README of Spatial Outlier Detection
S. Shekhar & P. Zhang
University of Minnesota
Better understand concepts and methods for spatial outlier detection
comparing to traditional ones.
data.txt is an example dataset for spatial outlier detection illustration.
It's a 30 x 2 matrix: first column is the spatial coordinates, and second
column is the attribute value at the location. Each row is an instance.
Open matlab, then type the script name for the spatial outlier detection
The running script for spatial outlier detection is named Outlier_Demo.m
In this script, the data were loaded into workspace. Then users have
several sub-scripts to play with. It will calculate different outliers,
and generate the figures used in the spatial outlier subsection in
the spatial data mining book chapter[SDM03].
(1)Show raw data
run Show_Data.m (remove % before Show_Data in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Show_Data in command line
Output: Generate the Figure 3.4(a) in [SDM03]
(2)Show histogram for the attribute in data
run Show_Hist.m (remove % before Show_Hist in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Show_Hist in command line
Output: Generate the Figure 3.4 (b) in [SDM03]
(2)Global outlier detection
run Outlier_Global.m (remove % before Outlier_Global in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Outlier_Global in command line
Output: Generate a figure to show that G, the max value in the data, is the global outlier
(3)Outlier detection using Scatter Plot
run Outlier_Scatter.m (remove % before Outlier_Scatter in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Outlier_Scatter in command line
Output: Generate the Figure 3.6(a) in [SDM03]
(4)Outlier detection using Variogram
run Outlier_Variogram.m (remove % before Outlier_Variogram in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Outlier_Variogram in command line
Output: Generate the Figure 3.5(a) in [SDM03]
(5)Outlier detection using Spatial test [GeoInfo03]
run Outlier_Test.m (remove % before Outlier_Test in the Outlier_Demo script)
or type Outlier_Test in command line
Output: Generate the Figure 3.6(b) in [SDM03]
[SDM03] Shashi Shekhar, Pusheng Zhang, Yan Huang, and Ranga Raju Vatsavai, "Spatial Data
Mining", as a book chapter to appear in "Data Mining: Next Generation Challenges and
Future Directions", Hillol Kargupta and Anupam Joshi(editors), AAAI/MIT Press, 2003
[GeoInfo03] Shashi Shekhar, Chang-Tien Lu, and Pusheng Zhang, A Unified Approach
to Detecting Spatial Outliers, GeoInformatica, An International Journal on
Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems, Volume 7,
Issue 2, 139-166, Kluwer Academic Publishers, June 2003,
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