# power meter
* Author: Nima Askari
* WebSite: https://www.github.com/NimaLTD
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/github.NimaLTD
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/NimaLTD
* Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUhY7qY1klJm1d2kulr9ckw
AC power meter based on STM32 ADC
* Setlect a ADC and enable 2 channel, v and i.
* Set number of conversion to 2.
* Set enable scan conversion.
* Set disable continous conversion.
* Set disable discontinous conversion.
* Set disable DMA continous conversion.
* Set end of single conversion.
* Select trigger out event a timer for external trigger.
* Select trigger rising edge.
* Select both ranks with correct channel.
* Set enable DMA normal mode.
* Set internal clock for selected timer.
* Set update event on trigger evnet selection on timer configuration menu.
* Add library on project.
* Configure "pmeterConfig.h".
* Put "pmeter_callback()" in adc dma callback.
* Call "pmeter_init(timer freq: ex:32, calibration data from eeprom)".
* Put "pmeter_loop()" in infinite loop.
* before using, you should be calibrate.
* Call "pmeter_calib_step1_..." to "pmeter_calib_step4_..." and store the calibration data "pmeter.calib".
void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
void main()
pmeter_calib_t calib;
// load calibration data from eeprom to calib struct
pmeter_init(32, calib);