<META name=vsisbn content="1882419294">
<META name=vstitle content="An Introduction to AS/400 System Operations">
<META name=vsauthor content="Patrice Gapen Heidi Rothenbuehler">
<META name=vspublisher content="29th Street Press">
<META name=vspubdate content="09/01/96">
<META name=vscategory content="Hardware and Operating Systems: Operating Systems: AS/400">
<TITLE>An Introduction to AS/400 System Operations:Index</TITLE>
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color : Red;
<!--TITLE=An Introduction to AS/400 System Operations//-->
<!--AUTHOR=Patrice Gapen//-->
<!--AUTHOR=Heidi Rothenbuehler//-->
<!--PUBLISHER=29th Street Press//-->
<TD><A HREF="ewtoc.html">Table of Contents</A></TD>
<H2><A NAME="Heading1"></A><FONT COLOR="#000077">Index</FONT></H2>
<DD>C5250 Data Stream, 178
<P><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>A</B></FONT></P>
<DD>*ADD data authority, 34
<DD>Addresses, 102
<DD>*ADVANCED assistance level, 20
<DD>*ALL authority, 23
<DD>*ALLOBJ special authority, 23
<DD>Architecture, 1-2
<DD>LIC, 2
<DD>storage management, 1-2
<DD>support, 1
<DD>addresses, 102
<DD>architecture, 1-2
<DD>database access, 191-212
<DD>file formats, 184
<DD>Help, 52-55
<DD>PC connection, 174-175
<DD>powering down, 167-170
<DD>security system, 16
<DD>transfer requests and, 185-187
<DD><I>AS/400 Device Configuration Guide, 113, 114</I>
<DD>AS/400 Operational Assistant Menu, 41-43
<DD>accessing, 136
<DD>with Help screen overlay, 53
<DD>illustrated, 41, 81, 136
<DD>Option 1, 41, 80
<DD>Option 2, 41
<DD>Option 3, 42
<DD>Option 4, 42
<DD>Option 5, 42
<DD>Option 10, 42
<DD>Option 11, 42, 137
<DD>Option 75, 42
<DD>Option 80, 42
<DD>Sign-On screen, 43
<DD><I>See also</I> Operational Assistant
<DD>Assistance levels
<DD>Basic, 81-86
<DD>changing, 20
<DD>defined, 20
<DD>Intermediate, 86-91
<DD>types of, 20
<DD>*AUDIT special authority, 23
<DD>Auditing, 17
<DD>Authorities, 8, 22-24
<DD>*ALL, 23
<DD>data classifications, 34
<DD>group, 25
<DD>predefined values, 33
<DD>search path, 35-36
<DD>special, 23-24
<DD>*USE, 23
<DD><I>See also</I> Security
<DD>Authorization lists (*AUTL), 31-34
<DD>authority types, 32-33
<DD>defined, 31
<DD>displaying, 32
<DD>uses for, 31
<DD>Authorized program analysis report (APAR), 144
<DD>Automatic configuration, 114
<P><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>B</B></FONT></P>
<DD><I>Backup: Recovery —Basic Guide</I>, 142
<DD>Backup plans, 123-127
<DD>cleanup and, 134-136
<DD>creating, 123-127
<DD>daily, 126
<DD>diskette considerations, 130-134
<DD>examples of, 126
<DD>quarterly, 126
<DD>tape considerations, 127-130
<DD>time for, 124
<DD>weekly/monthly, 126
<DD><I>See also</I> Restoring
<DD>Backup Tasks menu, 138
<DD>Backups, 16
<DD>collating sequence, 130
<DD>inventory list and, 134
<DD>restricted, 138
<DD>running, 136-144
<DD>Save commands and, 124-125
<DD>save files, 139-141
<DD>setting up, 138-139
<DD>storage reclamation, 134
<DD>*BASIC assistance level, 20, 81-86
<DD>Batch jobs, 27, 28, 57
<DD>holding, 58, 64
<DD>releasing, 64-65
<DD>removing, 65
<DD>submitting, 57-58
<DD>verifying status of, 62-64
<DD>viewing, 63
<DD><I>See also</I> Jobs
<DD>Batch subsystem, 3-4
<DD>BCHJOB (Batch Job) command, 27
<DD>Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF) format, 185
<P><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>C</B></FONT></P>
<DD>*CHANGE authority, 23
<DD>Change Printer Output screen, 84
<DD>CHGCLNUP (Change Cleanup) command, 135
<DD>CHGMSGQ (Change Message Queue) command, 73-74
<DD>additional parameters, 75
<DD>screen, 74
<DD>CHGSHRPOOL (Change Shared Storage Pool) command, 157
