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这是 Packt 出版社于 2024 年 6 月最新发布的一本专门针对 DevOps 新手、系统管理人员、Web 开发者等想要快速进阶自身 NGINX 水平的实战类优质 Nginx 资源。 在这本最新第五版中,重点介绍了最新Nginx v1.25.2 版的各项操作与配置。该版本具有 HTTP/3 和 QUIC 等新功能,让您了解最前沿的发展动态。 本书包含大量真实案例,将帮助您使用自动 TLS 证书保护基础架构,应用专业级操作将 NGINX 部署到现有应用程序……不一而足。从与 Docker 的配置到带宽管理、OpenResty 和 NGINX Plus 商业功能,您将掌握如何增强和优化基础架构或设计全新架构,了解国际上主流的Nginx用法与最佳实践。 此外,这本更新版还将向你展示NGINX如何在云环境中发挥出色作用,指导您如何将NGINX与云服务集成,从而高效、安全地部署可扩展架构。 学完本书,您将能够调整和使用各种 NGINX 实现,自信地应对各种挑战。
Harness the power of NGINX with a series of detailed tutorials
and real-life examples
Gabriel Ouiran
Clement Nedelcu
Martin Bjerretoft Fjordvald
Copyright © 2024 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embedded in critical articles or reviews.
e author acknowledges the use of cutting-edge AI, such as ChatGPT, with the sole aim of enhancing the language
and clarity within the book, thereby ensuring a smooth reading experience for readers. It’s important to note that
the content itself has been craed by the author and edited by a professional publishing team.
Every eort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented.
However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither
the authors, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or
alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products
mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the
accuracy of this information.
Group Product Manager: Dhruv J. Kataria
Publishing Product Manager: Khushboo Samkaria
Book Project Manager: Srinidhi Ram
Senior Editor: Adrija Mitra
Technical Editor: Nithik Cheruvakodan
Copy Editor: Sas Editing
Proofreader: Sas Editing
Indexer: Hemangini Bari
Production Designer: Shankar Kalbhor
DevRel Marketing Coordinator: Shruthi Shetty
Senior DevRel Marketing Executive: Marylou De Mello
First published: July 2010
Second edition: July 2013
ird edition: November 2015
Fourth edition: February 2018
Fih edition: June 2024
Production reference: 1080524
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Grosvenor House
11 St Paul’s Square
B3 1RB, UK
ISBN 978-1-83546-987-3
To the incredible circle of friends and mentors who’ve guided and helped me, to the community that
has always inspired me, and to all those who hold a special place in my heart, lling my life with joy
and purpose – you truly are my pillars of strength.
– Gabriel Ouiran
About the authors
Gabriel Ouiran is a systems administrator at Eduka Soware, Singapore, specializing in IT infrastructure
with a strong focus on AI and cloud technologies. Gabriel is also a passionate tech enthusiast and
a free and open source soware contributor. He has over 10 years of experience working in IT for
dierent companies. Gabriel now applies this expertise to enhance educational soware solutions.
I’m grateful to Clément for the chance to write this h edition. Special thanks to Remy, Jean-Vincent,
and Inès for their invaluable support and assistance in writing this book.
Clement Nedelcu was born in France and studied at UK, French, and Chinese universities. Aer
teaching computer science, programming, and systems administration at several eastern Chinese
universities, he worked as a technology consultant in France, specialized in the web and .NET soware
development as well as Linux server administration. Since 2005, he has also been administering a
major network of websites in his spare time, which allowed him to discover NGINX. Clement now
works as CTO. for a Singapore-based company developing management soware for schools.
Martin Bjerreto Fjordvald is a 35-year-old Danish entrepreneur who started his company straight
out of high school. Backed by a popular website, he became a jack of all trades having to deal with
the business, programming, and marketing side of his business. e popularity of his website grew
and so did the performance requirements of his code and servers.
He got involved with the community project to document NGINX early on and has written several
blog posts and wiki articles detailing how NGINX works.
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