reform results, e conomy, a nd politi cal system, a nd cult ure system, a nd socia l system, and di sci pline check sy stem, and party of constructi on system reform soli d advance, tax, a nd financial, and pri ce, a nd a dministrative a ppr oval, and State-owne d enter prise s, and ecol ogical civilizati on, im portant field and key link reform made major pr ogress, market in re sources configuration in t he of decisiv e role significa ntly enhanced, Unprece dente d burst of moment um and vitality of economic a nd socia l devel opme nt. XI General Secretary's spe ech in t his regard i nclude the reform only w hen t here is no com plete, the < de cisi ons of the CPC Ce ntral Committee on some major probl ems in dee peni ng reform > notes on the 18 se ssi on of i deas i nto the party's spirit of the reforms more difficult to move for ward, t he increasi ng use of the S ocial ist system with Chi nese characteristi cs such as the a bility to run the countr y. 4. with regard t o prom oting sustained a nd healthy e conomi c devel opme nt. Face complex
cha ngeable of internati onal situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI Ge neral Secretary made Chi na economic development i nto ne w normal of scie nce judge, pr oposed i nnovation, and coordi nation, and green, and open, a nd shar d five big devel opme nt conce pt, implementati on macr o policy to sta bilit y, and industry poli cy to associate , and micro policy to live, a nd reform policy to real , and social policy t o ba cking five big pillar sex policy, vigor ously advance supply si de structural reform, ne w concept, a chieve d has 2013 t o 2015 duri ng, Domestic production total a nnual growth 7.3%, obvi ously fast Yu e arlier worl d economic 2.3% of annual gr owth, on w orld e conomi c growth of contribution over 25% , tertiary industry accounte d for domesti c pr oduction total share over 50%, event ually consumpti on on e conomic gr owth of contr ibuti on rate rea ched 66%, e conomic struct ure adjustment ma de importa nt progre ss, development of quality and be nefits sig nificantly
upgrade , China e conomic show out huge of swing r oom and br oad of development pr ospects. This aspects XI Ge neral Se cretary of spe ech main including e conomi c growth m ust is real a nd no water of growt h improve open type economi c level "see missing of hand" and "se e have see of ha nd" a re to wit h good spee d up from elements dr ive, and investment scale drive dev elopment mainly to t o innovation drive development mainly of cha nge a ctive promote d China e nergy pr oduction and consumpti on revol ution,. 5. with regard t o buildi ng the r ule of law i n Chi na. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full adva nce la w ruli ng, put party of led, and pe ople masters, and law ruli ng organi c unified up, i nsiste d law ruli ng, and law r uling, a nd la w admini strative common advance, i nsiste d rule of law national, a nd r ule of law Governme nt, and rule of law social one constructi on, full advance science l egislation, a nd stri ctly law enfor cement, a nd just judici al, and universal law -abi ding , China features socialist
legal system further sound perfect, l eaders at all leve ls ca dres using rul e of law thi nking and rul e of law way dee pening ref orm, and
