Alan Thorn
D games are everywhere, from mobile devices and websites to game
consoles and PCs. Timeless and popular, 2D games represent a sub-
stantial segment of the games market.
In Learn Unity for 2D Development, targeted at 2D game developers
new to Unity and experienced Unity developers who want to learn how
to create 2D games, experienced game developer Alan Thorn shows you
how to use the powerful Unity engine to create fun and imaginative 2D
Written in clear and accessible language, Learn Unity for 2D Game
Development will show you how to set up a step-by-step 2D workflow in
Unity, how to build and import textures, how to configure and work with
cameras, how to establish pixel-perfect ratios, and all of this so you can
put that infrastructure to work in a real, playable game. Then the final
chapters show you how to put what you’ve already made to work in cre-
ating a card-matching game, plus you’ll learn how to optimize your game
for mobile devices.
What You’ll Learn:
• How to create a 2D workflow in Unity
• Customizing the Unity Editor
• How to generate atlas textures and textured quads
• Animation effects and camera configuration
• Handling user input
• Creating a game from start to finish
• Optimizing for mobile devices
Learn Unity for 2D Game Development
Shelve in Graphics/Game Programming
User level: Beginning–Intermediate
Also available:
Unity for 2D Game
Learn Unity for 2D Game Development
9 781430262299
ISBN 978-1-4302-6229-9