#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import math
import sys
from random import randint
def make_random_tree(n):
res = ""
for i in range(2, n + 1):
f = randint(1, i - 1)
res += "%d %d\n" % (f, i)
return res
# Si = T1
def make_si_e_ti(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_random_tree(n)
for i in range(n):
if randint(0, 3) is 0:
res += "0"
res += "%d" % randint(0, n)
if i == n - 1: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(m):
s = randint(1, n)
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, s)
return res
# wj = 0
def make_wj_e_0(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_random_tree(n)
for i in range(n):
res += "0"
if i == n - 1: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(m):
s = randint(1, n)
t = randint(1, n)
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
# All data is randomized
# This method is deprecated, because the most of anwer will be 0 or 1.
def make_r(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_random_tree(n)
for i in range(n):
w = randint(1, n)
res += "%d" % w
if i == n - 1: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(m):
s = randint(1, n)
t = randint(1, n)
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
def make_link_tree(n):
res = ""
for i in range(2, n + 1):
res += "%d %d\n" % (i - 1, i)
return res
# The tree becomes a link
def make_l(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_link_tree(n)
l2r_count = m // 3
r2l_count = m // 3
rnd_count = m - l2r_count - r2l_count
W = [0 for i in range(n + 1)]
paths = []
s = randint(1, n)
W[s + (n - s) // 2] = (n - s) // 2
for i in range(l2r_count):
if randint(0, math.floor(math.sqrt(l2r_count))) == 0:
s = randint(1, n // 10)
W[s + (n - s) // 2] = (n - s) // 2
t = randint(s, n)
paths.append((s, t))
s = randint(1, n)
W[n - s // 2] = s // 2
for i in range(r2l_count):
if randint(0, math.floor(math.sqrt(r2l_count))) == 0:
s = randint(n - n // 10, n)
W[n - s // 2] = s // 2
t = randint(1, s)
paths.append((s, t))
for i in range(rnd_count):
s = randint(1, n)
t = randint(1, n)
paths.append((s, t))
for i in range(1, n + 1):
if W[i] == 0:
W[i] = randint(0, n)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
res += "%d" % W[i]
if i == n: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for s, t in paths:
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
def make_mum_tree(n, start = 0):
res = ""
stem_count = n // 2
leaves_count = n // 2 - n // 10
for i in range(2, stem_count + 1):
res += "%d %d\n" % (i - 1 + start, i + start)
# f = stem_count
for i in range(stem_count + 1, stem_count + leaves_count + 1):
if randint(0, 10000) == 0:
f = randint(1, n)
f = (i - stem_count) // 2 + stem_count
res += "%d %d\n" % (f + start, i + start)
for i in range(stem_count + leaves_count + 1, n + 1):
f = randint(1, i - 1)
res += "%d %d\n" % (f + start, i + start)
return res
def make_2mum_tree(n):
mum1_count = n // 2
mum2_count = n - mum1_count
res = make_mum_tree(mum1_count)
res += make_mum_tree(mum2_count, start = mum1_count)
res += "1 %d\n" % (mum1_count + 1,)
return res
def make_2mum(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_2mum_tree(n)
leaves_1 = (n // 4, n // 2)
leaves_2 = (n // 4 * 3, n)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
w = randint(1, n)
if i <= n // 2:
if i not in leaves_1 and randint(0, 10):
w = n // 4 - i
if randint(0, 4) == 0:
w = i + n // 2
w += randint(-1, 8)
if i not in leaves_2 and randint(0, 10):
w = n - i - n // 4
if randint(0, 4) == 0:
w = i - n // 4
w += randint(-1, 8)
#print("i = %d w = %d\n" % (i, w))
if w <= 1:
w = randint(1, n)
w = min(w, n)
res += "%d" % w
if i == n: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(m):
s = randint(1, n)
t = randint(1, n)
if randint(0, 10):
s = randint(*leaves_1)
t = randint(*leaves_2)
if randint(0, 1):
s, t = t, s
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
def make_s_e_1(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_mum_tree(n)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
w = i - 1
if randint(0, 5) == 0:
w = randint(1, n)
res += "%d" % w
if i == n: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(n):
s = 1
t = 0
if randint(0, 3):
t = randint(n // 2, n)
t = randint(1, n)
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
def make_t_e_1(n, m):
res = "%d %d\n" % (n, m)
res += make_mum_tree(n)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
w = randint(1, n)
if randint(0, 10) and i < n // 2:
w = n // 2 - i
w += randint(-3, 3)
w = min(w, n)
if w < 1:
w = randint(1, n)
res += "%d" % w
if i == n: res += "\n"
else: res += " "
for i in range(n):
s = 0
t = 1
if randint(0, 3):
s = randint(n // 2, n)
s = randint(1, n)
res += "%d %d\n" % (s, t)
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Data maker of running.")
parser.add_argument("type", type = str, help = "Data type.")
parser.add_argument("N", type = int)
parser.add_argument("M", type = int)
args = parser.parse_args()
data = ""
if args.type == "sieti":
data = make_si_e_ti(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "wje0":
data = make_wj_e_0(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "r":
data = make_r(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "l":
data = make_l(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "se1":
data = make_s_e_1(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "te1":
data = make_t_e_1(args.N, args.M)
elif args.type == "2mum":
data = make_2mum(args.N, args.M)
print("Please indicate proper data type!")