romoted devel opment, and The a bility to resolve confli cts and consta ntly improve, our ... 6. on t he buildi ng of Socialist culture in China. A countr y, a nation strong , always supported by culture flourished, t he inheritance a nd development of civilization, wit hout culture to develop and pr osper, t here will be no realizati on of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI Ge neral Se cretary around "foster a nd pr omote Socialist core val ues" "promote Chi na excelle nt traditional culture" "firmly master ideol ogy work le d right a nd discourse right", aspects do has series im portant spee ch, mai n including put publicity t houg ht work do have better for a chieved China dream conde nse d powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster a nd promote S ociali st core val ues y outh t o consciously practice line S ociali st core values Childhood a ctively cultivate and practi ce the core val ues of socia lism and the party's important speech on the press conference. 7. promote t he reform and devel opment of
socia l undertaki ngs and social ma nagement. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put g uarantee s and improve d liveli hood as ruli ng acti ng pol itical of starting point a nd foothol d, Xia big pneumatic sol ution masses m ost care most dir ectly most rea lity of interests problem, 3 years cum ulative reducti on pov erty more than 50 million people, e quivale nt to a me dium nati onal populati on of total, annua l added town em ployment m ore tha n 10 milli on people, starts constr uction supporta bility housi ng e ngineeri ng near 4 milli on sets, built w orld S hang scale maximum, a nd cover universal of ba sic me dic al guarantees netw ork and pe nsi on g uarantees netw ork, ur ban a nd r ural resi dents i ncome conti nue d growth, The lives of the pe ople of all ethnic gr oups have m ore on both material a nd spiritual thrivi ng. This aspects XI General S ecretary of spee ch mai n including promote d poverty area povert y, and speed up devel opment l et 1.3 billion people e njoys better more fair of educati on spee d up adva nce housi ng
guarantees a nd supply system constr uction alway s put pe ople life se curity put in first bit efforts put China construction became network power insisted g eneral national se curity vi ews, g o China feature s nati onal se curity roa d effective maint nance national se curity a nd social settled,. 8. wit h re gard to compre hensive strictly a dministeri ng the party. Party of 18 big y ilai, Central stati on i n party a nd national survival of height, firmly grasp strengt hening party of ruli ng ca pacity construction, and adva nced purity constructi on t his arti cle mai nline, to style construction for bre akthrough, t o develope d intr oduced eight items provi des started start, put discipli ne a nd rules i s in front, orga nization carri ed out has party of mass li ne e ducation pra ctice a ctivities a nd "t hree stri ct three real" t opic educati on, i nsisted "zero t olerance, a nd f ull cover, a nd no area", insisted "T iger" "flies" with pl aying, style politi cal wi nd society continued improve d, M ore perfect system of law s withi n the part y, disci pline of
authoritative seriousness i ncreasing, for the history of winni ng has a lot of new feature s provi de a strong political
一、 选择题
1、 世界上首先实现存储程序的电子数字计算机是 ____。
2、 世界上第一台电子数字计算机研制成的时间是 ____。
A、 1946 年 B、 1947 年 C、 1951 年 D、 1952 年
3、 最早的计算机是用来进行 ____的。
A、科学计算 B、系统仿真
C、自动控制 D、信息处理
4、 计算机科学的奠基人是 ____。
A、查尔斯 .巴贝奇 B、图灵
C、阿塔诺索夫 D、冯 .诺依曼
5、 世界上首次提出存储程序计算机体系结构的是 ____。
A、艾仑 ?图灵 B、冯 ?诺依曼 C、莫奇莱 D、比尔 ?盖茨
6、 冯 ?诺依曼提出的计算机工作原理为 ____。
A、存储程序控制 B、布尔代数 C、开关电路 D、二进制码
7、 计算机所具有的存储程序和程序原理是 ____提出的。
A、图灵 B、布尔 C、冯 ?诺依曼 D、爱因斯坦
8、 电子计算机技术在半个世纪中虽有很大进步,但至今其运行仍遵循着一位科学家提出
的基本原理。他就是 ____。
A、牛顿 B、爱因斯坦 C、爱迪生 D、 冯 ?诺依曼
9、 1946 年世界上有了第一台电子数字计算机,奠定了至今仍然在使用的计算机 ____。
A、外型结构 B、总线结构 C、存取结构 D、体系结构
10、 在计算机应用领域里, ____是其最广泛的应用方面。
A、 过程控制 B、科学计算 C、数据处理 D、计算机辅助系统
11、 用计算机进行情报检索,属于计算机应用中的 ____。
A、科学计算 B、实时控制 C、信息处理 D、人工智能
12、 最能准确反映计算机的主要功能的说法是 ____。
A、代替人的脑力劳动 B、存储大量信息 C、信息处理机 D、高速度运算
13、 1946 年第一台计算机问世以来,计算机的发展经历了 4 个时代,它们是 ____。