~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Tuesday, April 30, 2002)
(1) How to build the source code
The source distribution comes with a file 'make.bat'.
If you run this file, it will compile all the classes
into an executable (Proxy.exe) and it will output an
XML file that can be used to generate the class
documentation (like the Proxy.chm file).
(2) How to use it
Here's a list of the commands and a small description
of each command.
Shows a list of all available commands and a very short
description of each command.
Shows the uptime of the proxy server in the following
format: [d.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]
where d is the number of days, hh the number of hours,
mm the number of minutes, ss the number of seconds
and ff the number of fractional seconds.
Shows the version of the proxy server.
Lists all the users in the user listing. These usernames
can be used for SOCKS5 authentication.
Adds a user to the user list.
Deletes a user from the user list.
Prints a list of all the active listeners and their IDs.
You'll need this ID when you want to remove a specific
Creates a new listener. See (a) for more information about
Deletes a listener from the listeners collection.
To delete a listener, you'll need its ID (a 32-byte string).
You can find this ID by executing the 'listlisteners' command.
(3) License & Contact information
All the code in this source code distribution is copyrighted
by The KPD-Team, ?2002. Visit for
the latest version of this project. E-Mail us at if you have comments or suggestions for us.
Make sure you read the license before you use the code. This
directory should contain a file license.txt which contains
a copy of the source code license. The same license is also
included in each class file and in the class documentation.
(4) Final Notes
The user/password authentication needs more work. It's already
implemented in the base classes, but the Proxy class doesn't
really use it.
(a) AddListener Command
There are currently four types of listeners you can start:
an HTTP proxy, an FTP proxy, a SOCKS proxy and a PortMapper.
HTTP proxy
An HTTP proxy will typically relay traffic between web servers
and web browsers. The full class name of the HTTP proxy
is "Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Http.HttpListener" (without the quotes).
The construction string of this object is "host:<ip>;int:<port>"
where <ip> should be replaced by the IP address you want the
server to listen on for incoming connections and <port> should
be replaced by the port number you want to listen on for
connections. For instance, if you want an HTTP proxy server on
IP address port 100, this would be the command sequence
Please enter the full class name of the Listener object you're trying to add:
(ie. Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Http.HttpListener)
Please enter the construction parameters:
HTTP service on started.
If you have your HTTP proxy running, you're almost done. Now, all
you have to do is to make sure your web browser uses that proxy
Internet Explorer users can go to Tools->Internet Options->
Connections Tab->LAN Settings
Check the 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' checkbox and make
sure the address and port text boxes are set to the correct IP
address and port number.
FTP proxy
An FTP proxy will typically relay traffic between FTP servers
and FTP clients. The full class name of the FTP proxy
is "Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Ftp.FtpListener" (without the quotes).
The construction string of this object is "host:<ip>;int:<port>"
where <ip> should be replaced by the IP address you want the
server to listen on for incoming connections and <port> should
be replaced by the port number you want to listen on for
connections. For instance, if you want an FTP proxy server on
IP address port 21, this would be the command sequence
Please enter the full class name of the Listener object you're trying to add:
(ie. Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Http.HttpListener)
Please enter the construction parameters:
FTP service on started.
Search for the PROXY options in your favorite FTP client. It should
support something like "OPEN command", "USER user@host:port"
or "USER user@host port". Pick one, fill in the correct values for
host and port, and you're ready. (There may also be some
authentication fields; leave these blank.)
SOCKS proxy
A SOCKS proxy can relay data from and to any application using any
subprotocol. The full class name of the SOCKS proxy
is "Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Socks.SocksListener" (without the quotes).
The construction string of this object is "host:<ip>;int<port>"
-or- "host:<ip>;int<port>;authlist". You can use that last version
if you want the users of the SOCKS5 server to be authenticated.
Here's an example of how to create a SOCKS server listening
on port 1080
Please enter the full class name of the Listener object you're trying to add:
(ie. Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Http.HttpListener)
Please enter the construction parameters:
SOCKS service on started.
Since the configuration of a SOCKS proxy in your applications differ
from application to application, I'm afraid you'll have to figure it
out yourself.
Note that the Socks5Listener class does not fully implement the SOCKS5
protocol. It does not support UPD sockets.
Portmap does exactely what its name says: it maps a port on a specific
IP address to another port on another IP address. This can be useful
for email and news applications. The full class name of the PortMap
listener is "Org.Mentalis.Proxy.PortMap.PortMapListener" (without
the quotes). The construction string of this object is
Where l_ip is the IP address to listen on, l_port is the port to listen
on, m_ip is the IP address where all the traffic has to be mapped to
and m_port is the port number where all the traffic has to be mapped to.
For instance, let's say we want to map the port 119 on
to the port 119 on You'd have to do something
like this:
Please enter the full class name of the Listener object you're trying to add:
(ie. Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Http.HttpListener)
Please enter the construction parameters:
PORTMAP service on started.
If you now connect to the IP address with your favoutite news
reader, you'll end up on
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