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内容概要:本文提出了一种利用跨域数据源进行迁移学习的深层神经网络框架来解决软件早期开发阶段的冷启动问题。该方法结合了历史漏洞数据和合成测试用例两种异构数据来源,并使用双通道双向长短期记忆(Bi-LSTM)网络对漏洞模式进行了提取。通过对多种开源项目实验证明,在仅有少量标签或无标签的情况下,提出的框架显著提升了漏洞检测性能,尤其是在缓冲区错误和数值型错误检测方面效果尤为突出。文章还比较了静态分析工具如Flawfinder,结果显示新方法能更好地识别未知漏洞并提高检出率。 适合人群:从事信息安全或漏洞分析的专业人士,特别是在使用机器学习技术和深度学习模型的研究人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于软件安全性和质量保证过程中快速识别代码潜在缺陷的应用场景。目的是减少人工特征工程的工作量,并提高自动化程度,从而改善软件项目的长期稳定性和安全性。 其他说明:该研究成果强调了结合实际案例学习的重要性,以及利用迁移学习应对初始阶段缺少足够样本的问题。尽管该系统目前主要关注静态分析领域的内部调用级代码段漏洞检测,未来将探索改进对更复杂间断性漏洞的支持能力。
1545-5971 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2019.2954088, IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Software Vulnerability Discovery via Learning
Multi-domain Knowledge Bases
Guanjun Lin, Jun Zhang*, Senior Member, IEEE, Wei Luo, Lei Pan, Member, IEEE,
Olivier De Vel, Paul Montague, and Yang Xiang Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Machine learning (ML) has great potential in automated code vulnerability discovery. However, automated discovery
application driven by off-the-shelf machine learning tools often performs poorly due to the shortage of high-quality training data. The
scarceness of vulnerability data is almost always a problem for any developing software project during its early stages, which is referred
to as the cold-start problem. This paper proposes a framework that utilizes transferable knowledge from pre-existing data sources. In
order to improve the detection performance, multiple vulnerability-relevant data sources were selected to form a broader base for
learning transferable knowledge. The selected vulnerability-relevant data sources are cross-domain, including historical vulnerability
data from different software projects and data from the Software Assurance Reference Database (SARD) consisting of synthetic
vulnerability examples and proof-of-concept test cases. To extract the information applicable in vulnerability detection from the
cross-domain data sets, we designed a deep-learning-based framework with Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) cells. Our framework
combines the heterogeneous data sources to learn unified representations of the patterns of the vulnerable source codes. Empirical
studies showed that the unified representations generated by the proposed deep learning networks are feasible and effective, and are
transferable for real-world vulnerability detection. Our experiments demonstrated that by leveraging two heterogeneous data sources,
the performance of our vulnerability detection outperformed the static vulnerability discovery tool Flawfinder. The findings of this paper
may stimulate further research in ML-based vulnerability detection using heterogeneous data sources.
Index Terms—Vulnerability detection, Representation Learning, Deep learning.
Many cybersecurity incidents and data breaches are caused
by exploitable vulnerabilities in software [21, 41]. Discov-
ering and detecting software vulnerabilities has been an
important research direction. Automated techniques such as
rules-based analysis [9, 47], symbolic execution [4], and fuzz
testing [42] have been proposed to enhance the vulnerability
search. However, these techniques are inefficient when used
on a large code base in practice [48]. To improve efficiency,
machine learning (ML) techniques were applied to automate
the detection of software vulnerabilities and to accelerate the
code inspection process.
ML algorithms are capable of learning latent patterns
indicative of vulnerable/defective code, potentially outper-
forming the rules derived from experience, with a signifi-
cantly improved level of generalization. Nevertheless, the
application of traditional ML techniques to vulnerability
detection still requires human experts to define features,
which largely relies on human experience, level of expertise
and depth of domain knowledge [18]. With deep learning,
code fragments can be directly used for learning without
the need for manual feature extraction and thus relieving
Jun Zhang is the corresponding author.
Guanjun Lin, Jun Zhang, and Yang Xiang are with School of Software and
Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC
3122, Australia (e-mail: {glin, junzhang, yxiang}@swin.edu.au)
Wei Luo and Lei Pan are with School of Information Technology,
Deakin University, Geelong, VIC 3216, Australia (e-mail: {wei.luo,
Olivier De Vel and Paul Montague are with the Defence Science & Technology
Group (DSTG), Department of Defence, Australia (e-mail:{Olivier.DeVel,
experts from the time-consuming and possibly error-prone
feature engineering tasks. Recent studies have utilized neu-
ral networks for automated learning of semantic feature [45]
and high-level representations [18, 20] that could indicate
potential vulnerabilities in Java and C/C++ source code.
