virtualbox 4.3.18
windows 7
1. vs2010
2. vs2010 sp1
3. winddk v7.1
4. winsdk v7.1
5. mingw-w64
6. (extract x64, two subdirectories include and lib, move libs(SDL.lib SDLmain.lib) directly to subdirectory lib)
7. qt-opensource-windows-x86-vs2010-4.8.6.exe
8. python (python-2.7.5.amd64.msi windows x86-64 msi installer)
9. openssl
download source code openssl-1.0.1j
intstall perl
extract code to openssl-x64
open vs2010 x64 win64 command prompt
perl Configure VC-WIN64A
edit ntdll.mak, add /integritycheck to MLFLAGS and LFLAGS
nmake ms\ntdll.mak
extract distribute package
extract code to openssl-x86
open vs2010 x64 x86 command prompt
perl Configure VC-WIN32
edit ntdll.mak, add /integritycheck to MLFLAGS and LFLAGS
nmake ms\ntdll.mak
extract distribute package
10.compile libcurl
download source code 7.39.0
extract files to curl-7.39.0
enter directory projects\Windows\VC10\lib,open libcurl.sln
choose DLL release and x64, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to link command line, run
make a libcurl-x64 distribute package: libcurl.dll libcurl.lib and include
choose DLL release and win32, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to link command line, run
make a libcurl-x86 distribute package: libcurl.dll libcurl.lib and include
11. zlib xml2 xslt may be not needed
12. mingw32
download gcc-g++-3.3.3-20040217-1.tar.gz gcc-core-3.3.3-20040217-1.tar.gz
download binutils-2.13.90-20021006-2.tar.gz mingw-runtime-3.8.tar.gz
extract files to c:\mingw (you can create your directory)
download w32api-3.5.tar.gz
extract files to c:\mingw\w32api-3.5
13. Qt4
download from
extract files to c:\Qt\qt-4.8.6
open vs2010 x64 win64 command prompt
cd to c:\Qt\qt-4.8.6
excute command configure.exe -release -shared -platform win32-msvc2010
edit src\corelib\Makefile.Release, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to LFLAGS
edit src\gui\Makefile.Release, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to LFLAGS
edit src\network\Makefile.Release, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to LFLAGS
edit src\opengl\Makefile.Release, add /INTEGRITYCHECK to LFLAGS
excute nmake > log
fix error:
manifest error, exit your security software