' **********************************************************************************
' * WinLicence.vb
' * Proxy Functions for WinLicence protected assemblies. Written in .NET
' *
' * Author: Mike Wilson (http://blog.evolvedsoftwarestudios.com)
' * Evolved Software Studios Ltd (http://www.evolvedsoftwarestudios.com)
' *
' * Version: 0.1
' * License: Freely distribute, but keep this comment header.
' *
' * Comments: You will need to modify the bespoke code below
' * in the region "Evolved Software Studios Licensing Code"
' * to your own needs. I have provided this as a demonstration only.
' *
' * Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. Think of this as a quick-start to using
' * WinLicence with VB.NET. Then improve the code and let me have the latest
' * version please :@)
' **********************************************************************************
Module WinLicence
Private _bufferVarValue As New System.Text.StringBuilder(100)
Public Declare Function GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetEnvironmentVariableA" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal lpBuffer As System.Text.StringBuilder, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function WLLoadWinlicenseDll Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenTrialExtensionFileKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal TrialHash As String, ByVal Level As Short, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal NumMinutes As Short, ByVal TimeRuntime As Short, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenTrialExtensionRegistryKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal TrialHash As String, ByVal Level As Short, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal NumMinutes As Short, ByVal TimeRuntime As Short, ByVal pKeyName As String, ByVal pKeyValueName As String, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenPassword Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal PasswordHash As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenLicenseTextKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal LicenseHash As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal MachineID As String, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal CountryId As Short, ByVal Runtime As Short, ByVal GlobalMinutes As Short, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenLicenseSmartKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal LicenseHash As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal MachineID As String, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenLicenseFileKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal LicenseHash As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal MachineID As String, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal CountryId As Short, ByVal Runtime As Short, ByVal GlobalMinutes As Short, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLGenLicenseRegistryKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal LicenseHash As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal MachineID As String, ByVal NumDays As Short, ByVal NumExec As Short, ByRef NewDate As Date, ByVal CountryId As Short, ByVal Runtime As Short, ByVal GlobalMinutes As Short, ByVal RegName As String, ByVal RegValueName As String, ByVal BufferOut As String) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegGetStatus Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal ExtendedInfo As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialGetStatus Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal ExtendedInfo As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialExtGetStatus Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegGetLicenseInfo Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLTrialTotalDays Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialTotalExecutions Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialDaysLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialExecutionsLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialExpirationDate Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByRef ExpDate As Date) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialGlobalTimeLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialRuntimeLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialLockedCountry Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegDaysLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegExecutionsLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegExpirationDate Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByRef ExpDate As Date) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegTotalExecutions Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegTotalDays Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLHardwareGetID Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal HardId As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLHardwareCheckID Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal HardId As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegSmartKeyCheck Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegNormalKeyCheck Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegNormalKeyInstallToFile Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegNormalKeyInstallToRegistry Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegSmartKeyInstallToFile Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegSmartKeyInstallToRegistry Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Organization As String, ByVal CustomData As String, ByVal AsciiKey As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLTrialCustomCounterInc Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal Value As Short, ByVal CounterID As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialCustomCounterDec Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal Value As Short, ByVal CounterID As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialCustomCounter Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal CounterID As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLTrialCustomCounterSet Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal Value As Short, ByVal CounterID As Short) As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRestartApplication Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegLockedCountry Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegRuntimeLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegGlobalTimeLeft Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Short
'Public Declare Function WLRegDisableCurrentKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal DisableFlags As Short) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLRegRemoveCurrentKey Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLHardwareGetFormattedID Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal NumCharBlock As Short, ByVal Uppercase As Short, ByVal Buffer As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLPasswordCheck Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" (ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
'Public Declare Function WLTrialExpireTrial Lib "WinlicenseSDK.dll" () As Boolean
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
WinLicense V 2.1.0
4星 · 超过85%的资源 需积分: 10 16 下载量 52 浏览量
评论 1
收藏 16.69MB RAR 举报
WinLicense是一个强劲的保护系统, 专为了那些想保护自己的程式不被先进的反向工程和黑客软件破解的软件开发者而开发的。开发者不需要更改任何的原代码,和不需要程式编制的经验使用WinLicense。 WinLicense使用SecureEngine®的保护技术。它能够以最高的优先等级运行,这些保护技巧是从来都没在电脑防御技术领域出现过,使它最大程度地保护 任何程式 。 以下是WinLicense保护功能特点 多层的加密措施来保护程式的代码和资料。 黑客工具的监测。 以最高优先等级来启动代码,从来都没在电脑防御技术领域出现过。 扰乱 程式 的运行代码,资料和 APIs ,使软件破解者无法对 程式 还原成原代码 对于反汇编器和反编译器的保护 SDK为SecureEngine®和受保护的程式提供一个双向的沟通。 阻止从内存转送到磁盘上的高级技术。 完全自定义的保护选项和讯息。
WinLicense V 2.1.0 (923个子文件)
winlicense.abs 704KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 6KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 5KB
vc_example.aps 4KB
vc_example.aps 4KB
example.asm 4KB
example.asm 4KB
Example.asm 4KB
keygenswreg.aspx 9KB
Module1.bas 15KB
Module1.bas 11KB
Module1.bas 9KB
Module1.bas 7KB
Module1.bas 6KB
Module1.bas 6KB
Module1.bas 6KB
Module1.bas 6KB
Module1.bas 308B
Build.bat 116B
Build.bat 99B
build.bat 77B
generators.bin 3.27MB
GeneratorDatabase.bin 112KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 4KB
Project1.bpr 2KB
Project1.bpr 2KB
Project1.cfg 434B
WLDLLControl.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project2.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
CustomMsgs.cfg 434B
Project1.cfg 434B
vc_example.cpp 16KB
vc_example.cpp 16KB
Unit1.cpp 15KB
vc_example.cpp 15KB
vc_example.cpp 14KB
vc_example.cpp 9KB
Unit1.cpp 9KB
vc_example.cpp 7KB
vc_example.cpp 6KB
Unit1.cpp 5KB
vc_example.cpp 4KB
vc_example.cpp 4KB
vc_example.cpp 4KB
vc_example.cpp 4KB
vc_example.cpp 3KB
Unit1.cpp 3KB
vc_example.cpp 3KB
Unit1.cpp 3KB
Unit1.cpp 2KB
vc_example.cpp 2KB
Unit1.cpp 2KB
Unit1.cpp 2KB
Unit1.cpp 2KB
Unit1.cpp 2KB
Unit1.cpp 1KB
vc_example.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 1KB
Project1.cpp 925B
Project1.cpp 925B
Project1.cpp 710B
Project1.cpp 710B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
StdAfx.cpp 297B
共 923 条
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- wunaibinmate2012-12-20不错,本来是想加密按键精灵生成的小精灵的,结果用这个相当于是二次加密,可惜不能用啊。。
- 纳兰龙珠2011-09-11还可以版本比较高就是报马啊
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