Welcome to R2V for Windows (9X, NT, 2000, ME, XP), advanced raster to
vector conversion software for automated map digitizing and GIS
data capture from scanned maps, aerial photos and satellite imagery.
R2V is currently being used in more than 60 countries.
From Windows, Select Start and Run "setup.exe". The installation
program will copy files from the disks to your harddisk drive and
create a R2VGroup, an icon for R2V for Windows, an icon for
"Enable Hardware Key" and an icon for this file.
Following steps are required if a hardware key is provided when
this is the first time you install R2V.
For Windows 95/98, you can go through the following installation steps.
For Windows NT/2000, you need to login as the system administrator or an
account that has system administrator rights to install device drivers.
1. Plug the hardware key to the printer port between your PC and the
printer connector.
2. Install the hardware key driver by selecting the "Enable Hardware
Key" program or with the following steps:
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Change to R2V32 directory (ie., cd \r2v32)
c. Type the following command line and "Enter" to run:
hinstall /i
3. If asked to restart your computer, use "Start/Shutdown (Restart)".
When Windows starts, you can run R2V by double click on
the R2V for Windows (9X, NT, 2000, ME, XP) icon.
Read the section of "Learn R2V for Windows in 30 Minutes" in the on-line
help or the User's Manual to get a quick start.
Quick Start:
1. Use the File/Open Image command to open one of the demo images
included in the R2V32 folder.
2. Use the Vector/Auto Vectorize command to vectorize the image.
The extracted vector lines will be displayed in green color (the default layer).
3. You can edit the vector data using Edit/Line Editor or clean up using one
of the command under the Vector menu.
4. If you need to geo-reference the vector data, use Edit/Control Point
Editor to enter 4 or more control points.
5. Use the File/Export Vector command to save to a vector file.
Please contact us directly if you would like to take the R2V training course.
Able Software R2V combines the power of intelligent automatic vectorizing
technology with an easy-to-use, menu-driven, graphical user interface in the
Microsoft Windows 9x and NT environment. The software converts scanned
maps or images to vector formats for mapping, geographic information
systems (GIS), CAD and scientific computing applications. The system is
easy to use and can be learned quickly by users with any level of technical
R2V provides an easy and complete solution to digitize vector data from
image sources, such as scanned maps and drawings, aerial photos and
satellite imagery. The entire raster to vector conversion process is fully automatic
and needs no human intervention. You display the scanned image on screen
and you select the vectorization command. That is all it takes! All the lines
are extracted in seconds and displayed right on top of the image for you to
verify and edit. Powerful editing and processing functions are provided to
edit, geo-reference and label your data. R2V has all the tools to get a
perfect set of vector data faster and easier than any other methods.
With R2V, you can forget about slow and inaccurate hand tracing on a
digitizing tablet, simply scan your map or drawing and let R2V vectorize it
automatically, at a high accuracy level. A typical contour or parcel map
scanned at 200 DPI (dots/inch) as black/white or grayscale can be vectorized
in seconds or minutes on a Pentium PC.
We know editing for both raster image and vector data is extremely important
to you, so we have made the effort to build easy to use and intelligent editors
for you to handle all data types in one display window, including lines, points,
polygons, text labels, image pixels and control points. With R2V, you can
automatically vectorize maps or drawings, perform quick heads-up digitizing
and georeferencing aerial photos or satellite imagery, update your existing
vector data sets using latest aerial photos or other images.
You have some color maps? No problem. Scan them in color, R2V will classify
the colors and vectorize each color separately; Then label the lines using the
semi-automatic vector labeling tools.
Whether your maps are contours, parcels, transportation and CAD drawings,
or you have hundreds or thousands of them, R2V is the right tool for you
because it is being used all over the world for all types of large and small
digitizing projects. Our users have been impressed by how easy and how fast
the digitizing job has become and the prompt technical support we have provided.
And what about remote sensing? SPOT satellite image format is supported.
Natural source images can be automatically classified and segmented to
generate region or boundary maps, all in R2V.
R2V for Windows (9X, NT, 2000, ME, XP) FEATURES:
Image Input: Images in TIFF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, GIF,
RLC, PNG and BMP formats.
R2V supports most image types, including
1-bit bi-level, 8-bit gray scale and color images (4-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit).
Most TIFF image compressions are supported.
No software limit for image sizes. Most binary satellite
images can be imported using R2V's universal raw
image import function.
Vector Export/Import: ArcView (Shape file), Arc/Info Generate,
MapGuide SDL, 3D Grid, 3D DEM, 3D DXF (triangles)
and 3D XYZ vector file formats.
More vector file formats are being added.
Advanced Vectorization: R2V supports three types of vectorization:
1. Fully automatic vectorization. One command will vectorize your scanned map in
seconds or minutes at high quality. Batch function allows vectorizing a number of maps
without any user intervention. Write your own batch script to customize the processing
steps for the images before vectorization and vector line processing after the vectorization.
2. Interactive line tracing. You select two points on the image and let R2V trace the line for
you. Easy, accurate and intelligent! For complex maps or drawings, use the interactive
tracing to vectorize lines selectively. Or use the multiple line tracing function to vectorize
a group of lines with only two clicks.
3. Manual on-screen heads-up digitizing. With R2V's easy to use vector editor, you simply
draw the lines with your image as the backdrop, zoom in and out, quickly create the data
set for your specific applications.
Complete Vector Editing: A complete on-screen vector editor is provided using the image
as a backdrop. Lines can be created, moved, joined, split, removed, colored and labeled.
Vector Labeling and Contour Map Digitizing: Lines can be labeled with different ID values
which are saved as attributes when exporting to a mapping or GIS package. Semi-automatic
contour line labeling is supported for quick elevation assignments of contour lines.
Multiple Layers: Use R2V�s layer manager to define as many layers as needed to organize
vectorized data into layers. Layers created in R2V is fully compatible with the export
vector file formats that support multi-layer structure. With multiple layers defined, vector
data can be processed, edited and displayed by layer and moved between layers.
Point Feature Digitizing: Complete support for digitizing of point features. Points can be
created, moved and labeled. Point data can be exported to all the vector file formats
Automatic Polygon Layer Creation: Create polygon layer automatically from vectorized
lines with
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