Version 1.5
* Bug
* combobox: The 'onSelect' event does not fire when load data that contains the selected item. fixed.
* datagrid: The 'updateRow' method sometimes does not work properly when the field is set to a blank value. fixed.
* Improvement
* A label can be associated to any form fields.
* combobox: Enhance the 'select' and 'unselect' rules on the drop-down items.
* combobox: Add 'limitToList' property to limit the inputed values to the listed items.
* combogrid: Allow the user to clone the component quickly.
* form: Add the 'dirty' property that allows the user to submit the only changed fields.
* form: Add 'resetDirty' method.
* datagrid: Allow the user to display a message when there are no records to be shown.
* textbox: Add 'label','labelWidth','labelPosition' and 'labelAlign' properties.
* spinner: Add 'spinAlign' property.
* calendar: Allow the user to display week number of the year.
* window: Add 'constrain' property.
* New Plugins
* passwordbox: The plugin that allows the user to input passwords with nice feedback.
* combotreegrid: Combines combobox with drop-down treegrid component.
Version 1.4.5
* Bug
* datagrid: The 'getChanges' method does not return the updated rows after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a row. fixed.
* tree: The 'onLoadSuccess' event fires when append or insert a node. fixed.
* Improvement
* window: The displaying style can be customized.
* window: The 'border' property allows the user to set different border style.
* navpanel: The 'href' property is enabled to load content from remote server.
* combotree: The 'setValue' and 'setValues' methods accept the paremter values in 'id' and 'text' pairs
* combobox: Add 'showItemIcon' property.
* combobox: Set 'groupPosition' property to 'sticky' to stick the item group to the top of drop-down panel.
* messager: Pressing ENTER key on input box will trigger click event of the first button.
* validatebox: Add 'editable',disabled' and 'readonly' properties.
* validatebox: Add 'enable','disable','readonly' methods.
* validatebox: Allow the user to determine how to display the error message.
* filebox: Add 'accept' and 'multiple' properties.
* form: Add 'iframe' property and 'onProgress' event.
* treegrid: Add cascade checkbox selection.
* treegrid: Add 'getCheckedNodes','checkNode' and 'uncheckNode' methods.
Version 1.4.4
* Bug
* filebox: The 'clear' and 'reset' methods do not work properly in IE9. fixed.
* messager: After calling $.messager.progress() with no arguments, the $.messager.progress('close') does not work properly. fixed.
* timespinner: The value does not display properly in IE8 while clicking the spin buttons. fixed.
* window: The window does not display when calling 'options' method in 'onMove' event. fixed.
* treegrid: The 'getLevel' method does not accept the parameter value of 0. fixed.
* Improvement
* layout: The 'collapsedContent','expandMode' and 'hideExpandTool' properties are supported in region panel.
* layout: The 'hideCollapsedContent' property can be set to display the vertical title bar on collapsed panel.
* layout: Add 'onCollapse','onExpand','onAdd','onRemove' events.
* datagrid: Display the 'up-down' icon on the sortable columns.
* datagrid: Add 'gotoPage' method.
* propertygrid: Add 'groups' method that allows to get all the data groups.
* messager: Auto scroll feature is supported when displaying long messages.
* tabs: The 'disabled' property is supported when defining a disabled tab panel.
* tabs: The percentange size is supported now.
Version 1.4.3
* Bug
* textbox: The 'setText' method does not accept value 0. fixed.
* timespinner: When running in IE11, the error occurs when clicking on the empty textbox. fixed.
* tabs: The 'update' method can not update only the panel body. fixed.
* Improvement
* combobox: Improve the performance of displaying the drop-down panel.
* combogrid: Remember the displaying text when the drop-down datagrid go to other pages.
* combogrid: The 'setValue' and 'setValues' methods accept a key-value object.
* window: The inline window's mask can auto-stretch its size to fill parent container.
* tabs: The 'showTool' and 'hideTool' methods are available for users to show or hide the tools.
* layout: Allow the user to override the 'cls','headerCls' and 'bodyCls' property values.
* New Plugins
* switchbutton: The switch button with two states:'on' and 'off'.
Version 1.4.2
* Bug
* treegrid: The column will restore its size to original size after recreating the treegrid. fixed.
* Improvement
* draggable: Add 'delay' property that allows the user to delay the drag operation.
* tree: Add 'filter' property and 'doFilter' method.
* tabs: The 'add' method allows the user to insert a tab panel at a specified index.
* tabs: The user can determine what tab panel can be selected.
* tabs: Add 'justified' and 'narrow' properties.
* layout: Add 'unsplit' and 'split' methods.
* messager: Keyboard navigation features are supported now.
