTranslate for unicodes. 14/ some functions added into module RxVerInf for better work with versions. Note for users Delphi 5/6/7: ---------------------------- RxLibrary is not directly designed for this Delphi versions. When you will want compile source code in this versions of Delphi, you have to open all units contain form (*.dfm) and resave it for resource compatibility (crash prevent IDE) before rebuild and install into IDE. Some functionality will be lost. Note for users Delphi XE2 (64 bit.ver): --------------------------------------- This source code is 64 bit ready but untested. BDE packs must be removed from 64 bit project as unsuported technology. Note for users CBuilder: ------------------------ This source code is CBuilder (2006/2007) ready but uncomplete and untested yet. Releases February 29, 2012 _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.07 1/ Update all packages in unit scope. 2/ Change namespace in RxViewer unit for XE2. _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.06 1/ repair malfunction of TFormStorage under Unicode Delphi. 2/ update packages file for Delphi 2005 - XE. 3/ update package for Delphi XE2 32 bit. _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.05 1/ better compatibility with Delphi 2009. 2/ new adopted component for view any supported files. 3/ convert dfm files to text. _______________________________________________________________________________ Update 1.04 Updated: 1/ small mistake in RxDBCtrl.pas (wrong show DBGrid). 2/ activate tables in general RxDemo. 3/ replacement deprecated FileAge() in RxFileUtils. _______________________________________________________________________________ The initial release(s) no included
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