{{{ Version 4.3pre17
Thanks to Bj�rn "Vampire" Kautler, Matthieu Casanova, Dakshinamurthy Karra,
Pascal Sancho, Victor Engmark, Alan Ezust, Dale Anson, Daniel Hahler,
Kazutoshi Satoda, Shlomy Reinstein, Bernard Walle, Markus Laker, Seph Soliman,
Sergey Mezentsev, Matthew Bakalar, Marcelo Vanzin and Matthew Gilbert for
contributing to this release.
{{{ Bug Fixes
- Stop caret timer in text area on dispose (Bill Culp - # 2814857)
- Fixed a possible case where an output stream is not closed (#2790435)
(Matthew Bakalar)
- The Password fields in Metal Look & Feel now follows the TextArea color scheme
(Matthieu Casanova)
- If you set - as path in the VFSBrowser it will be replaced by the path
of the current buffer (#2218621) (Matthieu Casanova)
- Loading a library from the PluginManager gives a NPE
(#2779500) (Matthieu Casanova)
- If the textarea is antialiased the gutter will also use the same antialiasing
(Matthieu Casanova)
- The autoreload option was not applied for existing buffers (#2587311)
(Matthieu Casanova)
- When restoring the perspective the EditPanes are created with the default
bufferSet scope and it is changed after according to the perspective.xml.
Now it is immediately created with the good scope (#2645056)
(Matthieu Casanova)
- Fixed horizontal mac scrolling with trackpad or Mighty Mouse (#2308694)
(Seph Soliman)
- Fixed scrolling bug : when the TextArea was smaller than one visible line,
if a line was wrapped, moving the cursor up or down in this line will not make
was not the textarea scrolling to see the cursor (#2596087)
(Matthieu Casanova)
- Fix for caret position display in status bar (tracker 2220033), relative
position was not always correct. In conjunction with this, added checkboxes
in the Status Bar option pane to make the various items in the caret position
display configurable. (Dale Anson, Kazutoshi Satoda).
- Fix for files in buffer switcher not ordered (tracker 2183929). Sorting is
now immediate on changing the preferences in the option dialog (Dale Anson)
- Fix for View->Show Buffer Switcher does not show the buffer switcher (tracker
2179149) (Dale Anson) This menu item is intended to show the buffer switcher
drop down, which isn't necessary if the buffer switcher is not visible. Now
the visibility of this menu item is the same as the visibility of the buffer
- When having split view, dropping a file on the inactive textArea was opening
it to the active textArea (#2321838) (Matthieu Casanova, Shlomy Reinstein)
- MD5 hash calculated inside read-lock, and also after buffer saves (#2780652).
(Alan Ezust)
- Fix drag & drop in BufferTabs, which broke as a result of BufferSet ignoring
changes in buffer index (#2100690) (Shlomy Reinstein).
- Fix #1974620: Cannot use C+e C+BACK_QUOTE for close-docking-area.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed a NPE which had prevented to switch from a loading buffer to
another. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
- Fix #2017514: Selection occasionally lost after right-click.
- The status bar label did not follow the editor colors (Matthieu Casanova)
- Fix #2519873: MyDoggyPlugin : the dockables are immediately loaded.
Each plugin dockable that was configured by the properties file to be docked
was immediately loaded and made visible when the plugin was loaded. Now, it
uses lazy instantiation and only its anchor button is shown.
- Fixed a bug in OperatingSystem.getScreenBounds() (Matthieu Casanova)
- Fixed JVM detection that was broken with java 1.6 (Matthieu Casanova)
- Fixed a NPE in Buffer.setMode() if the defaultMode is null (Matthieu Casanova)
- Folded lines could become invisible if "delete-line" action was used
at a collapsed fold. ( bug #2548764 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
- With non-global BufferSet scope, closing the first view of multiple
views could loose dirty buffers.
Now a confirmation dialog is shown on closing a view as well as
exiting jEdit. ( bug #2091052 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
- With editpane BufferSet scope, buffers could be closed on unsplitting
Now all buffers are kept on the remaining EditPane. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
- Fixed #2688862: "Redo HyperSearch" uses title of last search.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed #2712031: Index out of bounds exception in FilteredListModel.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed #1633393: TextArea painting corruption when saving
(Dale Anson)
- Fixed #2609091: Windows appear out of view. Caused by starting jEdit in a
single monitor environment, where last time it ran in the 2nd monitor of a
dual monitor environment. (Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed #1593576: Autoindenting should copy exact whitespaces.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed #2744708: Deleted file doesn't show as dirty buffer. (Shlomy Reinstein)
- Fixed #2777073: Fix gutter width for line numbers. Minimal number of digits
to reserve for line numbers can be controlled using the Gutter option pane.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
{{{ Miscellaneous
- jEdit settings directory is now stored in a sane location on Mac (HOME/Library/jEdit).
Old settings are moved to new location unless a custom location is set through
(-settings=foo). (Seph Soliman)
- Page-scrolling changed to CTRL+SHIFT+scroll instead of SHIFT+scroll due to Java on Mac.
(Seph Soliman)
- Removed redundant TextArea:EditPane map in in favor of a linear search through parent container linked list. (Alan Ezust)
- Applied patch #2296738: File/Directory properties dialog for VFS browser.
The context menu of the VFS browser now has a "Properties" menu item that
shows the properties of the selected node(s) in a dialog.
