# Class dUnzip2 v2.2
# Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d)
# E-Mail: alexandrebr at gmail dot com
# Londrina - PR / Brazil
# Objective:
# This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly.
# Requirements:
# This class requires extension ZLibEnabled. These are default
# for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist.
How does it work
] The class open the give ZIP File, and move the internal pointer
] to list all the files zipped on it. The returned values are
] stored in the public variable 'compressedList'. These can be
] returned by the public method 'getList()'.
] It also has Central Directory support. Means that the ZIP may contain
] additional information for each file or directory, like external
] attributes and comments. The variables are stored in the public
] variable 'dirSignature'. These should be returned for each file
] by using the public method 'getExtraInfo(fileName)'. If no extra
] information available, the method will return 'false'.
] After getting file list, you may want to unzip some of them. There are
] two ways to do this... They are descripted below.
] You can also get ZIP file details like file comments by calling the
] method 'getZipInfo([detail])'. If you give 'detail' var, only the
] given information will be returned, else it will return everything.
] Warning: To use the ZIP file by another script, you must first free it
] from the dUnzip2 class. For this, call the method 'close()'... It is
] auto-called on class destroyed (if PHP5), and terminate the file handler.
Unzipping files
- Method 'unzip(fileName[, targetFileName])'
] Unzip given filename.
] If 'targetFileName' is given, the class will output extracted file
] to that file. If FALSE, extracted file will be returned to variable.
- Method 'unzipAll([targetDir[, baseDir[, maintainStructure]]])'
] Unzip all the files in the compressed file, to the 'targetDir' folder.
] If not given, actual directory will be used.
] If 'baseDir', only files compressed in the given directory of the ZIP
] file will be extracted. If not, all the files compressed will be unzipped.
] If 'maintainStructure' is FALSE, then the zip structure will be disabled.
] Default is TRUE, class will auto-create subfolders to hold files.
Understanding internal and external_attributes
(Both returned by using method getExtraInfo)
- Internal attribute
] "The lowest bit of this field indicates, if set, that the file is
] apparently an ASCII or text file. If not set, that the file apparently
] contains binary data. The remaining bits are unused in version 1.0."
] (source: http://www.pkware.com/download.html)
- External attributes
] First thing, is noting that these are O.S. dependent, so there aren't
] any rules..
] By myself, I divided this into two different things:
] * external_attributes1
] * external_attributes2
] Actually, I don't have idea on what does the external_attributes2
] represents, so let's talk only about the first one.
] I've made some tests on WindowsXP, and here are the results obtained.
] * bit1: Read-Only attribute
] * bit2: Hidden attribute
] * bit3: System attribute
] * bit4: Volume Label (not used)
] * bit5: Directory attribute
] * bit6: Archive attribute
] To access the bits, use the following code:
] $d = $zip->getExtraInfo('file.txt');
] echo ($d['external_attributes1']&1 )?"File is read-only.":"File is writeable.";
] echo ($d['external_attributes1']&2 )?"File is hidden.":"File is not hidden.";
] echo ($d['external_attributes1']&32)?"Archive attrib is set.":"Archive attrib not set.";
Using this class, you can:
- List all the files compressed in a zip file, without overloading memory.
- Uncompress any files on it.
- Support to subfolders
- Easily unzip a file maintaing all the directory structure
Using this class, you cannot:
- Zip files dinamically
- Modify your zip files
There are SO MANY classes around the internet to do this.
(also, I've created a class dZip to do this, you can
use it if you like it)
How to use?
$zip = new dUnzip("file_to_unzip.zip");
$zip->debug = 1; // debug?
Then, choose one way...
# List all the files compressed
# getList(void)
$list = $zip->getList();
foreach($list as $fileName=>$zippedFile)
echo "$fileName ($zippedFile[uncompressed_size] bytes)<br>";
# Unzip some file:
# unzip($fileName [,$targetFilename])
echo $zip->unzip("test.txt"); // To a variable
$zip->unzip("test.txt", "test.txt"); // To a filename
# Unzip the whole ZIP file
# unzipAll([$targetDir[, $baseDir[, $maintainStructure]]])