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Application Note
Small Size 2.4 GHz PCB antenna
By Audun Andersen
• CC25xx
• CC24xx
• CC2480
• PCB antenna
• USB dongle
• 2.4 GHz
• Inverted F Antenna
The PCB antenna used on the CC2511
USB dongle reference design is described
in this application note. Even if the
antenna presented is for a USB dongle
design it can be used in all 2.4 GHz
designs, especially where small space is
required for the antenna.
This application note describes the
antenna dimensions, the RF performance
and considerations for complying with
regulatory limits when using this design.
The suggested antenna design requires
no more than 15.2 x 5.7 mm of space and
ensures a VSWR ratio of less than 2
across the 2.4 GHz ISM band when
connected to a 50 ohm source.
Figure 1: CC2511 USB Dongle
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Application Note
Table of Contents
1 KEYWORDS ................................................................................................................... 1
2 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
3 ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................... 2
4 ANTENNA DESIGN........................................................................................................ 3
4.1 DESIGN GOALS.......................................................................................................... 3
4.2 SIMULATION............................................................................................................... 3
4.3 LAYOUT AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................... 4
5 TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 5
5.1 REFLECTION .............................................................................................................. 5
5.2 RADIATION PATTERN.................................................................................................. 7
5.3 OUTPUT POWER ...................................................................................................... 15
5.4 SPURIOUS EMISSION AND HARMONICS...................................................................... 17
6 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 20
7 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 21
7.1 DOCUMENT HISTORY................................................................................................ 21
CAD Computer Aided Design
CC24xx CC2400, CC2420, CC2430 and CC2431
CC25xx CC2500, CC2510, CC2511, CC2550 and CC2520
CC2480 Z-Accel ZigBee Processor
IFA Inverted F Antenna
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
LOS Line Of Sight
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PER Packet Error Rate
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
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Application Note
The PCB antenna on the CC2511 USB dongle reference design is a meandered Inverted F
Antenna (IFA). The IFA was designed to match an impedance of 50 ohm at 2.45 GHz. Thus
no additional matching components are necessary.
4.1 Design Goals
The reflection at the feed point of the antenna determines how much of the applied power is
delivered to the antenna. A reflection of less than -10 dB across the 2.4 GHz ISM band, when
connected to a 50 ohm source, was a design goal. Reflection of less than -10 dB, or VSWR
less than 2, ensures that more than 90% of the available power is delivered to the antenna.
Bandwidth is in this document defined as the frequency band where more than 90% of the
available power is delivered to the antenna. Another design goal was to fit the size of the PCB
antenna on a USB dongle and to obtain good performance also when the dongle is
connected to a computer.
4.2 Simulation
IE3D from Zeland, which is an electromagnetic simulation tool, was used to design the
antenna. The accuracy of the simulation is controlled by the mesh. An increase of the mesh
increases the simulation time. Thus, for initial simulations mesh = 1 should be used. When a
fairly good result is achieved a higher mesh should be used to obtain more accurate results.
Comparison of simulation and measurement results shows that the measured reflection is
between the result obtained with mesh = 5 and mesh = 1; see Figure 2 for details.
Figure 2: Comparison of Simulation and Measurements Results
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Application Note
4.3 Layout and Implementation
Small changes of the antenna dimensions may have large impact on the performance.
Therefore it is strongly recommended to make an exact copy of the reference design to
achieve optimum performance. The easiest way to implement the antenna is to import the
gerber or DXF file showing the antenna layout. These files are named IFA_USB.spl and
IFA_USB.dxf respectively and are included in the CC2511 USB dongle reference design
available from http://www.ti.com\lpw. The imported file can be used as a template when
drawing the antenna. By using this procedure it should be possible to make an exact copy. If
the PCB CAD tool being used does not support import of DXF or gerber files, Figure 3 and
Table 1 should be used to ensure correct implementation. It is recommended to generate a
gerber file for comparison with IFA_USB.spl when making a manual implementation. Most
gerber viewers have the possibility to import several gerber files at the same time. Thus by
placing the gerber file, showing the manually implemented antenna, on top of IFA_USB.spl it
is easy to verify that the antenna is correctly implemented. It is also recommended to use the
same thickness and type of PCB material as used in the reference design. Information about
the PCB can be found in a separate readme file included in the reference design. To
compensate for a thicker/thinner PCB the antenna could be made slightly shorter/longer.
Figure 3: Antenna Dimensions
L1 3.94 mm
L2 2.70 mm
L3 5.00 mm
L4 2.64 mm
L5 2.00 mm
L6 4.90 mm
W1 0.90 mm
W2 0.50 mm
D1 0.50 mm
D2 0.30 mm
D3 0.30 mm
D4 0.50 mm
D5 1.40mm
D6 1.70 mm
Table 1: Antenna Dimensions
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