C++ GUI Qt 4编程(第二版)(书+源代码)
书有每章书签。 -------- C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (second edition) by Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield. ISBN 0-13-235416-0 The root of the examples directory contains examples.pro. If you execute qmake examples.pro make (nmake if you use Visual C++), the examples for all chapters with complete cross-platform examples will be built. Note that chapters 11, 17, and 18 use code snippets rather than complete examples, so are not included here. The appendixC directory contains Qt Jambi examples. 1. Getting Started chap01/age chap01/hello chap01/quit 2. Creating Dialogs chap02/find chap02/gotocell1 chap02/gotocell2 chap02/gotocell3 chap02/sort 3. Creating Main Windows chap03/spreadsheet 4. Implementing Application Functionality chap04/spreadsheet 5. Creating Custom Widgets chap05/hexspinbox chap05/iconeditor chap05/iconeditorplugin chap05/plotter 6. Layout Management chap06/findfile1 chap06/findfile2 chap06/findfile3 chap06/mailclient chap06/mdieditor chap06/preferences chap06/splitter 7. Event Processing chap07/ticker 8. 2D Graphics chap08/cityscape chap08/diagram chap08/oventimer 9. Drag and Drop chap09/projectchooser 10. Item View Classes chap10/booleanparser chap10/cities chap10/colornames chap10/coordinatesetter chap10/currencies chap10/directoryviewer chap10/flowchartsymbolpicker chap10/settingsviewer chap10/teamleaders chap10/trackeditor 12. Input/Output chap12/imageconverter chap12/imagespace chap12/tidy 13. Databases chap13/scooters chap13/staffmanager 14. Multithreading chap14/imagepro chap14/semaphores chap14/threads chap14/waitconditions 15. Networking chap15/ftpget chap15/httpget chap15/spider chap15/tripplanner chap15/tripserver chap15/weatherballoon chap15/weatherstation 16. XML chap16/domparser chap16/saxhandler chap16/xmlstreamreader chap16/xmlstreamwriter 19. Look and Feel Customization chap19/bronze chap19/candy 20. 3D Graphics chap20/teapots chap20/tetrahedron chap20/vowelcube 21. Creating Plugins chap21/basiceffectsplugin chap21/bronze chap21/bronzestyleplugin chap21/cursorplugin chap21/extraeffectsplugin chap21/textart 22. Application Scripting chap22/calculator chap22/gaspump chap22/htmleditor 23. Platform-Specific Features chap23/addressbook chap23/bouncer chap23/mediaplayer chap23/tictactoe 24. Embedded Programming chap24/expenses chap24/unitconverter
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