Lucene Change Log
For more information on past and future Lucene versions, please see:
======================= Lucene 6.6.0 =======================
New Features
* LUCENE-7811: Add a concurrent SortedSet facets implementation.
(Mike McCandless)
Bug Fixes
* LUCENE-7777: ByteBlockPool.readBytes sometimes throws
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when byte blocks larger than 32 KB
were added (Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7797: The static FSDirectory.listAll(Path) method was always
returning an empty array. (Atkins Chang via Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7481: Fixed missing rewrite methods for SpanPayloadCheckQuery
and PayloadScoreQuery. (Erik Hatcher)
* LUCENE-7808: Fixed PayloadScoreQuery and SpanPayloadCheckQuery
.equals and .hashCode methods. (Erik Hatcher)
* LUCENE-7798: Add .equals and .hashCode to ToParentBlockJoinSortField
(Mikhail Khludnev)
* LUCENE-7814: DateRangePrefixTree (in spatial-extras) had edge-case bugs for
years >= 292,000,000. (David Smiley)
* LUCENE-5365, LUCENE-7818: Fix incorrect condition in queryparser's
QueryNodeOperation#logicalAnd(). (Olivier Binda, Amrit Sarkar,
AppChecker via Uwe Schindler)
* LUCENE-7821: The classic and flexible query parsers, as well as Solr's
"lucene"/standard query parser, should require " TO " in range queries,
and accept "TO" as endpoints in range queries. (hossman, Steve Rowe)
* LUCENE-7824: Fix graph query analysis for multi-word synonym rules with common terms (eg. new york, new york city).
(Jim Ferenczi)
* LUCENE-7817: Pass cached query to onQueryCache instead of null.
(Christoph Kaser via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7831: CodecUtil should not seek to negative offsets. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7833: ToParentBlockJoinQuery computed the min score instead of the max
score with ScoreMode.MAX. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7847: Fixed all-docs-match optimization of range queries on range
fields. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7810: Fix equals() and hashCode() methods of several join queries.
(Hossman, Adrien Grand, Martijn van Groningen)
* LUCENE-7782: OfflineSorter now passes the total number of items it
will write to getWriter (Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7785: Move dictionary for Ukrainian analyzer to external dependency.
(Andriy Rysin via Steve Rowe, Dawid Weiss)
* LUCENE-7801: SortedSetDocValuesReaderState now implements
Accountable so you can see how much RAM it's using (Robert Muir,
Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7792: OfflineSorter can now run concurrently if you pass it
an optional ExecutorService (Dawid Weiss, Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7811: Sorted set facets now use sparse storage when
collecting hits, when appropriate. (Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7787: spatial-extras HeatmapFacetCounter will now short-circuit it's
work when Bits.MatchNoBits is passed. (David Smiley)
* LUCENE-7796: Make IOUtils.reThrow idiom declare Error return type so
callers may use it in a way that compiler knows subsequent code is
unreachable. reThrow is now deprecated in favor of IOUtils.rethrowAlways
with a slightly different semantics (see javadoc). (Hossman, Robert Muir,
Dawid Weiss)
* LUCENE-7754: Inner classes should be static whenever possible.
(Daniel Jelinski via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7751: Avoid boxing primitives only to call compareTo.
(Daniel Jelinski via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7743: Never call new String(String).
(Daniel Jelinski via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7761: Fixed comment in ReqExclScorer.
(Pablo Pita Leira via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7815: Deprecate the PostingsHighlighter. It evolved into the
UnifiedHighlighter. (David Smiley)
======================= Lucene 6.5.1 =======================
Bug Fixes
* LUCENE-7755: Fixed join queries to not reference IndexReaders, as it could
cause leaks if they are cached. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7749: Made LRUQueryCache delegate the scoreSupplier method.
(Martin Amirault via Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7769: The UnifiedHighligter wasn't highlighting portions of the query
wrapped in BoostQuery or SpanBoostQuery. (David Smiley, Dmitry Malinin)
* LUCENE-7791: Fixed index sorting to work with sparse numeric and binary docvalues field.
(Przemyslaw Szeremiota via Jim Ferenczi)
* LUCENE-7763: Remove outdated comment in IndexWriterConfig.setIndexSort javadocs.
(马可阳 via Christine Poerschke)
======================= Lucene 6.5.0 =======================
API Changes
* LUCENE-7740: Refactor Range Fields to remove Field suffix (e.g., DoubleRange),
move InetAddressRange and InetAddressPoint from sandbox to misc module, and
refactor all other range fields from sandbox to core. (Nick Knize)
* LUCENE-7624: TermsQuery has been renamed as TermInSetQuery and moved to core.
(Alan Woodward)
* LUCENE-7637: TermInSetQuery requires that all terms come from the same field.
(Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7644: FieldComparatorSource.newComparator() and
SortField.getComparator() no longer throw IOException (Alan Woodward)
* LUCENE-7643: Replaced doc-values queries in lucene/sandbox with factory
methods on the *DocValuesField classes. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7659: Added a IndexWriter#getFieldNames() method (experimental) to return
all field names as visible from the IndexWriter. This would be useful for
IndexWriter#updateDocValues() calls, to prevent calling with non-existent
docValues fields (Ishan Chattopadhyaya, Adrien Grand, Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-6959: Removed ToParentBlockJoinCollector in favour of
ParentChildrenBlockJoinQuery, that can return the matching children documents per
parent document. This query should be executed for each matching parent document
after the main query has been executed. (Adrien Grand, Martijn van Groningen,
Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-7628: Scorer.getChildren() now only returns Scorers that are
positioned on the current document, and can throw an IOException.
AssertingScorer checks that getChildren() is not called on an unpositioned
Scorer. (Alan Woodward, Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7702: Removed GraphQuery in favour of simple boolean query. (Matt Webber via Jim Ferenczi)
* LUCENE-7707: TopDocs.merge now takes a boolean option telling it
when to use the incoming shard index versus when to assign the shard
index itself, allowing users to merge shard responses incrementally
instead of once all shard responses are present. (Simon Willnauer,
Mike McCandless)
* LUCENE-6819: Index-time boosts are deprecated. As a replacement, index-time
scoring factors should be indexed into a doc value field and combined at
query time using eg. FunctionScoreQuery. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7700: A cleanup of merge throughput control logic. Refactored all the
code previously scattered throughout the IndexWriter and
ConcurrentMergeScheduler into a more accessible set of public methods (see
MergePolicy.OneMergeProgress, MergeScheduler.wrapForMerge and
OneMerge.mergeInit). (Dawid Weiss, Mike McCandless).
New Features
* LUCENE-7738: Add new InetAddressRange for indexing and querying InetAddress
ranges. (Nick Knize)
* LUCENE-7449: Add CROSSES relation support to RangeFieldQuery. (Nick Knize)
* LUCENE-7623: Add FunctionScoreQuery and FunctionMatchQuery (Alan Woodward,
Adrien Grand, David Smiley)
* LUCENE-7619: Add WordDelimiterGraphFilter, just like
WordDelimiterFilter except it produces correct token graphs so that
proximity queries at search time will produce correct results (Mike
* LUCENE-7656: Added the factory
methods that are the equivalent of factory methods on LatLonPoint but operate
on doc values. These new methods should be wrapped in an IndexOrDocValuesQuery
for best performance. (Adrien Grand)
* LUCENE-7673: Added MultiValued[Int/Long/Float/Double]FieldSource that given a
SortedNumericSelector.Type can give a ValueSource view of a
SortedNumericDocValues field. (Tomás Fernández Lö