[Open Iconic v1.1.1](http://useiconic.com/open)
### Open Iconic is the open source sibling of [Iconic](http://useiconic.com). It is a hyper-legible collection of 223 icons with a tiny footprint—ready to use with Bootstrap and Foundation. [View the collection](http://useiconic.com/open#icons)
## What's in Open Iconic?
* 223 icons designed to be legible down to 8 pixels
* Super-light SVG files - 61.8 for the entire set
* SVG sprite—the modern replacement for icon fonts
* Webfont (EOT, OTF, SVG, TTF, WOFF), PNG and WebP formats
* Webfont stylesheets (including versions for Bootstrap and Foundation) in CSS, LESS, SCSS and Stylus formats
* PNG and WebP raster images in 8px, 16px, 24px, 32px, 48px and 64px.
## Getting Started
#### For code samples and everything else you need to get started with Open Iconic, check out our [Icons](http://useiconic.com/open#icons) and [Reference](http://useiconic.com/open#reference) sections.
### General Usage
#### Using Open Iconic's SVGs
We like SVGs and we think they're the way to display icons on the web. Since Open Iconic are just basic SVGs, we suggest you display them like you would any other image (don't forget the `alt` attribute).
<img src="/open-iconic/svg/icon-name.svg" alt="icon name">
#### Using Open Iconic's SVG Sprite
Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. It's like an icon font, without being a hack.
Adding an icon from an SVG sprite is a little different than what you're used to, but it's still a piece of cake. *Tip: To make your icons easily style able, we suggest adding a general class to the* `<svg>` *tag and a unique class name for each different icon in the* `<use>` *tag.*
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="open-iconic.svg#account-login" class="icon-account-login"></use>
Sizing icons only needs basic CSS. All the icons are in a square format, so just set the `<svg>` tag with equal width and height dimensions.
.icon {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
Coloring icons is even easier. All you need to do is set the `fill` rule on the `<use>` tag.
.icon-account-login {
fill: #f00;
To learn more about SVG Sprites, read [Chris Coyier's guide](http://css-tricks.com/svg-sprites-use-better-icon-fonts/).
#### Using Open Iconic's Icon Font...
##### …with Bootstrap
You can find our Bootstrap stylesheets in `font/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.{css, less, scss, styl}`
<link href="/open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<span class="oi oi-icon-name" title="icon name" aria-hidden="true"></span>
##### …with Foundation
You can find our Foundation stylesheets in `font/css/open-iconic-foundation.{css, less, scss, styl}`
<link href="/open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic-foundation.css" rel="stylesheet">
<span class="fi-icon-name" title="icon name" aria-hidden="true"></span>
##### …on its own
You can find our default stylesheets in `font/css/open-iconic.{css, less, scss, styl}`
<link href="/open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<span class="oi" data-glyph="icon-name" title="icon name" aria-hidden="true"></span>
## License
### Icons
All code (including SVG markup) is under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
### Fonts
All fonts are under the [SIL Licensed](http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web).
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_feature.bak 2KB
SqlExecutePartMethods.cs 93KB
SchedulerFactory.Exports.cs 49KB
SchedulerFactory.Exports.cs 49KB
DynamicApiControllerApplicationModelConvention.cs 43KB
DynamicApiControllerApplicationModelConvention.cs 43KB
AspectDispatchProxyGenerator.cs 42KB
AspectDispatchProxyGenerator.cs 42KB
LoggingMonitorAttribute.cs 41KB
LoggingMonitorAttribute.cs 41KB
HttpRequestPartMethods.cs 35KB
HttpRequestPartMethods.cs 35KB
EntityExecutePartMethods.cs 35KB
SpecificationDocumentBuilder.cs 34KB
SpecificationDocumentBuilder.cs 34KB
Arguments.cs 29KB
RemoteRequestStringExtensions.cs 29KB
RemoteRequestStringExtensions.cs 29KB
ISchedulerFactory.Exports.cs 29KB
ISchedulerFactory.Exports.cs 29KB
Serve.cs 28KB
Serve.cs 28KB
Crontab.Internal.cs 28KB
Crontab.Internal.cs 28KB
Clay.cs 26KB
Clay.cs 26KB
App.cs 25KB
App.cs 25KB
AppDbContextBuilder.cs 25KB
Trigger.Methods.cs 25KB
Trigger.Methods.cs 25KB
StringLoggingExtensions.cs 23KB
StringLoggingExtensions.cs 23KB
Log.cs 22KB
Log.cs 22KB
SchedulerBuilder.cs 20KB
SchedulerBuilder.cs 20KB
ObjectExtensions.cs 20KB
ObjectExtensions.cs 20KB
TriggerBuilder.cs 20KB
TriggerBuilder.cs 20KB
ScheduleOptionsBuilder.cs 20KB
ScheduleOptionsBuilder.cs 20KB
Scheduler.Methods.cs 20KB
Scheduler.Methods.cs 20KB
SchedulerFactory.Internal.cs 19KB
SchedulerFactory.Internal.cs 19KB
ScheduleHostedService.cs 19KB
ScheduleHostedService.cs 19KB
HttpDispatchProxy.cs 19KB
HttpDispatchProxy.cs 19KB
SqlDispatchProxy.cs 18KB
EventBusHostedService.cs 17KB
DbHelpers.cs 16KB
SqlSugarRepository.cs 16KB
UnifyContext.cs 16KB
UnifyContext.cs 16KB
Oops.cs 15KB
ValidationTypes.cs 14KB
ValidationTypes.cs 14KB
DependencyInjectionServiceCollectionExtensions.cs 14KB
DependencyInjectionServiceCollectionExtensions.cs 14KB
RetryPolicy.cs 14KB
Penetrates.cs 13KB
Penetrates.cs 13KB
DbContextPool.cs 13KB
TestModuleServices.cs 12KB
AppDbContext.cs 12KB
JobDetail.Methods.cs 12KB
JobDetail.Methods.cs 12KB
ViewEngine.cs 12KB
JobBuilder.cs 12KB
JobBuilder.cs 12KB
OptionsBuilderExtensions.cs 12KB
OptionsBuilderExtensions.cs 12KB
FallbackPolicy.cs 12KB
DataValidator.cs 12KB
DataValidator.cs 12KB
ScheduleUIMiddleware.cs 11KB
ScheduleUIMiddleware.cs 11KB
PersonService.cs 11KB
ClassProxyGenerator.cs 11KB
ClassProxyGenerator.cs 11KB
FileLoggingWriter.cs 11KB
FileLoggingWriter.cs 11KB
Triggers.cs 10KB
Triggers.cs 10KB
ISqlSugarRepository.cs 10KB
RunOptions.cs 10KB
RunOptions.cs 10KB
EventBusOptionsBuilder.cs 10KB
ScheduleExtensions.cs 10KB
ScheduleExtensions.cs 10KB
UnitOfWorkAttribute.cs 10KB
UnitOfWorkAttribute.cs 10KB
AppServiceCollectionExtensions.cs 9KB
AppServiceCollectionExtensions.cs 9KB
Policy.cs 9KB
InternalApp.cs 9KB
InternalApp.cs 9KB
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