# MPT-Study-project
This code is written for microcontroller based on stm32 on C, C++ language.
Code contains seperate parts: main, ini, USART, code_for_display.
ADC_ini (Analog-To-Digital Converter) is about initialisation ADC. It samples the analog input whenever you trigger it to start conversion. And it performs a process called quantization so as to decide on the voltage level and its binary code that gets pushed in the output register.
USART (Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter) is a type of peripheral communications hardware device that allows a computer to communicate synchronously and asynchronously with serially connected devices by wifi or bluetooth.
code_for_display part is contain code for 7 segment display.
main initializate ADC_ini, USART, code_for_display and start the cycle of recieve information, displaying it, sending it to the other device, repeat.
- 粉丝: 7076
- 资源: 1709
- 含分布式电源和电动汽车的配电网潮流计算 考虑风光以及电动汽车的出力时序特性 建立风光电动汽车接入的潮流模型 基于IEEE33节点配电网,采用牛拉法求解得到接入之后的潮流分布
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