- Implemented feature request #2555956: Show presence of jedit server. The About
dialog now shows the mode in which jEdit is running: server,
server-background, or standalone. (Shlomy Reinstein)
- New action: Toggle exclusive BufferSets (Alan Ezust # 2060078).
- Added configurable highlighting of the matching text in hypersearch results,
which is part of feature request #2446121. (Shlomy Reinstein)
- The JarClassLoader now allows to open resources from another jar
(Matthieu Casanova)
- Implemented feature request #2668434: fullscreen-mode. (Shlomy Reinstein)
- When creating a directory in the VFS Browser the parent directory is expanded
if it was closed (Matthieu Casanova)
- Implemented feature request #1730845: Select line from gutter.
Added a selection area to the gutter when line numbers are not shown. The
selection area can be used for selecting lines from the text area (left-click
or left-click and drag) and for toggling markers (right-click).
The selection area can be enabled or disabled from the Gutter option pane.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Added an option in the Gutter option pane to enable or disable the gutter.
(Shlomy Reinstein)
- Added an option to search all open buffers to build the completion list.
(Matthew Gilbert - patch #2569381, #2570229)
{{{ API Changes
- Removed deprecated org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.CaretChanging. Use PositionChanging
instead - the former is no longer being used. (Alan Ezust)
- The keybindings are reloaded when the properties are changed in the standalone
textarea, and the StandaloneActionSet now takes an url to the actions.xml
as constructor parameter (patch #2304608) (Dakshinamurthy Karra)
- Added jEdit.openFile(EditPane, ....) methods to explicitely choose an editPane
to open a file (Matthieu Casanova)
- Added jEdit.newFile(EditPane, ...) methods to explicitely choose an EditPane
to create a new file (Matthieu Casanova)
- Added as the preferred
alternative for deprecated MiscUtilities.MenuItemCompare.
(Eric Berry - patch #2308329)
- Removed BufferSet#getScope
Jedit4.3 pre17的源代码
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《深入解析Jedit4.3 pre17源代码》
Jedit是一款广受开发者喜爱的开源文本编辑器,尤其在编程领域,它以其强大的功能、高度的可定制性和跨平台特性赢得了众多程序员的青睐。本文将针对Jedit4.3 pre 17的源代码进行详尽的分析和探讨,旨在帮助开发者深入了解其内部机制,提高编程技艺。
源代码是软件开发的基础,它揭示了程序的运行逻辑和设计思想。Jedit4.3 pre 17的源代码提供了丰富的学习素材,涵盖了Java语言、GUI设计、文本处理、插件系统等多个方面。通过研读源码,我们可以了解到如何高效地实现一个功能强大、性能优异的文本编辑器。
1. **Java技术**:Jedit完全采用Java编写,这使得它具备跨平台的能力,能在Windows、Mac OS X、Linux等操作系统上运行。Java的面向对象特性在Jedit源码中得到充分展现,类的组织结构清晰,易于理解和扩展。
2. **GUI设计**:Jedit的用户界面使用Swing库构建,展示了如何使用AWT和Swing组件创建复杂且响应迅速的图形界面。源码中包含了对菜单、工具栏、滚动面板、对话框等元素的实现,对于想要学习Swing编程的开发者来说是一份宝贵的资料。
3. **文本处理**:作为一款编辑器,Jedit在文本处理方面下了很大功夫。源码中包含了对文本缓冲区的管理、语法高亮、自动完成、搜索替换等功能的实现,这些都是文本编辑器的核心部分。开发者可以通过研究这些代码,学习如何高效地处理大量文本数据。
4. **插件系统**:Jedit的一大亮点是其强大的插件支持。源代码揭示了插件系统的设计与实现,包括插件的加载、生命周期管理、API调用等。这对于想构建类似功能或扩展已有应用的开发者来说极具参考价值。
5. **事件处理和多线程**:Jedit在处理用户输入和后台任务时,巧妙地运用了事件驱动和多线程技术。源码中的事件监听器和线程管理代码可以让我们了解如何在Java中实现异步操作,提高程序的响应性。
6. **国际化与本地化**:Jedit支持多种语言,其源代码中包含了国际化和本地化的实现,这对于开发全球化软件的开发者来说,是一次实践性的学习机会。
7. **版本控制**:源代码中还可能包含了版本控制系统如Git的集成,这对于理解如何在编辑器中实现版本控制功能非常有帮助。
通过深入剖析Jedit4.3 pre 17的源代码,开发者不仅可以掌握Java编程的高级技巧,还能了解到软件工程中的最佳实践。不仅如此,对于有兴趣改进或基于Jedit进行二次开发的人来说,源代码更是无价之宝。因此,无论你是Java初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,研究Jedit的源代码都将是一次宝贵的学习经历。
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 11
- DLT 1265-2013 电力行业焊工培训机构基本能力要求.pdf
- DLT 5070-1997 水轮机金属蜗壳安装焊接工艺导则.pdf
- DLT 1317-2014 火力发电厂焊接接头超声衍射时差检测技术规程.pdf
- DR马口铁在焊接制罐中出现的问题及处理.pdf
- DY30焊剂在船舶制造高效焊接技术中的应用 - .pdf
- EPR核电机组蒸发器异种钢焊接工艺研究 - .pdf
- EH36钢的焊接工艺.pdf
- EPR蒸汽发生器上部水平支承焊接.pdf
- EPR核电站安全壳内部换料水池天花板的焊接 - .pdf
- FW-420T/H型循环流化床锅炉焊接技术.pdf
- FZ 92065-2006 不锈钢焊接式烘筒.pdf
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