# Activate Power Mode
A package for Atom to replicate the effects from [codeinthedark/editor](https://github.com/codeinthedark/editor).
![activate-power-mode-0 4 0](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/688415/11615565/10f16456-9c65-11e5-8af4-265f01fc83a0.gif)
Now with a COMBO MODE!!!
**For a list of power mode packages to other editors, check out [codeinthedark/awesome-power-mode](https://github.com/codeinthedark/awesome-power-mode).**
## Install
With the atom package manager:
apm install activate-power-mode
Or Settings ➔ Packages ➔ Search for `activate-power-mode`
## Usage
- Activate with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>-<kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>O</kbd> or through the command panel with `Activate Power Mode: Toggle`. Use the command again to deactivate.
**IMPORTANT: When `Combo Mode` is enabled, particles and other effects won't appear until you reach the activation threshold.**
- Reset the max combo streak with the command `Activate Power Mode: Reset Max Combo`
## Settings
### Auto Toggle
Auto enable power mode on atom start.
### Combo Mode
* **Enable/Disable**
**When enabled effects won't appear until reach the activation threshold.**
* Activation Threshold
* Streak Timeout
* Exclamation Every
* Exclamation Texts
### Screen Shake
* **Enable/Disable**
* Intensity
### Play Audio
* **Enable/Disable**
* Volume
* Audioclip (Gun, Typewriter, Custom)
### Particles
* **Enable/Disable**
* Colour
With this option you can select if use the color at cursor position, random colors or a fixed one.
* Total Count
* Spawn Count
* Size
### Excluded File Types
* Array of file types to exclude
### Plugins
Here you can Enable/Disable the registered plugins.
## Customize
You can extend the basic functionality of this package by consuming the activate-power-mode service, with this you can register your own plugins, flows and canvas effects.
Check it out in the [wiki](https://github.com/JoelBesada/activate-power-mode/wiki).
If you only want to change the input logic, see the [user file flow](https://github.com/JoelBesada/activate-power-mode/wiki/Flow#user-file-flow) page.
- 粉丝: 5w+
- 资源: 165
- 雅居乐地产置业有限公司企业文化与福利制度培训教材(PPT 60页).ppt
- 人力资源--伊利集团岗前培训手册(PPT 67页).ppt
- 人力资源-培训积分制度(PPT).ppT
- 某某不动产新人培训手册-新人工作培训手册(PPT 38页).ppt
- HR工作者的心理素质完全手册.ppt
- 蓝月亮-人事专员培训操作手册(PPT 33页).ppt
- 人力资源部管理手册-培训管理办法(doc 20).doc
- 山西通达摩托车集团公司培训管理制度(doc 6页).doc
- 山东省对外经济贸易明达公司人事管理培训工作细则(DOC 7页).doc
- 人力资源开发与培训管理制度.doc
- 永泰鑫公司员工培训手册(DOC 27页).doc
- 员工培训计划表.doc
- 美的集团空调事业部人力资源开发与培训制度.doc
- 内部培训评估表7.7.doc
- 康佳集團培訓管理辦法.doc
- 培训需求调查表7.7.doc