However, the existing ML-based vulnerability/defect
detection approaches, such as [18, 45, 53], have been con-
structed based on the assumption of the availability of suf-
ficient labeled training data from the homogeneous sources.
Unfortunately, this assumption is not always valid. There
are no known publicly available software vulnerability
repositories that provide real-world vulnerability data with
code and label pairs [18, 20]. The relative scarcity of real-
world vulnerability data exacerbates the shortcomings of
the existing ML-based solutions on real-world software
projects, especially for the software projects with a few
historical instances of the detected vulnerabilities. Due to
the expensive process of manual software vulnerability col-
lection, the lack of training data causes the supervised ML-
based vulnerability detection approaches to be challenging
to apply. Hence, in practice, manual efforts are still required
for the vulnerability discovery task [44].
To enhance the automation of software vulnerability
discovery, we propose a deep learning based framework
with the capability of leveraging multiple heterogeneous
vulnerability-relevant data sources for effectively and auto-
matically learning latent vulnerable programming patterns.
On the one hand, the automated learning of vulnerable
programming patterns can relieve human experts of the
tedious and error-prone feature engineering tasks. On the
other hand, the learned latent representations of the vul-
1545-5971 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2019.2954088, IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
nerable patterns from the combination of heterogeneous
vulnerability-relevant data sources can be used as useful
features to leverage for the shortage of labeled data. A
vulnerability-relevant data source is generally one that is
publicly available and that includes quasi real-world vul-
nerability samples as, for example, the vulnerability samples
in the Software Assurance Reference Dataset (SARD) project
[30]. The vulnerability samples that we used from the SARD
project are mostly synthetic test cases presented as proof-of-
concept vulnerabilities and patches for a human program-
mer to learn. We assume that the deep learning algorithms
can derive “basic patterns” from the artificially constructed
vulnerabilities. The other vulnerability data source includes
a limited number of historical vulnerability data instances
collected from some popular open-source software projects.
By combining the two cross-domain data sources, we design
the algorithms to collectively extract the useful information
not only from the real-world vulnerability data but also
from the synthetic data sets for improving the vulnerability
detection performance.
To utilize the heterogeneous data sources, the proposed
framework consists of two independent deep learning net-
works. Each network is trained independently using one
of the data sources. Based on the findings of our previous
work [20], a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [13] network
trained by the historical vulnerability data source could
be used as a feature extractor to generate useful features
which contain the vulnerable information learned from the
vulnerability data source. By using the generated features
for training, a classifier can maintain its performance with
the lack of labeled data. In this paper, we explore the transfer
representation learning capability of a neural network fur-
ther by learning vulnerable patterns from two vulnerability-
relevant data sources. We hypothesize that the source for
learning latent vulnerable code patterns should not be lim-
ited to the historical vulnerability data source containing
real-world software projects. A vulnerability-related data
source (i.e., the SARD project) containing the artificial vul-
nerability samples should also be used as a vulnerability
knowledge base. By using two independent neural net-
works to learn the vulnerability-relevant knowledge from
two data sources, respectively, we can combine the learned
knowledge to complement the shortage of labeled data and
to enhance the vulnerability detection capability.
Firstly, we train two networks using the aforementioned
two vulnerability-relevant data sources. Then, both trained
networks are used as feature extractors. Given a project with
limited labeled data, we feed the data to each trained net-
work for deriving a subset of vulnerability knowledge rep-
resentations as features. Secondly, we combine the learned
representations from each network as features by concate-
nating the representations. Then, we train a random forest
classifier based on the combined representations. Lastly, the
trained classifier can be used for detecting vulnerabilities
(see Fig. 2). Even for a given project without any labeled
data, we can still use one of the trained networks as the
classifier for vulnerability detection (see Fig. 1). To ensure
the reproducibility, we have publicized our code and the
sorted data at Github
. In summary, the contributions of
this paper are three-fold:
• We propose a deep learning framework utilizing het-
erogeneous vulnerability-relevant data sources based
on two independent deep representation learning
networks capable of extracting the useful features for
software vulnerable code detection.
• We validate the design of our framework through
experiments and demonstrate that using neural net-
works as feature extractors and a separated classi-
fier to train on the extracted features improve the
vulnerability detection performance — a maximum
improvement of 60% in precision and 24% in recall
was observed.
• Our empirical studies found that the aggregated
representations learned by the two independent net-
works lead to optimal detection performance when
compared with the settings of using any single net-
work — a maximum improvement of 5% in precision
and 4% in recall was observed. The performance
of the proposed framework outperformed Flawfinder
[47] and our previous work [20]. It implies that the
proposed framework can be further extended to cater
to multiple data sources.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 provides an overview of the proposed approach and
how data sources are collected. Section 3 presents the im-
plementations of the learning of high-level representations
from the cross-domain data sources. Our experiments and
resulting evaluations are presented in Section 4, followed by
a discussion of the limitations of our approach in Section 5.