<DD>CHGSPLFA (Change Spooled File Attributes) command, 92
<DD>CHGSYSVAL (Change System Value) command, 154
<DD>CL commands, 43-50
<DD>abbreviations, 44
<DD>checking syntax of, 28
<DD>in CL programs, 46
<DD>defined, 43
<DD>display, 46
<DD>entering, 8
<DD>general structure, 51
<DD>information display, 48
<DD>keyword notation, 50-51
<DD>major groups, 45
<DD>Operational Assistant, 43
<DD>parameters, 46-47
<DD>positional notation, 51-52
<DD>question mark and, 48
<DD>redisplaying syntax for, 50
<DD>verb, list of, 46
<DD><I>See also specific commands</I>
<DD>CL (Control Language), 8
<DD>Cleanup, 134-136
<DD>customizing, 135
<DD>ending, 135
<DD>starting, 135-136
<DD><I>See also</I> Backup plan
<DD>Cleanup Tasks menu, 134-136
<DD>accessing, 134, 135
<DD>illustrated, 135
<DD>Client Access for OS/400
<DD>Client Access/400 for Windows option, 174
<DD>client/server programming, 188-189
<DD>data queues, 188
<DD>data transfer/file transfer, 183-187
<DD>defined, 173-174
<DD>Extended DOS option, 174
<DD>features, 177-178
<DD>install overview, 174-175
<DD>install overview on PC, 176
<DD>ODBC, 188
<DD>PCSMENU program and, 178
<DD>Personal Communications/400, 179-180
<DD>references, 189
<DD>RUMBA/400, 179
<DD>shared folders, 181-183
<DD>starting, 177
<DD>Startup icon, 177
<DD>Submit Remote Command, 188
<DD>terminal/printer emulation, 178-180
<DD>Virtual Printer, 188
<DD><I>See also</I> PC Support/400
<DD>Client Access for Windows 95, 174
<DD>Client/server programming, 188-189
<DD>CLRLIB (Clear Library) command, 134
<DD>Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format, 184
<DD>CONFIG.PCS file, 176
<DD>Control Language. <I>See</I> CL commands; CL (Control Language)
<DD>Controllers, 102
<DD>defined, 102
<DD>descriptions of, 102
<DD>relationship with lines and devices, 101
<DD>Create a DFU Program screen, 200-201
<DD>CRTDEVDKT (Create Device Diskette) command, 119-120
<DD>CRTDEVDSP (Create Device Description Display) command, 116-117
<DD>for display stations, 116-117
<DD>screens, 116, 117
<DD>CRTDEVPRT (Create Device Printer) command, 120
<DD>CRTDEVTAP (Create Device Tape) command, 119-120
<DD>CRTDFT (Create Default) command, 26
<DD>CRTSAVF (Create Save File) command, 140
<DD>Cumulative (CUM) PTFs
<DD>applying, 151
<DD>defined, 144
<DD>loading, 148-149, 151
<DD><I>See also</I> PTFs
<DD>Customize Your System, Users, and Devices menu, 137
<P><FONT SIZE="+1"><B>D</B></FONT></P>
<DD>DASD (direct access storage devices), 1, 140, 161
<DD>Data description specification (DDS), 192
<DD>Data File Utility (DFU), 192, 200-207
<DD>starting, 200
<DD>uses, 200
<DD>Data Interchange Format (DIF) format, 185
<DD>Data queues, 188
<DD>Data transfer, 183-187
<DD>DB2/400, 191
<DD>file access methods, 210
<DD>files, 192
<DD>Define Audit Control screen, 202-203
<DD>Define General Information/Indexed File screen, 201-202
<DD>Define the Query screen, 208
<DD>Device descriptions (*DEVD)
<DD>categories of, 106
<DD>copying for display stations, 114-117
<DD>creating, 113-121
<DD>creating for display stations, 117-118
<DD>defined, 103
<DD>for diskette drives, 119-120
<DD>for displays, 106-108
<DD>for printers, 109-110, 120-121
<DD>for terminals, 106-108
<DD>troubleshooting, 118-119
<DD>working with, 106-107
<DD><I>See also</I> Devices
<DD>Device Status Task screen, 104-105
<DD>defined, 104
<DD>displaying, 108
<DD>illustrated, 105
<DD>Devices, 103-113
<DD>automatic configuration, 114
<DD>managing, 103
<DD>naming, 116-117
<DD>port number, 116
<DD>relationship with lines and controllers, 101
<DD>selecting, 115
<DD>status, 104
<DD>for diskette drives, 112-113
<DD>for printers, 108-109
<DD>for tap