* Module written/ported by Xavier Noguer <xnoguer@rezebra.com>
* The majority of this is _NOT_ my code. I simply ported it from the
* PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module.
* The author of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
* <jmcnamara@cpan.org>
* I _DO_ maintain this code, and John McNamara has nothing to do with the
* porting of this code to PHP. Any questions directly related to this
* class library should be directed to me.
* License Information:
* Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer: A library for generating Excel Spreadsheets
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Xavier Noguer xnoguer@rezebra.com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
require_once EXCEL_WRITER_ROOT . 'Writer/Parser.php';
require_once EXCEL_WRITER_ROOT . 'Writer/BIFFwriter.php';
* Class for generating Excel Spreadsheets
* @author Xavier Noguer <xnoguer@rezebra.com>
* @category FileFormats
* @package Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
class Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet extends Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_BIFFwriter
* Name of the Worksheet
* @var string
var $name;
* Index for the Worksheet
* @var integer
var $index;
* Reference to the (default) Format object for URLs
* @var object Format
var $_url_format;
* Reference to the parser used for parsing formulas
* @var object Format
var $_parser;
* Filehandle to the temporary file for storing data
* @var resource
var $_filehandle;
* Boolean indicating if we are using a temporary file for storing data
* @var bool
var $_using_tmpfile;
* Maximum number of rows for an Excel spreadsheet (BIFF5)
* @var integer
var $_xls_rowmax;
* Maximum number of columns for an Excel spreadsheet (BIFF5)
* @var integer
var $_xls_colmax;
* Maximum number of characters for a string (LABEL record in BIFF5)
* @var integer
var $_xls_strmax;
* First row for the DIMENSIONS record
* @var integer
* @see _storeDimensions()
var $_dim_rowmin;
* Last row for the DIMENSIONS record
* @var integer
* @see _storeDimensions()
var $_dim_rowmax;
* First column for the DIMENSIONS record
* @var integer
* @see _storeDimensions()
var $_dim_colmin;
* Last column for the DIMENSIONS record
* @var integer
* @see _storeDimensions()
var $_dim_colmax;
* Array containing format information for columns
* @var array
var $_colinfo;
* Array containing the selected area for the worksheet
* @var array
var $_selection;
* Array containing the panes for the worksheet
* @var array
var $_panes;
* The active pane for the worksheet
* @var integer
var $_active_pane;
* Bit specifying if panes are frozen
* @var integer
var $_frozen;
* Bit specifying if the worksheet is selected
* @var integer
var $selected;
* The paper size (for printing) (DOCUMENT!!!)
* @var integer
var $_paper_size;
* Bit specifying paper orientation (for printing). 0 => landscape, 1 => portrait
* @var integer
var $_orientation;
* The page header caption
* @var string
var $_header;
* The page footer caption
* @var string
var $_footer;
* The horizontal centering value for the page
* @var integer
var $_hcenter;
* The vertical centering value for the page
* @var integer
var $_vcenter;
* The margin for the header
* @var float
var $_margin_head;
* The margin for the footer
* @var float
var $_margin_foot;
* The left margin for the worksheet in inches
* @var float
var $_margin_left;
* The right margin for the worksheet in inches
* @var float
var $_margin_right;
* The top margin for the worksheet in inches
* @var float
var $_margin_top;
* The bottom margin for the worksheet in inches
* @var float
var $_margin_bottom;
* First row to reapeat on each printed page
* @var integer
var $title_rowmin;
* Last row to reapeat on each printed page
* @var integer
var $title_rowmax;
* First column to reapeat on each printed page
* @var integer
var $title_colmin;
* First row of the area to print
* @var integer
var $print_rowmin;
* Last row to of the area to print
* @var integer
var $print_rowmax;
* First column of the area to print
* @var integer
var $print_colmin;
* Last column of the area to print
* @var integer
var $print_colmax;
* Whether to use outline.
* @var integer
var $_outline_on;
* Auto outline styles.
* @var bool
var $_outline_style;
* Whether to have outline summary below.
* @var bool
var $_outline_below;
* Whether to have outline summary at the right.
* @var bool
var $_outline_right;
* Outline row level.
* @var integer
var $_outline_row_level;
* Whether to fit to page when printing or not.
* @var bool
var $_fit_page;
* Number of pages to fit wide
* @var integer
var $_fit_width;
* Number of pages to fit high
* @var integer
var $_fit_height;
* Reference to the total number of strings in the workbook
* @var integer
var $_str_total;
* Reference to the number of unique strings in the workbook
* @var integer
var $_str_unique;
* Reference to the array containing all the unique strings in the workbook
* @var array
var $_str_table;
* Merged cell ranges
* @var array
var $_merged_ranges;
* Charset encoding currently used when calling writeString()
* @var string
var $_input_encoding;
* Constructor
* @param string $name The name of the new worksheet