Section 6 lists some related studies, and Section 7 concludes
this paper.
This section provides an overview of our proposed frame-
work for software vulnerability detection by describing
a workflow of how the code feature representations are
learned for vulnerability detection. Following this, we intro-
duce the code data sources and the data collection process.
2.1 Problem Formulation
The proposed method takes a list of functions from a pro-
gram as input and outputs a function ranking list based
on the likelihood of the input functions being vulnerable.
Let F = {a
, a
, a
, ...a
} be all C source code functions
(both existing and to-be-developed) in the given software
project. We aim to find a function-level vulnerability de-
tector D : F 7→ [0, 1], where “1” stands for definitely
vulnerable, and “0” stands for definitely non-vulnerable,
such that D(a
) measures the probability of function a
containing vulnerable code. Often it suffices to treat D(a
as a vulnerability score so that we can investigate a small
number of functions of the top risk.
1. https://github.com/DanielLin1986/RepresentationsLearningFro
mMulti domain
1545-5971 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2019.2954088, IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
A software project with
no labeled data
Trained Bi-LSTM
data source
Fig. 1: Scenario 1: In this scenario, a target software project
has no labeled data. We train a Bi-LSTM network using the
real-world historical vulnerability data from other software
projects (the source projects) and feed the target project’s
code directly to the trained network for classification.
2.2 Workflow
The proposed framework handles different scenarios of the
vulnerability detection process. In the first scenario (Sce-
nario 1), we hypothesize that a target software project has
no labeled vulnerability data (see Fig. 1). By using trans-
fer learning, our network utilizes the relevant knowledge
learned from one task to be applied to a different but related
task. In this scenario, we use the historical vulnerability data
which are real-world vulnerabilities for training a neural
network. We hypothesize that the vulnerable functions of
the source projects contain the project-independent vulner-
able patterns shared among the vulnerabilities across differ-
ent software projects and these patterns are discoverable by
using the trained neural network for vulnerability detection
on a target project.
In the second scenario (Scenario 2), we hypothesize that
the target software project has some labeled data available,
but the amount of labeled data is insufficient to train a statis-
tically robust classifier. Hence, we exploit the representation
learning capability of deep learning algorithm to learn from
other vulnerability-relevant data sources, which remedies
the shortage of the labeled vulnerability data of the target
We divide Scenario 2 into three stages, as depicted in
Fig. 2. In the first stage, we train two independent deep
learning networks, one for each data source. For the de-
tails of the data sources, please refer to Section 2.3. We
hypothesize that the trained networks with initialized pa-
rameters or weights can capture a broader vulnerability
“knowledge” from both vulnerability-relevant data sources.
That is, the trained deep networks have learned the hidden
patterns in the respective data sources, and the learned
patterns from these networks should contain the more
generic vulnerability-relevant information than the patterns
obtained from an isolated network trained with a single data
source. In addition, we found that an alternative solution
which uses one single network to learn from both the
vulnerability-relevant data sources resulted in suboptimal
The second stage of the scenario obtains the learned
patterns or representations from the trained networks. This
stage, namely the feature representation learning stage,
uses the available labeled data from the target software
project and feeds them to the two trained deep networks
to obtain two groups of representations, respectively. Then,
we combine the representations by concatenating them to
form an aggregated feature set. For example, we feed a
sample to a network trained by one of the vulnerability-
relevant data sources. The generated representation by the
network is a vector v
= [r
, r
, r
]. We then feed the
same sample to the other network trained by another
vulnerability-relevant data source and obtain the represen-
tation denoted as the vector v
= [r
, r
, r
]. The combined
feature vector is derived by concatenating v
and v
, that is,
= [r
, r
, r
, r
, r
, r
In the final stage, we use the remaining data from the
target code project as the test set and feed them to each
trained network. The obtained representations of the labeled
data are used as inputs to train a random forest classifier,
and the representations of the test set are fed to the trained
classifier to obtain the performance results.
To address the data imbalance between vulnerable and
non-vulnerable code samples in the real-world projects,
we apply cost-sensitive learning by incorporating differ-
ent weights of vulnerable and non-vulnerable classes into
the objective functions (a.k.a. loss functions) of classi-
fiers used in our experiments. In this paper, we use
the equation: class weight = total samples/(n classes ∗
one class samples) to calculate the weights for each
class, where n classes is the number of classes, and
one class samples is the number of samples in one class.
This equation is based on a heuristic proposed by King and
Zeng [17]. That is, the vulnerable class will have a larger
weight to penalize the misclassification cost of the vulnera-
ble class more than that of the non-vulnerable class. This
setup enables classifiers to overcome the data imbalance
challenge during the training phase.
