Apress Expert F#(Take functional programming to the next level )
According to Wikipedia, “Scientists include theoreticians who mainly develop new models to explain existing data and experimentalists who mainly test models by making measurements— though in practice the division between these activities is not clear-cut, and many scientists perform both.” The domain-specific language that many scientists use to define their models is mathematics, and since the early days of computing science, the holy grail has been to close the semantic gap between scientific models and executable code as much as possible. It is becoming increasingly clear that all scientists are practicing applied mathematics, and some scientists, such as theoretical physicists, are behaviorally indistinguishable from pure mathematicians. The more we can make programming look like mathematics, the more helpful we make it to scientists and engineer
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- (源码)基于ESP8266的WebDAV服务器与3D打印机管理系统.zip
- (源码)基于Nio实现的Mycat 2.0数据库代理系统.zip
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- (源码)基于Spring Boot框架的博客系统.zip
- (源码)基于Spring Boot框架的博客管理系统.zip
- (源码)基于ESP8266和Blynk的IR设备控制系统.zip
- (源码)基于Java和JSP的校园论坛系统.zip
- (源码)基于ROS Kinetic框架的AGV激光雷达导航与SLAM系统.zip
- (源码)基于PythonDjango框架的资产管理系统.zip