Notes on the JPEG Library
This JPEG module is derived from work of the IJG (see below),
and may be copyied and redistributed according to the
conditions under LEGAL ISSUES in this file.
The code has been modified in a variety of ways;
some code (GUI_JPEG.c) has been added to as "glue" to make it
work with emWin.
The original text of this file is below; some things stated may no
longer be correct for the code that ships with emWin.
However, we decided to leave it here because it explains the basic
concepts and structure of JPEG code.
Segger Microcontroller Systeme GmbH, June 2003
The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
README for release 6b of 27-Mar-1998
This distribution contains the sixth public release of the Independent JPEG
Group's free JPEG software. You are welcome to redistribute this software and
to use it for any purpose, subject to the conditions under LEGAL ISSUES, below.
Serious users of this software (particularly those incorporating it into
larger programs) should contact IJG at to be added to
our electronic mailing list. Mailing list members are notified of updates
and have a chance to participate in technical discussions, etc.
This software is the work of Tom Lane, Philip Gladstone, Jim Boucher,
Lee Crocker, Julian Minguillon, Luis Ortiz, George Phillips, Davide Rossi,
Guido Vollbeding, Ge' Weijers, and other members of the Independent JPEG
IJG is not affiliated with the official ISO JPEG standards committee.
This file contains the following sections:
OVERVIEW General description of JPEG and the IJG software.
LEGAL ISSUES Copyright, lack of warranty, terms of distribution.
REFERENCES Where to learn more about JPEG.
ARCHIVE LOCATIONS Where to find newer versions of this software.
RELATED SOFTWARE Other stuff you should get.
FILE FORMAT WARS Software *not* to get.
TO DO Plans for future IJG releases.
Other documentation files in the distribution are:
User documentation:
install.doc How to configure and install the IJG software.
usage.doc Usage instructions for cjpeg, djpeg, jpegtran,
rdjpgcom, and wrjpgcom.
*.1 Unix-style man pages for programs (same info as usage.doc).
wizard.doc Advanced usage instructions for JPEG wizards only.
change.log Version-to-version change highlights.
Programmer and internal documentation:
libjpeg.doc How to use the JPEG library in your own programs.
example.c Sample code for calling the JPEG library.
structure.doc Overview of the JPEG library's internal structure.
filelist.doc Road map of IJG files.
coderules.doc Coding style rules --- please read if you contribute code.
Please read at least the files install.doc and usage.doc. Useful information
can also be found in the JPEG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) article. See
ARCHIVE LOCATIONS below to find out where to obtain the FAQ article.
If you want to understand how the JPEG code works, we suggest reading one or
more of the REFERENCES, then looking at the documentation files (in roughly
the order listed) before diving into the code.
This package contains C software to implement JPEG image compression and
decompression. JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized compression
method for full-color and gray-scale images. JPEG is intended for compressing
"real-world" scenes; line drawings, cartoons and other non-realistic images
are not its strong suit. JPEG is lossy, meaning that the output image is not
exactly identical to the input image. Hence you must not use JPEG if you
have to have identical output bits. However, on typical photographic images,
very good compression levels can be obtained with no visible change, and
remarkably high compression levels are possible if you can tolerate a
low-quality image. For more details, see the references, or just experiment
with various compression settings.
This software implements JPEG baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive
compression processes. Provision is made for supporting all variants of these
processes, although some uncommon parameter settings aren't implemented yet.
For legal reasons, we are not distributing code for the arithmetic-coding
variants of JPEG; see LEGAL ISSUES. We have made no provision for supporting
the hierarchical or lossless processes defined in the standard.
We provide a set of library routines for reading and writing JPEG image files,
plus two sample applications "cjpeg" and "djpeg", which use the library to
perform conversion between JPEG and some other popular image file formats.
The library is intended to be reused in other applications.
In order to support file conversion and viewing software, we have included
considerable functionality beyond the bare JPEG coding/decoding capability;
for example, the color quantization modules are not strictly part of JPEG
decoding, but they are essential for output to colormapped file formats or
colormapped displays. These extra functions can be compiled out of the
library if not required for a particular application. We have also included
"jpegtran", a utility for lossless transcoding between different JPEG
processes, and "rdjpgcom" and "wrjpgcom", two simple applications for
inserting and extracting textual comments in JFIF files.
The emphasis in designing this software has been on achieving portability and
flexibility, while also making it fast enough to be useful. In particular,
the software is not intended to be read as a tutorial on JPEG. (See the
REFERENCES section for introductory material.) Rather, it is intended to
be reliable, portable, industrial-strength code. We do not claim to have
achieved that goal in every aspect of the software, but we strive for it.
We welcome the use of this software as a component of commercial products.
No royalty is required, but we do ask for an acknowledgement in product
documentation, as described under LEGAL ISSUES.
In plain English:
1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs,
please let us know!)
2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us.
3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a
program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that
you've used the IJG code.
In legalese:
The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied,
with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or
fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you,
its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy.
This software is copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane.
All Rights Reserved except as specified below.
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these
(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this
README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice
unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files
must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation.
(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying
documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group".
(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts
full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept
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