var hs = {
graphicsDir : 'highslide/graphics/',
restoreCursor : 'zoomout.cur', // necessary for preload
expandSteps : 10, // number of steps in zoom. Each step lasts for duration/step milliseconds.
expandDuration : 250, // milliseconds
restoreSteps : 10,
restoreDuration : 250,
marginLeft : 15,
marginRight : 15,
marginTop : 15,
marginBottom : 15,
zIndexCounter : 1001, // adjust to other absolutely positioned elements
loadingText : 'Loading...',
loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel',
loadingOpacity : 0.75,
focusTitle : 'Click to bring to front',
allowMultipleInstances: true,
numberOfImagesToPreload : 5,
captionSlideSpeed : 1, // set to 0 to disable slide in effect
padToMinWidth : false, // pad the popup width to make room for wide caption
outlineWhileAnimating : 2, // 0 = never, 1 = always, 2 = HTML only
outlineStartOffset : 3, // ends at 10
fullExpandTitle : 'Expand to actual size',
fullExpandPosition : 'bottom right',
fullExpandOpacity : 1,
showCredits : true, // you can set this to false if you want
creditsText : 'Powered by UCFAR.CN',
creditsHref : '',
creditsTitle : 'Ucfar.CN',
enableKeyListener : true,
// HTML extension
previousText : 'Previous',
nextText : 'Next',
moveText : 'Move',
closeText : '关闭',
closeTitle : '点击关闭',
resizeTitle : '调整大小',
allowWidthReduction : false,
allowHeightReduction : true,
preserveContent : true, // Preserve changes made to the content and position of HTML popups.
objectLoadTime : 'before', // Load iframes 'before' or 'after' expansion.
cacheAjax : true, // Cache ajax popups for instant display. Can be overridden for each popup.
// These settings can also be overridden inline for each image
captionId : null,
spaceForCaption : 30, // leaves space below images with captions
slideshowGroup : null, // defines groups for next/previous links and keystrokes
minWidth: 200,
minHeight: 250,
allowSizeReduction: true, // allow the image to reduce to fit client size. If false, this overrides minWidth and minHeight
outlineType : 'drop-shadow' , // set null to disable outlines
wrapperClassName : 'highslide-wrapper', // for enhanced css-control
// declare internal properties
preloadTheseImages : [],
continuePreloading: true,
expanders : [],
overrides : [
overlays : [],
faders : [],
pendingOutlines : {},
sleeping : [],
preloadTheseAjax : [],
cacheBindings : [],
cachedGets : {},
clones : {},
ie : (document.all && !window.opera),
safari : /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent),
geckoMac : /Macintosh.+rv:1\.[0-8].+Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent),
$ : function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
push : function (arr, val) {
arr[arr.length] = val;
createElement : function (tag, attribs, styles, parent, nopad) {
var el = document.createElement(tag);
if (attribs) hs.setAttribs(el, attribs);
if (nopad) hs.setStyles(el, {padding: 0, border: 'none', margin: 0});
if (styles) hs.setStyles(el, styles);
if (parent) parent.appendChild(el);
return el;
setAttribs : function (el, attribs) {
for (var x in attribs) el[x] = attribs[x];
setStyles : function (el, styles) {
for (var x in styles) {
try {
if ( && x == 'opacity') = (styles[x] == 1) ? '' : 'alpha(opacity='+ (styles[x] * 100) +')';
else[x] = styles[x];
catch (e) {}
ieVersion : function () {
var arr = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
return arr[1] ? parseFloat(arr[1]) : null;
getPageSize : function () {
var iebody = document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat"
? document.documentElement : document.body;
var width = ? iebody.clientWidth :
(document.documentElement.clientWidth || self.innerWidth),
height = ? iebody.clientHeight : self.innerHeight;
return {
width: width,
height: height,
scrollLeft: ? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset,
scrollTop: ? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset
position : function(el) {
