function [nameu,fu,tidecon,xout]=t_tide(xin,varargin);
% T_TIDE Harmonic analysis of a time series
% [NAME,FREQ,TIDECON,XOUT]=T_TIDE(XIN) computes the tidal analysis
% of the (possibly complex) time series XIN.
% [TIDESTRUC,XOUT]=T_TIDE(XIN) returns the analysis information in
% a structure formed of NAME, FREQ, and TIDECON.
% XIN can be scalar (e.g. for elevations), or complex ( =U+sqrt(-1)*V
% for eastward velocity U and northward velocity V.
% Further inputs are optional, and are specified as property/value pairs
% [...]=T_TIDE(XIN,property,value,property,value,...,etc.)
% These properties are:
% 'interval' Sampling interval (hours), default = 1.
% (if interval is >1 then you *may* run into
% problems with 'error','cboot' (the default).
% Id this happens, pick a different error algorithm!)
% The next two are required if nodal corrections are to be computed,
% otherwise not necessary. If they are not included then the reported
% phases are raw constituent phases at the central time.
% If your time series is longer than 18.6 years then nodal corrections
% are not made -instead we fit directly to all satellites (start time
% is then just used to generate Greenwich phases).
% 'start time' [year,month,day,hour,min,sec]
% - min,sec are optional OR
% decimal day (matlab DATENUM scalar)
% 'latitude' decimal degrees (+north) (default: none).
% Where to send the output.
% 'output' where to send printed output:
% 'none' (no printed output)
% 'screen' (to screen) - default
% FILENAME (to a file)
% Correction factor for prefiltering.
% 'prefilt' FS,CORR
% If the time series has been passed through
% a pre-filter of some kind (say, to reduce the
% low-frequency variability), then the analyzed
% constituents will have to be corrected for
% this. The correction transfer function
% (1/filter transfer function) has (possibly
% complex) magnitude CORR at frequency FS (cph).
% Corrections of more than a factor of 100 are
% not applied; it is assumed these refer to tidal
% constituents that were intentionally filtered
% out, e.g., the fortnightly components.
% Adjustment for long-term behavior ("secular" behavior).
% 'secular' 'mean' - assume constant offset (default).
% 'linear' - get linear trend.
% Inference of constituents.
% where NAME is an array of the names of
% constituents to be inferred, REFERENCE is an
% array of the names of references, and AMPRAT
% and PHASE_OFFSET are the amplitude factor and
% phase offset (in degrees)from the references.
% NAME and REFERENCE are Nx4 (max 4 characters
% in name), and AMPRAT and PHASE_OFFSET are Nx1
% (for scalar time series) and Nx2 for vector
% time series (column 1 is for + frequencies and
% column 2 for - frequencies).
% NB - you can only infer ONE unknown constituent
% per known constituent (i.e. REFERENCE must not
% contain multiple instances of the same name).
% Shallow water constituents
% 'shallow' NAME
% A matrix whose rows contain the names of
% shallow-water constituents to analyze.
% Resolution criterions for least-squares fit.
% 'rayleigh' scalar - Rayleigh criteria, default = 1.
% Matrix of strings - names of constituents to
% use (useful for testing purposes).
% Calculation of confidence limits.
% 'error' 'wboot' - Boostrapped confidence intervals
% based on a correlated bivariate
% white-noise model.
% 'cboot' - Boostrapped confidence intervals
% based on an uncorrelated bivariate
% coloured-noise model (default).
% 'linear' - Linearized error analysis that
% assumes an uncorrelated bivariate
% coloured noise model.
% Computation of "predicted" tide (passed to t_predic, but note that
% the default value is different).
% 'synthesis' 0 - use all selected constituents
% scalar>0 - use only those constituents with a
% SNR greater than that given (1 or 2
% are good choices, 2 is the default).
% <0 - return result of least-squares fit
% (should be the same as using '0',
% except that NaN-holes in original
% time series will remain and mean/trend
% are included).
% Least squares soln computational efficiency parameter
% 'lsq' 'direct' - use A\x fit
% 'normal' - use (A'A)\(A'x) (may be necessary
% for very large input vectors since
% A'A is much smaller than A)
% 'best' - automatically choose based on
% length of series (default).
% It is possible to call t_tide without using property names,
% in which case the assumed calling sequence is
% nameu=list of constituents used
% fu=frequency of tidal constituents (cycles/hr)
% tidecon=[fmaj,emaj,fmin,emin,finc,einc,pha,epha] for vector xin
% =[fmaj,emaj,pha,epha] for scalar (real) xin
% fmaj,fmin - constituent major and minor axes (same units as xin)
% emaj,emin - 95% confidence intervals for fmaj,fmin
% finc - ellipse orientations (degrees)
% einc - 95% confidence intervals for finc
% pha - constituent phases (degrees relative to Greenwich)
% epha - 95% confidence intervals for pha
% xout=tidal prediction
% Note: Although missing data can be handled with NaN, it is wise not
% to have too many of them. If your time series has a lot of
% missing data at the beginning and/or end, then truncate the
% input time series. The Rayleigh criterion is applied to
% frequency intervals calculated as the inverse of the input
% series length.
% A description of the theoretical basis of the analysis and some
% implementation details can be found in:
% Pawlowicz, R., B. Beardsley, and S. Lentz, "Classical Tidal
% "Harmonic Analysis Including Error Estimates in MATLAB
% using T_TIDE", Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937 (2002).
% (citation of this article would be appreciated if you find the
% toolbox useful).
% R. Pawlowicz 11/8/99 - Completely rewritten from the transliterated-
% to-matlab IOS/Foreman fortran code by S. Lentz
% and B. Beardsley.
% 3/3/00 - Redid errors