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内容概要:本文介绍了2005年第7届国际跨学科建模竞赛(ICM)的比赛情况及其结果。本次比赛共有来自4个国家的164支队伍参加,其中三支队伍被评为杰出获胜者,分别来自美国奥林工程学院、中国华东理工大学以及美国马格尼沃克州立中学。此次比赛围绕非可再生资源的主题展开,参赛者需要综合考虑经济、人口、政治等多个方面的因素来建立模型。评审团由Beloy学院的Paul Campbell教授和地质科学家兼土木工程师Ted Hromadka组成。此外还简述了ICM的历史沿革、参与度统计以及其他一些获奖情况。 适合人群:高校师生、科研工作者、对数学建模有兴趣的研究者。 使用场景及目标:①作为学术交流材料,在国内外各大院校中分享交流;②为即将参与类似比赛的学生团队提供参考资料,帮助他们更好地准备比赛;③向公众传播科学精神和创新意识。 阅读建议:读者可以结合自身研究方向或兴趣点关注相关案例,同时注意借鉴优秀论文中的思维方法和技术手段。
2005 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling
Press Release—March 11, 2005
COMAP is pleased to announce the results of the 7th annual
Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM). This year, 164
teams representing institutions from 4 countries participated in
the contest. Three teams from the following institutions were
Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA
East China University of Science and Technology,
Shanghai City, China
Maggie Walker Governor’s School, Richmond, VA
This year’s contest ran from Thursday, February 3 to Monday,
February 7, 2005. During that time, teams of up to three
undergraduate or high school students researched, analyzed,
modeled, and communicated a solution to an open-ended
interdisciplinary modeling problem. The 2005 ICM was
primarily an on-line contest, where teams registered, obtained
contest materials, and downloaded the problem statement at the
prescribed time through COMAP’s ICM Website.
This year’s nonrenewable resource problem was particularly
challenging. It required teams to select a nonrenewable or
exhaustible resource and model its depletion over time. The
problem contained issues such as economic, demographic,
political, environmental, security, and future technology to be
analyzed, had several challenging requirements needing
scientific and mathematical analysis, and also had the ever-
present requirements in the ICM to use thorough data analysis,
creativity, approximation, precision, and effective
communication. The authors of the problem were Paul
Campbell, editor of The UMAP Journal and Professor of
Mathematics and Computer Science at Beloit College, and
geoscientist and civil engineer Ted Hromadka, who served on
the panel of final judges. The problem originated from their
research and interest in resource management. The three
Outstanding solution papers will be published in The UMAP
Journal, along with commentary from both Dr. Campbell and
Dr. Hromadka. All the members of the 164 competing teams
are to be congratulated for their excellent work and enthusiasm
for scientific and mathematical modeling and interdisciplinary
problem solving. This year’s judges remarked that despite the
challenging problem, the quality of the modeling, analysis, and
presentation was high.
2005 ICM Statistics
• 164 teams participated
• 3 high school teams (1%)
• 33 U.S. Teams (20%)
• 131 Foreign Teams (80%) from Finland, Indonesia, and
P.R. China.
• 3 Outstanding Winners (2%)
• 26 Meritorious Winners (16%)
• 89 Honorable Mentions (54%)
• 46 Successful Participants (28%)
ICM is an extension of COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), which is held during the same weekend. ICM is
designed to develop and advance interdisciplinary problem-solving skills as well as competence in written communication. The first
four interdisciplinary problems involved concepts from environmental science, environmental engineering, biology, chemistry, and/or
resource management. The last three ICM problems involved operations research, information science, environmental science, and
interdisciplinary issues in security and safety. Each team is expected to have advisors and team members who represent a range of
disciplinary interests in applied problem solving and modeling. Next year, the ICM problem will involve modeling in the area of
public health.
To obtain additional information about the ICM and to obtain a complete listing of all team designations, please visit the ICM
Website at:
Major start-up funding for the ICM was provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation (through Project INTERMATH)
and COMAP. Additional support is provided by The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).
COMAP's Mathematical Contest in Modeling and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling are unique among modeling competitions in
that they are the only international contests in which students work in teams to find a solution. Centering its educational philosophy
on mathematical modeling, COMAP uses mathematical tools to explore real-world problems. It serves the educational community as
well as the world of work by preparing students to become better informed—and prepared—citizens, consumers, and workers.
Administered by
The Consortium for Mathematics
and Its Applications
Major funding provided by
The National Science Foundation
Contest Directors
Chris Arney, U. S. Army Research Office, NC
Gary Krahn, United States Military Academy, NY
Executive Director
Solomon A. Garfunkel, COMAP, Inc., MA
Associate Directors
Richard Cassady, University of Arkansas
Kathleen Snook, U.S. Army (retired)
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