var p = { x: el.offsetLeft, y: el.offsetTop };
while (el.offsetParent) {
el = el.offsetParent;
p.x += el.offsetLeft;
p.y += el.offsetTop;
if (el != document.body && el != document.documentElement) {
p.x -= el.scrollLeft;
p.y -= el.scrollTop;
return p;
expand : function(a, params, custom) {
if (a.getParams) return params;
try {
new hs.Expander(a, params, custom);
return false;
} catch (e) { return true; }
htmlExpand : function(a, params, custom) {
if (a.getParams) return params;
for (var i = 0; i < hs.sleeping.length; i++) {
if (hs.sleeping[i] && hs.sleeping[i].a == a) {
hs.sleeping[i] = null;
return false;
try {
hs.hasHtmlexpanders = true;
new hs.Expander(a, params, custom, 'html');
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
getElementByClass : function (el, tagName, className) {
var els = el.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
if (els[i].className == className) {
return els[i];
return null;
getSelfRendered : function() {
var s =
'<div class="highslide-header"><ul>'
+ '<li class="highslide-previous"><a onclick="return hs.previous(this)" href="#">'+ hs.previousText +'</a></li>'
+ '<li class="highslide-next"><a onclick="return" href="#">'+ hs.nextText +'</a></li>'
+ '<li class="highslide-move"><a href="#" onclick="return false">'+ hs.moveText +'</a></li>'
+ '<li class="highslide-close"><a onclick="return hs.close(this)" title="'+ hs.closeTitle +'" href="#">'
+ hs.closeText +'</a></li>'
+'<div class="highslide-body"></div>'
+'<div class="highslide-footer"><div>'
+ '<span class="highslide-resize" title="'+ hs.resizeTitle +'"><span></span></span>'
return hs.createElement('div', { className: 'highslide-html-content', innerHTML: s } );
getCacheBinding : function (a) {
for (var i = 0; i < hs.cacheBindings.length; i++) {
if (hs.cacheBindings[i][0] == a) {
var c = hs.cacheBindings[i][1];
hs.cacheBindings[i][1] = c.cloneNode(1);
return c;
return null;
preloadAjax : function (e) {
var aTags = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
var a, re;
for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
a = aTags[i];
re = hs.isHsAnchor(a);
if (re && re[0] == 'hs.htmlExpand' && hs.getParam(a, 'objectType') == 'ajax'
&& hs.getParam(a, 'cacheAjax')) {
hs.push(hs.preloadTheseAjax, a);
preloadAjaxElement : function (i) {
if (!hs.preloadTheseAjax[i]) return;
var a = hs.preloadTheseAjax[i];
var cache = hs.getNode(hs.getParam(a, 'contentId'));
if (!cache) cache = hs.getSelfRendered();
var ajax = new hs.Ajax(a, cache, 1);
ajax.onError = function () { };
ajax.onLoad = function () {
hs.push(hs.cacheBindings, [a, cache]);
hs.preloadAjaxElement(i + 1);
focusTopmost : function() {
var topZ = 0, topmostKey = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < hs.expanders.length; i++) {
if (hs.expanders[i]) {
if (hs.expanders[i] && hs.expanders[i] > topZ) {
topZ = hs.expanders[i];
topmostKey = i;
if (topmostKey == -1) hs.focusKey = -1;
else hs.expanders[topmostKey].focus()
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
通用上传组件(功能强大,界面美观) 功能强大,界面美观的.net通用上传组件(强烈推荐!) 功能特点: 1、自定义上传文件类型、浏览资源管理器窗口标题; 2、根据登陆的用户session不同,自动上传至该用户名的目录下,如果没有该用户,则自动建立该用户目录; 3、支持多选,多项文件上传; 4、极速上传、几个G的文件列表上传速度极快; 5、文件大小不受限制; 6、可以自定义单文件大小、累计文件大小; 7、界面相当美观; 8、可扩展性、灵活性极高。 9、你自己发现吧 源码来自互联网.
.rar (31个子文件)
Upload.cs 2KB
from.gif 5KB
02092008360.jpg 230KB
yuer7.jpg 22KB
yyj_dog.jpg 27KB
Web.config 713B
loader.white.gif 673B
controlbar3.gif 838B
resize.gif 70B
loader.gif 668B
controlbar4-hover.gif 2KB
zoomout.cur 326B
zoomin.cur 326B
controlbar4.gif 854B
fullexpand.gif 209B
controlbar2.gif 884B
rounded-black.png 6KB
glossy-dark.png 5KB
Outlines.psd 168KB
outer-glow.png 6KB
rounded-white.png 2KB
drop-shadow.png 2KB
beveled.png 2KB
geckodimmer.png 3KB
slide.js 60KB
Default.aspx 2KB
Default.aspx.cs 1KB
FlashUpload.dll.refresh 130B
FlashUpload.pdb 16KB
FlashUpload.dll 176KB
共 31 条
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