The javascript validation code is based on jQuery. The Validator is cross-browser and will give you the power to use future-proof input types such as ‘tel’, ‘email’, ‘number’, ‘date’, and ‘url’. I can sum this as a ‘template’ for creating web forms.
In the semantic point-of-view, I believe that this method is very clean and…appropriate. This is how forms should be, IMHO.
### Why should you use this?
* Cross browser validation
* Deals with all sorts of edge cases
* Utilize new HTML5 types for unsupported browsers
* Flexible error messaging system
* Light-weight (10kb + comments)
## Validation types support
HTML5 offers a wide selection of input types. I saw no need to support them all, for example, a checkbox should not be validated as ‘required’ because why wouldn’t it be checked in the first place when the form is rendered?
For a full list of all the available Types, visit the working draft page.
These input types can be validated by the the JS for – `<input type='foo' name='bar' />`. (Support is synthesized)
* Text
* Email
* Password
* Number
* Date
* Search
* File
* Tel
* Checkbox
* Hidden – Hidden fields can also have the ‘required’ attribute
The below form elements are also supported:
* Select – Useing a ‘required’ class because there is no such attribute for ‘select’ element
* Textarea
## Basic semantics
<form action="" method="post" novalidate>
<div class="item">
<input data-validate-lengthRange="6" data-validate-words="2" name="name" placeholder="ex. John f. Kennedy" required="required" type="text" />
<div class='tooltip help'>
<div class='content'>
<p>Name must be at least 2 words</p>
<div class="item">
<input name="email" required="required" type="email" />
### Explaining the DOM
First, obviously, there is a Form element with the novalidate attribute to make sure to disable the native HTML5 validations (which currently suck). proceeding it there is a Fieldset element which is not a must, but acts as a “binding” box for a group of fields that are under the same “category”. For bigger forms there are many times field groups that are visually separated from each other for example. Now, we treat every form field element the user interacts with, whatsoever, as an “item”, and therefor these “items” will be wraped with `<div class='item'>`. This isolation gives great powers.
Next, inside an item, there will typically be an input or select or something of the sort, so they are put inside a `<label>` element, to get rid of the (annoying) for attribute, on the label (which also require us to give an ID to the form field element), and now when a user clicks on the label, the field will get focused. great. Going back to the label’s text itself, we wrap it with a `<span>` to have control over it’s style.
The whole approach here is to define each form field (input, select, whatever) as much as possible with HTML5 attributes and also with custom attributes.
| Attribute | Purpose |
| required | Defines that this field should be validated (with JS by my implementation and not via native HTML5 browser defaults) |
| placeholder | Writes some placeholder text which usually describes the fields with some example input (not supported in IE8 and below) |
| pattern | Defines a pattern which the field is evaluated with. Available values are:<br>**numeric** - Allow only numbers<br>**alphanumeric** - Allow only numbers or letters. No special language characters<br>**phone** - Allow only numbers, spaces or dashes.<br><br>Alternatively, you may write your own custom regex here as well. |
| data-validate-words | Defines the minimum amount of words for this field |
| data-validate-length | Defines the length allowed for the field (after trim). Example value: `7,11` (field can only have 7 or 11 characters). you can add how many allowed lengths you wish |
| data-validate-length-range | Defines the minimum and/or maximum number of chars in the field (after trim). value can be `4,8` for example, or just `4` to set minimum chars only |
| data-validate-linked | Defines the field which the current field’s value (the attribute is set on) should be compared to |
| data-validate-minmax | For type `number` only. Defines the minimum and/or maximum value that can be in that field |
### Optional fields
There is also support for optional fields, which are not validated, unless they have a value. The support for this feature is done by adding a class “optional” to a form element. Note that this should not be done along side the “required” attribute.
## Error messages
The validator function holds a messages object called "message", which itself holds all the error messages being shown to the user for all sort of validation errors.
message = {
invalid : 'invalid input',
empty : 'please put something here',
min : 'input is too short',
max : 'input is too long',
number_min : 'too low',
number_max : 'too high',
url : 'invalid URL',
number : 'not a number',
email : 'email address is invalid',
email_repeat : 'emails do not match',
password_repeat : 'passwords do not match',
repeat : 'no match',
complete : 'input is not complete',
select : 'Please select an option'
This object can be extended easily. The idea is to extend it with new keys which represent the na
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:由于没有提供具体的标签,我们可以根据项目内容推测出一些关键的技术标签,比如“SpringBoot”、“Java开发”、“Web应用”、“数据库管理”、“RESTful API”等。
"source"通常包含的是项目的源代码文件,可能是用Java语言编写的,按照MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构来组织。开发者可能使用了SpringBoot的核心组件,如Spring Data JPA来处理数据库操作,Thymeleaf或FreeMarker作为视图层技术,以及Spring Security进行权限控制。源代码中可能还包括了配置文件(如application.properties或yaml),数据库脚本,以及可能的测试类。
在这个系统中,SpringBoot的自动配置特性会极大地简化开发工作,比如自动配置数据源、日志、服务器端口等。此外,通过Spring Initializr可以快速初始化项目结构,大大加快开发进程。
在客户关系管理方面,系统可能会有用户注册、登录功能,支持密码找回和权限设定。通过RESTful API,前端可以与后端进行交互,如获取商品列表、提交订单、查看订单状态等。
这个基于SpringBoot的烘焙店管理系统是一个涵盖了业务流程管理、数据存储、用户交互和数据分析的综合性应用,展示了Java Web开发的实用性和灵活性。通过学习和理解这个项目,开发者不仅可以深化对SpringBoot的理解,还能提升在实际项目中的应用能力。