<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceIdAttribute">
Defines a source code identifier custom attribute for an assembly
<member name="M:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceIdAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
Constructs an instance of this attribute class using the specified
source code identifier value.
<param name="value">
The source code identifier value to use.
<member name="P:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceIdAttribute.SourceId">
Gets the source code identifier value.
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceTimeStampAttribute">
Defines a source code time-stamp custom attribute for an assembly
<member name="M:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceTimeStampAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
Constructs an instance of this attribute class using the specified
source code time-stamp value.
<param name="value">
The source code time-stamp value to use.
<member name="P:System.Data.SQLite.AssemblySourceTimeStampAttribute.SourceTimeStamp">
Gets the source code time-stamp value.
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLogCallback">
This is the method signature for the SQLite core library logging callback
function for use with sqlite3_log() and the SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG.
WARNING: This delegate is used more-or-less directly by native code, do
not modify its type signature.
<param name="pUserData">
The extra data associated with this message, if any.
<param name="errorCode">
The error code associated with this message.
<param name="pMessage">
The message string to be logged.
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3">
This class implements SQLiteBase completely, and is the guts of the code that interop's SQLite with .NET
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteBase">
This internal class provides the foundation of SQLite support. It defines all the abstract members needed to implement
a SQLite data provider, and inherits from SQLiteConvert which allows for simple translations of string to and from SQLite.
<member name="T:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert">
This base class provides datatype conversion services for the SQLite provider.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.EscapeChar">
This character is used to escape other characters, including itself, in
connection string property names and values.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.QuoteChar">
This character can be used to wrap connection string property names and
values. Normally, it is optional; however, when used, it must be the
first -AND- last character of that connection string property name -OR-
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.AltQuoteChar">
This character can be used to wrap connection string property names and
values. Normally, it is optional; however, when used, it must be the
first -AND- last character of that connection string property name -OR-
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.ValueChar">
The character is used to separate the name and value for a connection
string property. This character cannot be present in any connection
string property name. This character can be present in a connection
string property value; however, this should be avoided unless deemed
absolutely necessary.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.PairChar">
This character is used to separate connection string properties. When
the "No_SQLiteConnectionNewParser" setting is enabled, this character
may not appear in connection string property names -OR- values.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.FallbackDefaultDbType">
The fallback default database type when one cannot be obtained from an
existing connection instance.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.FullFormat">
The format string for DateTime values when using the InvariantCulture or CurrentCulture formats.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.SpecialChars">
These are the characters that are special to the connection string
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.FallbackDefaultTypeName">
The fallback default database type name when one cannot be obtained from
an existing connection instance.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.UnixEpoch">
The value for the Unix epoch (e.g. January 1, 1970 at midnight, in UTC).
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.OleAutomationEpochAsJulianDay">
The value of the OLE Automation epoch represented as a Julian day. This
field cannot be removed as the test suite relies upon it.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.MinimumJd">
This is the minimum Julian Day value supported by this library
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert.MaximumJd">
This is the maximum Julian Day value supported by this library
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert._datetimeFormats">
An array of ISO-8601 DateTime formats that we support parsing.
<member name="F:System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConvert._datetimeFormatUtc">
The internal default format for UTC DateTime values when converting
to a string.
<member n
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GISER.P.UniqueCode.dll 8KB
GISER.P.Protocols.pdb 20KB
GMap.NET.WindowsForms.xml 46KB
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GISER.P.HPSocket.pdb 78KB
GISER.P.Simulator.vshost.exe 22KB
GISER.P.Simulator.vshost.exe.manifest 10KB
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GISER.P.UniqueCode.pdb 16KB
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GISER.P.Protocol.T808.dll 246KB
CBL.V12.Simulator.vshost.exe.manifest 490B
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GISER.P.Simulator.vshost.application 2KB
GISER.P.Protocol.Recorder.pdb 138KB
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GISER.P.Simulator.exe 400KB
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