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* *
* SIP Inspector tool is a free utility. Any individual can use it free of *
* charge. Corporate/Commercial users MUST ask for a permission before *
* using it. A permission will be granted in most cases, but donations MAY be *
* required. Donations will definitely speed up approval process. This license*
* agreement affects SIP Inspector 1.xx versions *
* *
* For licensing inquiries please contact me through a web page: *
* a) http://sites.google.com/site/sipinspectorsite/contact *
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* or by sending an email to: *
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* b) sip-inspector@googlegroups.com *
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Visit SIP Inspector website for more details:
Candidates for the next release:
- Use XML for scenario files
- Re-introduce TCP transport protocol
- Possible add support of IPv6
- All screens will be made with MIG layout
- use XML for scenario files
Rel 1.34
New Feature:
- Added QoS setting under Options. The values sets Differentiated Services Code
Point as described in RFC 2474. Used when working with differentiated
services. See Options/Qos
Bug Fixes:
- When 'Add' is pressed new entry goes at the end. After the fix it goes
immediately after selected entry.
- The tool was not reloading scenario if the same scenario already loaded.
Rel 1.31
- Fixed GUI layouts to work on all supported OSs
- SIP Inspector main and dialog progress windows can now be resized
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 1
- (175586626)数字图像处理复习资料.docx
- 24WDC-DC矿用本质安全型电源的设计本安电源开关电源 基于反激变器的矿用本质安全性电源,输出端设有两级保护,符合最小燃点要求,有过压过流保护功能 包括:设计说明书,电路原理图A3图纸,仿真文件
- python入门的建议和资源.zip
- (175737404)java实现简单坦克大战
- (175964398)希尔伯特黄变换matlab程序
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的刷题系统 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计)t.zip
- (176132802)51单片机学习代码-普中51单片机.zip
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的青少年科普教学系统平台 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计).zip
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的社区车位租赁系统 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计).zip
- (176420008)电赛-数控直流稳压电源proteus仿真+程序资料.rar
- PCIe No Snoop及TPH/DDIO技术解析与优化
- (176445450)基于Spring Boot+Vue 3+Element-Plus+Vue-Router+Pinia+Vant的电商管理系统源码
- 三菱FX3U与2台台达温控器modbus通讯案例 功能:三菱FX3U与2台台达温控器进行modbus通讯 实现设定温度,设定温度探头型号,读取实际温度 配件:三菱FX3U的PLC,FX3U的485
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的微信平台签到系统 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计).zip
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的网络安全科普系统 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计).rar
- 基于java+springboot+mysql+微信小程序的水果销售系统 源码+数据库+论文(高分毕业设计).zip