Extract Attachments from winmail.dat files
By Steve Beadle
What does it do?
This program is a utility you can use in conjunction with your non-Microsoft e-mail program. When you receive a message from a user who has sent you a message in Microsoft Outlook RTF format, you will receive the normal message text along with an attached file named 'winmail.dat'. Strictly speaking it's not a Word rich text file and you can't use Word to read it - it is a format MicroSoft calls 'TNEF'.
The winmail.dat file contains a formatted version of the message (which this program ignores) and any attached files. WMDecode will scan the selected winmail.dat file for attachments and save them individually, defaulting to the original (long) filename.
To install WMDecode, copy the file WMDecode.exe from the .zip file to your PC desktop.
How to use it
Drag a winmail.dat file from your hard disk (Explorer) onto the WMDecode icon.
The decoded files then get created in the same folder as the winmail.dat file, and you
can then move them where you want them.
You can also drag a MIME file onto the WMDecode icon (e.g. an Outlook Express mail).
Don't forget, you can't drag directly from the email program - you need to drag to an Explorer folder or your Desktop first, then drag-drop onto the WMDecode icon.
To use from the command prompt, run the program with the filename of the winmail.dat file as the first argument.
For a User Guide, go to:
How does it work?
It works by scanning the winmail.dat file for code sequences associated with attached files. There are no guarantees that all attachments will be interpreted correctly, but there are thousands of satisfied WMDecode users. If you find a problem please email me an example and I will try to revise the program.
Time-Limited version
This program will expire (stop working) on a date stated when you run the program. An updated version will be available before expiry from my web site www.biblet.com
Alternatively you may register for $10 and get a version which will not expire - go to http://www.biblet.com/purchase.html
Registration fees are a gift to my Children, James and Sarah, for their education.
Quantity discounts, site and server licenses are also available. Please email me at the address below for further information.
Copyright (c) 2002-12 Steve Beadle
This program has been written and is owned by Steve Beadle. It may be distributed freely as long as it is not altered or sold.
If you like this software and find it useful then please visit www.biblet.com to purchase a license - you will then get a version with no time limit.
You can make a secure credit card purchase - go to
While this program has been extensively tested I will not be held responsible for any problems it may cause. Please forward any comments you may have to:
Updated software is available via:
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
V1.01 First Public Release(s)
V1.02 Finds additional files/names missed before
V1.03 Finds even more files not found before
V1.04 As above! Reads 16-bit character filenames
V1.05 Fixed limit checks bug
V1.06 Alter filenames if non-A-Z,a-z,0-9 sp are used
V1.07 Add option to regsitered version to prevent WMDecode asking for keypresses.
V1.08b Add output path option if registered. Fix case bug in finding own path. By default the output will be to the path of the input file.
V1.09 Improve handling of Unicode names
V1.10 Handle multiple files having same names
V1.11 Filename bug fixes, Errorlevel returns number of files, decode MIME from Outlook Express
V1.11J Customised for AOK Systems
V1.11K Further format adjustments
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