# Real-Time drowsiness Detection with YOLOv5 and PyTorch
Identification of objects in an image considered a common assignment for the human brain, though not so trivial for a machine. Identification and localization of objects in photos is a computer vision task called ‘object detection’. One of the most popular algorithms to date for real-time object detection is YOLO (You Only Look Once).
In this project, we performed drowsiness detection to check whether a person is awake or drowsy, using the latest YOLOv5 implementation developed by Ultralytics.
## Prerequisites
- PyTorch
- Torchvision
- Torchaudio
- OpenCV
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- ipywidgets
- PyQt5
- lxml
## Installation
1. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
!pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
!pip install opencv-python matplotlib numpy ipywidgets
!pip install pyqt5==5.15.2 lxml
2. Clone the YOLOv5 repository by running:
!git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5
3. Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd yolov5
4. Install the requirements for YOLOv5:
!pip install -r requirements.txt
5. Clone the labelImg repository for image labeling:
!git clone https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg.git
## Usage
1. Collect Images:
- Connect a webcam to your computer.
- Run the code to capture images for the specified labels ("awake" and "drowsy").
- Images will be saved in the "data/images" directory.
2. Label Images:
- Open the labelImg tool to label the collected images as "awake" or "drowsy".
- Save the labeled annotations as XML files.
3. Train the YOLOv5 Model:
- Run the training script with the specified parameters (image size, batch size, epochs, data configuration, weights, etc.).
- The model will be trained on the labeled images using the YOLOv5 architecture.
4. Load the Trained Model:
- Load the trained model weights for inference.
- Perform object detection on images or video streams.
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