--------- beginning of system
08-08 15:42:04.919 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.923 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/hw_odm/MRX-W29/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.923 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/hw_odm/MRX-W29/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.923 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.926 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/region_comm/china/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.927 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /preas/china/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.928 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/hw_oem/MRX-W29/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.928 28023 28401 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony.gsm
08-08 15:42:04.928 28023 28401 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony.ims
08-08 15:42:04.928 28023 28401 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony
08-08 15:42:04.929 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /preload/MRX-W29/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.929 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/global/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.929 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/global/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.930 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/hw/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.930 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/hw/cn/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.930 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/cust/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/special_cust/MRX-W29/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/special_cust/MRX-W29/all/cn/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/cotalite/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/cotalite/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/ecota/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:04.931 28023 28401 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/ecota/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.157 28023 28023 I ActivityThread: finishPreloaded preloadStatus 0
08-08 15:42:05.175 2348 2348 I AppWidgetHost: appWidget hostView is null
08-08 15:42:05.186 2348 2348 I AppWidgetHost: appWidget hostView is null
08-08 15:42:05.200 1475 1674 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines
08-08 15:42:05.208 28026 28026 D ActivityThread: Attach thread to application
08-08 15:42:05.213 28026 28439 E ActivityThread: getApplicationInfo metadata error
08-08 15:42:05.214 28026 28439 I ActivityThread: Init compatible state: false
08-08 15:42:05.472 28028 28028 D ActivityThread: Attach thread to application
08-08 15:42:05.493 28028 28479 I ActivityThread: Init compatible state: true
08-08 15:42:05.770 28028 28494 D HwCustConnectivityManagerImpl: isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
08-08 15:42:05.821 1475 2198 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1475_7 expire 21 lines
08-08 15:42:05.834 28028 28523 D HwCustConnectivityManagerImpl: isBlockNetworkRequestByNonAis, INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
08-08 15:42:05.858 28028 28515 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: queries at /data/user_de/0/com.huawei.android.hsf/modules/external/huawei_module_networkkit/60000300/networkkit.apk Binary XML file line #14
08-08 15:42:05.873 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.fingerprint
08-08 15:42:05.873 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.barometer
08-08 15:42:05.873 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.proximity
08-08 15:42:05.874 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter
08-08 15:42:05.874 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector
08-08 15:42:05.874 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.874 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.875 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/emui/base/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.875 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/emui/china/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.875 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /system/emui/pad/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.875 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature com.huawei.software.features.handset
08-08 15:42:05.875 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /vendor/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.877 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.barometer
08-08 15:42:05.877 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.proximity
08-08 15:42:05.877 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.stepcounter
08-08 15:42:05.877 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.sensor.stepdetector
08-08 15:42:05.879 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/cust/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.879 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/cust/all/cn/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.879 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.880 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/hw_odm/MRX-W29/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.880 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /odm/hw_odm/MRX-W29/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.880 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/etc/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.881 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/region_comm/china/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /preas/china/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /hw_product/hw_oem/MRX-W29/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony.gsm
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony.ims
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 D SystemConfig: Removed unavailable feature android.hardware.telephony
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /preload/MRX-W29/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/global/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/global/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/hw/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/hw/cn/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.882 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/cust/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/special_cust/MRX-W29/all/cn/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /version/special_cust/MRX-W29/all/cn/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/cotalite/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/cotalite/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/ecota/sysconfig, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.883 28028 28515 W SystemConfig: No directory /cust/ecota/permissions, skipping
08-08 15:42:05.929 28028 28028 I ActivityThread: finishPreloaded preloadStatus 0
08-08 15:42:06.155 1475 3003 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1475_14 expire 12 lines
08-08 15:42:06.331 1475 7999 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MobileQosDetect expire 12 lines
08-08 15:42:06.883 1475 1880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) GestureNavManag expire 11 lines
08-08 15:42:06.895 1475 1885 I chatty : uid=1000(s
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