This blog post is the example application of the following blog posts:
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Creating Database Queries With the JPA Criteria API](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Sorting]() - Not published yet
You might also want to read the other parts of my Spring Data JPA Tutorial:
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Getting the Required Dependencies](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Configuration](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: CRUD](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Introduction to Query Methods](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Creating Database Queries From Method Names](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Creating Database Queries With the @Query Annotation](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Creating Database Queries With Named Queries](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Creating Database Queries With Querydsl](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Auditing, Part One](
* [Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Auditing, Part Two](
**Note:** This application is still work in progress.
You need to install the following tools if you want to run this application:
* [JDK 8](
* [Maven]( (the application is tested with Maven 3.2.1)
* [Node.js](
* [NPM](
* [Bower](
* [Gulp](
You can install these tools by following these steps:
1. Install Node.js by using a [downloaded binary]( or a [package manager](
You can also read this blog post: [How to install Node.js and NPM](
2. Install Bower by using the following command:
npm install -g bower
3. Install Gulp by using the following command:
npm install -g gulp
Running the Tests
You can run the unit tests by using the following command:
mvn clean test -P dev
You can run the integration tests by using the following command:
mvn clean verify -P integration-test
Running the Application
You can run the application by using the following command:
mvn clean jetty:run -P dev
* Kyösti Herrala. The Gulp build script and its Maven integration are based on Kyösti's ideas.
* [Techniques for authentication in AngularJS applications](
Known Issues
* If you refresh the login page, you aren't redirected away from it after successful login.
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