0x01,Pretest Fail,Pretest error.
0x02,Check Size Fail,Device capacity is not matched with assigned checking size in device setting.
0x03,Write CID Fail,CID pattern verify error.
0x04,Download ISP Fail,ISP pattern verify error.
0x05,Copy Compare Fail,There are some data not match.
0x06,Format Fail,MBR/PBR pattern verify error.
0x07,Make Autorun Fail,ISO file write error.
0x08,Write Protect Fail,Check write protect status error.
0x09,Preload Fail,There is a compare or file not found error when copy file into UFD.
0x0B,Write WPRO Fail,Mutli-lun partition error.
0x0C,Reset Fail,Software reset CPU error.
0x0D,Check ISP Fail,ISP pattern verify error.
0x0F,Initial Fail,Check card mode or files error before opening card.
0x11,Bad Block Over Fail,Check bad block error. Or ISP doesn¡¦t exist.
0x12,Open Short Fail,Check Open/Short error.
0x13,Check H2 Result Fail,H2 result isn¡¦t written in LBA.
0x14,Hardware SEL_C Value Fail.,Check HW SEL_C value error.
0x15,Flash Run DDR Fail,Flash cannot support DDR.
0x16,Check USB Mode Fail,Check USB mode error.
0x17,Update SN After Pass Fail (Serial Mode Fail),Current serial number is larger than the last serial number setting, assigned by MPTool.
0x18,Spare Count is not Enough,Count of spare block is less.
0x19,Extension SN Fail (End of SN),Current serial number is larger than the last serial number setting, assigned by external file.
0x1A,Device Removed without Finish,Device removed after download ISP.
0x1B,Check New MarkBad Fail,New bad is over expected count.
0x1C,TS Flash Check Fail,Bad column over. Page size is not enough.
0x1D,SCSI Command Timeout Fail,Time out is happened.
0x1E,Bad Block Over Setting,Device removed before download ISP.
0x1F,Check Flash ID Fail,Flash ID is 0x00 or 0xFF.
0x20,Scan Device Removed,Device is removed during scan. Or controller not support.
0x21,Check Serial Number Length Fail,Check serial number length when user enables this option.
0x22,Rev ID Error,Flash ID is not match with assigned ID in Setting.set.
0x23,Dummy Program ISP Download Fail,Dummy program ISP download error.
0x24,Copy File Test Fail (Copy),Disk stress error for copy.
0x25,Copy File Test Fail (Compare),Disk stress error for verify.
0x26,Copy File Test Fail (Delete),Disk stress error for delete.
0x27,Not Found Any Decode Block Fail,Decode block error for ADATA.
0x28,Load DLL Fail,Cannot Find DLL when enable ADATA decode flag.
0x29,Recover CCFail Mode Format Fail ,Format error.
0x2A,Check Device Ready Fail,Get device free space error.
0x2B,Zero Capacity Fail,Zero capacity.
0x2C,Check Disk Ready Fail,Mount device error.
0x2D,Delete H2 Test File Fail,Delete H2 test file error.
0x2E,Device Over Current,Device over current.
0x30,Time Out,Time out is happened.
0x31,Check Flash ID Fail,Check Flash ID error.
0x32,User stopped MP,User presses stop procedure.
0x33,Erase Info Fail,Erase system info error.
0x35,Lock Content File Fail,Write lock content file error.
0x36,Erase All Success,Erase all success.
0x37,Erase All ISP Success,Erase all ISP success.
0x38,Target ID Fail,Dump target ID bin file error.
0x39,Find Info Fail,Find Info error.
0x3A,Occupied Fail,Check file system usage.
0x3B,Non Format Fail,No file system.
0x3C,Read Hynix Read Retry OTP Data Fail,Read Hynix read retry OTP data error.
0x3D,Check Special ID,The Flash ID is special ID, assigned in LocalSetting.ini.
0x3E,H2 Test Fail,H2 Test error.
0x3F,H2 Test Select Device Fail,H2 Test select device error.
0x81,Fine Tune HW Fail,Fine tune HW error.
0x82,LLF and HLF Report Compare Fail,Report files of low level format and high level format compare error.
0x83,Load E2NAND Bin Fail,Load E2NAND bin error when convert E2Nand Flash ID.
0x84,Set Card Mode Fail,Set card mode error.
0x85,Check SMI Certificate Fail,Check SMI certificate error.
0x86,Test RB Time Fail,Test RB time error.
0x87,Download SPI Fail,SM3269AA lightning interface usage.
0x88,ADATA Fail,Show ¡§contact server.¡¨, instead of any error message.
0x89,Backup Mode Fail,Backup mode shows error.
0x90,Device Busy,Device is testing.
0x99,Device Not Ready,Device is not ready.
0x40,QC Fail,QC error.
0x41,QC Initial Fail,Check device status error before QC.
0x42,Check SCSI Vendor Fail,Check SCSI vendor error.
0x43,Check SCSI Product Fail,Check SCSI product error.
0x44,Check Disk Capacity Fail,Check disk capacity error.
0x51,Check ISP Version Fail,Check ISP version error.
0x53,Check Vendor String Fail,Check vendor string error.
0x54,Check Product String Fail,Check product string error.
0x55,Check PID Fail,Check VID error.
0x56,Check VID Fail,Check PID error.
0x58,Check USB Mode Fail,Check USB mode error.
0x59,Check USB Power Fail,Check USB power error.
0x61,Check Tester Version Fail,Check tester version error.
0x62,Check DBF Method Fail,Check DBF method error.
0x63,Check Disk Type Fail,Check disk type error.
0x64,Check ISP Fail,Check ISP error.
0x65,Check Disk Label Fail,Check disk label error.
0x66,Check Disk Format Fail,Check disk format error.
0x67,Compare CID Fail,Check CID buffer error.
0x68,Compare Flash ID Fail,Check Flash ID buffer error.
0x69,Compare ISP Version Fail,Check version of ISP error.
0x71,Check Data of CD-ROM Fail,Compare data of CDROM error.
0x72,Check 48Bytes of TS Fail,Check user info error.
0x73,Check CID Setting Fail,Link block number is too large.
0x74,Check Used Space Fail,Check used space of formatted device error.
0x75,Check ECC Fail,Check ECC error.
0x76,Check Mode Fail,Check device card mode error.
0x77,Check Preload Fail,Compare preload files error.
0x78,Check WriteBin3M Fail,Check device write speed.
0x79,Check Plane Fail,Check plane number error.
0x7A,Check Info Fail,Check 3261 Info error in 3257EN Controller.
0x7B,Check SN Mask Fail,Check serial number mask error.
0x7D,Check Block Fail,Check bad block error.
0x7E,Check CID 0x360 Fail,Check H2 test result, and don¡¦t mark bad setting.
0x7F,Check Customer Mode Fail,Check customer card mode error.
0x80,QC Success,QC success.
0xA0,H2 Test Configure Fail,Configure H2 Test AP error.
0xA1,H2 Test Fail (Write),H2 Test error for write.
0xA2,H2 Test Fail (Read),H2 Test error for verify.
0xA3,H2 Test Fail (User Stop),User press stop during H2 Test.
0xA4,H2 Test Write Fail (Back Block Overflow),Device is removed during H2 Test for write.
0xA5,H2Test Read Fail (Back Block Overflow),Device is removed during H2 Test for read.
0xA6,Copy File Fail,Copy files test error.
0xC8,Read/Write Test Fail,Read/Write files test error.