1. Program Cadence SPB 16.6 update windchill QiR#4
must be installed and configured in advance!
2. Copy the folder to the root directory Install_ASI installed
program Cadence SPB 16.60.016 or newer. Close all
open programs, stop or disable antivirus and podbnoe
program. The computer must remain open only one window
3. Navigate in Windows Explorer to the folder \Install_ASI and run the script
Install_ASI.cmd from imei administrator. The script does all the work
by podgotavke system to install the service ASI, series launches
software installation, upgrade, copy the files in the right places
and generating a license
3.1. Depending on the bit of script displays
"Install Cadence ASI 16.62 win32" or
"Install Cadence ASI 16.62 win64"
and runs the appropriate installation program ASI. Necessary
Choose the options you want to install and wait for the installation is complete
3.2. The script runs the update program ASI-16.62.000 to version
3.3. The script runs consistently treated in the right folders.
3.4. Message is displayed:
"Copy files ..."
And the script copies the *ALL* installed and patched files
appropriate folders, etc. - Process almost longer than all
previous combined.
3.5. The script generates a license file, copy it to your manager
License Manager and restart the reading of new licenses.
3.6. Wait for the script work!
You should see the message:
"******** ALL DONE ********"
"******** Enjoy! ********"
Use it! :)
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 2
- Centos7.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.6最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- Centos7.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.9最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- Centos7.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.8最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- Centos7.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.7最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- 机器人开发的操作案例练习
- Centos6.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.7最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- Centos6.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.8最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- Centos6.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.9最新版 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务
- 软考冲刺的基本内容和操作
- Centos8.x通过RPM包升级OpenSSH9.8(openssl-3.0) 升级有风险,前务必做好快照,以免升级后出现异常影响业务