GDAL Docker images
This directory contains a number of Dockerfile for different configurations.
Each directory contains a `./` for convenient building of the image.
Note: the mention of the overall licensing terms of the GDAL build is to the
best of our knowledge and not guaranteed. Users should check by themselves.
# Alpine based (3.15)
## Small: `osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest`
* Image size: ~ 59 MB
* Raster drivers: ultrasmall + built-in + SQLite-based ones + network-based ones
* Vector drivers: ultrasmall + built-in + most XML-based ones + network-based ones + PostgreSQL
* Using internal libtiff and libgeotiff
* External libraries enabled: ultrasmall + libexpat, libpq, libssl
* No GDAL Python
* Base PROJ grid package (
* Overall licensing terms of the GDAL build: permissive (MIT, BSD style, Apache, etc..)
See [alpine-small/Dockerfile](alpine-small/Dockerfile)
## Normal: `osgeo/gdal:alpine-normal-latest`
* Image size: ~ 242 MB
* Raster drivers: small + netCDF, HDF5, BAG
* Vector drivers: small + Spatialite, XLS
* Using internal libtiff and libgeotiff
* External libraries enabled: small + libgeos, libhdf5, libhdf5, libkea, libnetcdf, libfreexl,
libspatialite, libxml2, libpoppler, openexr, libheif, libdeflate
* GDAL Python (Python 3.9)
* Base PROJ grid package (
* Overall licensing terms of the GDAL build: copy-left (GPL) + LGPL + permissive
See [alpine-normal/Dockerfile](alpine-normal/Dockerfile)
# Ubuntu based (20:04 / focal)
## Small: `osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-latest`
* Image size: ~ 385 MB
* Raster drivers: all built-in + JPEG + PNG + JP2OpenJPEG + WEBP +SQLite-based ones + network-based ones
* Vector drivers: all built-in + XML based ones + SQLite-based ones + network-based ones + PostgreSQL
* Using internal libtiff and libgeotiff
* External libraries enabled: libsqlite3, libproj, libcurl, libjpeg, libpng, libwebp,
libzstd, libexpat, libxerces-c, libpq, libssl, libgeos, libspatialite
* GDAL Python (Python 3.8)
* Base PROJ grid package (
* Overall licensing terms of the GDAL build: LGPL + permissive (MIT, BSD style, Apache, etc..)
See [ubuntu-small/Dockerfile](ubuntu-small/Dockerfile)
## Full: `osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-latest` (aliased to `osgeo/gdal`)
* Image size: ~ 1.48 GB
* Raster drivers: all based on almost all possible free and open-source dependencies
* Vector drivers: all based on almost all possible free and open-source dependencies
* Using internal libtiff and libgeotiff
* External libraries enabled: small + libnetcdf, libhdf4, libhdf5, libtiledb, libkea,
mongocxx 3.4, libspatialite, unixodbc, libxml2, libcfitsio, libmysqlclient,
libkml, libpoppler, pdfium, openexr, libheif, libdeflate
* GDAL Python (Python 3.8)
* *All* PROJ grid packages (equivalent of latest of from at time of generation, > 500 MB)
* Overall licensing terms of the GDAL build: copy-left (GPL) + LGPL + permissive
See [ubuntu-full/Dockerfile](ubuntu-full/Dockerfile)
# Usage
Pull the required image and then run passing the gdal program you want to execute as a [docker run]( command. Bind a volume from your local file system to the docker container to run gdal programs that accept a file argument. For example, binding `-v /home:/home` on Linux or `-v /Users:/Users` on Mac will allow you to reference files in your home directory by passing their full path. Use the docker `--rm` option to automatically remove the container when the run completes.
Note: you should *not* try to install GDAL (directly or indirectly through other packages that depend on it) with the package managing system (apt/apk) of the Linux distributions. It will conflict with the custom GDAL version provided by the Docker image and will likely result in a broken container.
## Example:
docker pull osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest
docker run --rm -v /home:/home osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-latest gdalinfo $PWD/my.tif
# Images of releases
Tagged images of recent past releases are available. The last ones (at time of writing) are for GDAL 3.4.2 and PROJ 9.0.0, for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64:
* osgeo/gdal:alpine-small-3.4.2
* osgeo/gdal:alpine-normal-3.4.2
* osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-small-3.4.2
* osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.4.2
## Multi-arch Images
Each directory contains a `` shell script that supports building images
for multiple platforms using an experimental feature called [Docker BuildKit](
BuildKit CLI looks like `docker buildx build` vs. `docker build`
and allows images to build not only for the architecture and operating system
that the user invoking the build happens to run, but for others as well.
There is a small setup process depending on your operating system. Refer to [Preparation toward running Docker on ARM Mac: Building multi-arch images with Docker BuildX](
#### Example Scenario
If you're running Docker for MacOS with an Intel CPU
and you wanted to build the `alpine-small` image with support for Raspberry Pi 4,
adding a couple flags when running `alpine-small/` can greatly simplify this process
#### Enabling
Use the two script flags in order to leverage BuildKit:
| Flag | Description | Arguments |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| --with-multi-arch | Will build using the `buildx` plugin | N/A |
| --platform | Which architectures to build | linux/amd64,linux/arm64 |
`alpine-small/ --with-multi-arch --release --gdal v3.2.0 --proj master --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64`
## Custom Base Image
Override the base image, used to build and run gdal, by setting the environment variable: `BASE_IMAGE`
`BASE_IMAGE="debian:stable" ubuntu-small/ --release --gdal v3.2.0 --proj master`
## Custom Image Names
Override the image and repository of the final image by setting the environment variable: `TARGET_IMAGE`
`TARGET_IMAGE="YOU_DOCKER_USERNAME/gdal" alpine-small/ --release --gdal v3.2.0 --proj master`