2.3 Data Collection
To overcome the shortage of labeled real-world vulnerability
data, we introduce the synthetic vulnerability samples from
the SARD project together with real-world vulnerability
data sets in our experiments.
2.3.1 The synthetic vulnerability sources from the SARD
The synthetic vulnerability samples collected from the
SARD project were mainly artificially constructed test cases
either to simulate known vulnerable source code settings
and/or to provide proof-of-concept code demonstrations.
In this paper, we only used the C/C++ test cases for our
experiments. We developed a crawler to download all of
the relevant files. Each downloaded sample is a source
code file containing at least one function. According to the
SARD naming convention for each test case, the vulnerable
functions are named with the phrases such as “bad” or
“badSink”, and the non-vulnerable ones are with the names
containing words like “good” or “goodSink”. Therefore, we
extracted the functions from the source code files and la-
beled them as either vulnerable or non-vulnerable according
to the SARD naming convention. We hypothesize that the
synthetic vulnerable samples contain the proof-of-concept
code describing the “basic vulnerability patterns”, and that
1545-5971 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2019.2954088, IEEE
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Fig. 2: Scenario 2: In this scenario there are some labeled data available for the target software project. This scenario
consists of three stages: the first stage trains two deep learning networks using two data sources; in the second stage, we
feed each trained network with the labeled data to obtain two groups of feature representations, and then combine both
groups of feature representations to train a random forest classifier; In the third stage, we obtain feature representations by
feeding each trained network with the test set (i.e., the unlabeled data) from the target project, and finally use the resulting
representations as inputs to the trained random forest classifier to obtain the classification result.
these patterns are discoverable by deep learning algorithms,
specifically by the bidirectional LSTM.
2.3.2 The Real-world vulnerability data
We chose to use the real-world vulnerability data source
collected by Lin et al. [20] because the granularity of this
data source is set at the function level. In this paper, we
augmented the data source by adding the vulnerabilities
disclosed until April 1, 2018. The data source contains
the vulnerable and non-vulnerable functions from the six
open-source projects, including FFmpeg, LibTIFF, LibPNG,
Pidgin, VLC media player, and Asterisk. The vulnerabil-
ity labels were obtained from the National Vulnerability
Database (NVD) [29] and from the Common Vulnerability
and Exposures (CVE) [26] websites. These function-level
vulnerability data allows us to build classifiers for function-
level vulnerability detection, thus providing a more fine-
grained detection capability than that can be achieved at the
file- or component-level. Before matching the labels with the
source code, we downloaded the corresponding versions of
each project’s source code from GitHub. Subsequently, each
vulnerable function in the software project was manually
located and labeled according to the information provided
by NVD and CVE websites. Lin et al. [20] discarded the
vulnerabilities that spanned across multiple functions or
multiple files (e.g., inter-procedural vulnerabilities). Exclud-
ing the identified vulnerable functions and the discarded
vulnerabilities, they treated the remaining functions as the
non-vulnerable ones (see Table 1). By using the function
extraction tool, they were able to extract approximately 90%
of non-vulnerable functions. We hypothesize that the vul-
nerable functions in real-world software projects written in
the same programming language share generic patterns of
the vulnerabilities that are project-agnostic and discoverable
by a Bi-LSTM network.
Although both data sources contain source code functions,
the samples from the two sources vary in types and com-
plexity. This Section describes how deep learning networks
are applied to handle the data sources of different types
TABLE 1: The data sources used in the experiments.
Data source Dataset/collection
# of functions used/collected
Vulnerable Non-vulnerable
cases from the
SARD project
C source code
83,710 52,290
Open source
213 5,701
96 731
43 577
29 8,050
VLC media
42 3,636
56 14,648
(e.g., synthetic and real-world vulnerability data), and dif-
ferent processing methods (e.g., ASTs and source code) for
learning unified high-level representations with respect to
the vulnerabilities of interest. To process the heterogeneous
data sources, we feed them to different networks and use
one of the hidden layers’ output as the learned high-level
3.1 Raw Representations
Before feeding the data sources to the respective networks,
the data need to be in a format compatible with deep
neural networks. At this stage, we name the data as “raw
representations”. The data samples from the SARD projects
and the real-world vulnerability data sets are source code
samples written in the C/C++ languages. Many previous
studies, such as [49] and [36], have applied text mining and
natural language processing (NLP) techniques for source
code-level defect and vulnerability detection. The under-
pinning assumption is that source code is logical, structural
and semantically meaningful. The code can be treated as
a “special” language understood by machines (compilers)
and communicated by developers, resembling a natural lan-
guage. This assumption has been formalized by Allamanis
et al. [2] as the “naturalness hypothesis”. In this paper, we
agree that there is a strong semblance between the source
code files/functions and “paragraph”/“sentences” found in
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