* form: Add 'onChange' event.
* combobox: Add 'queryParams' property.
* slider: Add 'range' property.
* menu: Add 'itemHeight','inline','noline' properties.
* panel: The 'header' property allows the user to customize the panel header.
* menubutton: Add 'hasDownArrow' property.
* New Plugins
* datalist: The plugin to render items in a list.
* navpanel: The root component for the mobile page.
* mobile: The plugin to provide the mobile page stack management and navigation.
Version 1.4.1
* Bug
* combogrid: The combogrid has different height than other combo components. fixed.
* datagrid: The row element loses some class style value after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
* menubutton: Calling 'enable' method on a disabled button can not work well. fixed.
* form: The filebox components in the form do not work correctly after calling 'clear' method. fixed.
* Improvement
* tabs: The 'update' method accepts 'type' option that allows the user to update the header,body,or both.
* panel: Add 'openAnimation','openDuration','closeAnimation' and 'closeDuration' properties to set the animation for opening or closing a panel.
* panel: Add 'footer' property that allows the user to add a footer bar to the bottom of panel.
* datagrid: Calling 'endEdit' method will accept the editing value correctly.
* datagrid: Add 'onBeforeSelect','onBeforeCheck','onBeforeUnselect','onBeforeUncheck' events.
* propertygrid: The user can edit a row by calling 'beginEdit' method.
* datebox: Add 'cloneFrom' method to create the datebox component quickly.
* datetimebox: Add 'cloneFrom' method to create the datetimebox component quickly.
Version 1.4
* Bug
* menu: The menu should not has a correct height when removed a menu item. fixed.
* datagrid: The 'fitColumns' method does not work normally when the datarid width is too small. fixed.
* Improvement
* The fluid/percentange size is supported now for all easyui components.
* menu: Add 'showItem', 'hideItem' and 'resize' methods.
* menu: Auto resize the height upon the window size.
* menu: Add 'duration' property that allows the user to define duration time in milliseconds to hide menu.
* validatebox: Add 'onBeforeValidate' and 'onValidate' events.
* combo: Extended from textbox now.
* combo: Add 'panelMinWidth','panelMaxWidth','panelMinHeight' and 'panelMaxHeight' properties.
* searchbox: Extended from textbox now.
* tree: The 'getRoot' method will return the top parent node of a specified node if pass a 'nodeEl' parameter.
* tree: Add 'queryParams' property.
* datetimebox: Add 'spinnerWidth' property.
* panel: Add 'doLayout' method to cause the panel to lay out its components.
* panel: Add 'cl
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毕业设计&课设_基于 SSM 的城市公交查询系统,含多种信息及数据库脚本.zip (1159个子文件)
BusLineController.class 13KB
UserInfoController.class 13KB
StationToStationController.class 13KB
GuestBookController.class 12KB
BusStationController.class 11KB
NewsInfoController.class 11KB
ExportExcelUtil.class 7KB
SystemController.class 5KB
BusLineService.class 5KB
UserInfoService.class 5KB
BaseController.class 5KB
StationToStationService.class 5KB
GuestBookService.class 4KB
NewsInfoService.class 4KB
BusStationService.class 4KB
BusLine.class 3KB
UserInfo.class 3KB
GuestBook.class 2KB
NewsInfo.class 2KB
BusStation.class 2KB
AdminService.class 2KB
StationToStation.class 2KB
BaseController$1.class 1KB
BaseController$2.class 1KB
StationToStationMapper.class 1KB
UserInfoMapper.class 1018B
BusStationMapper.class 1010B
GuestBookMapper.class 997B
NewsInfoMapper.class 984B
BusLineMapper.class 971B
Admin.class 908B
UserException.class 816B
AdminMapper.class 323B
.classpath 4KB
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container 49B
bootstrap.css 149KB
easyui.css 62KB
easyui.css 61KB
easyui.css 61KB
easyui.css 61KB
easyui.css 59KB
easyui.css 58KB
animate.css 54KB
font-awesome.css 39KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
bootstrap-datetimepicker.css 12KB
bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css 11KB
bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css 11KB
tabs.css 10KB
tabs.css 10KB
tabs.css 10KB
tabs.css 10KB
tabs.css 8KB
tabs.css 8KB
mobile.css 7KB
color.css 6KB
datagrid.css 6KB
datagrid.css 6KB
datagrid.css 6KB
datagrid.css 6KB
datagrid.css 5KB
datagrid.css 5KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
calendar.css 4KB
linkbutton.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
tree.css 4KB
icon.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
textbox.css 3KB
bootstrap-dashen.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
layout.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
panel.css 3KB
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