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Model-Driven Applications Using Model-Driven Mechanism to Bridge
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Yu, T.-Y. (2013-08). Model-driven applications: Using model-driven mechanism to bridge the gap between business and IT. In Díaz, V. et al. eds, Advances and Application in Model-Driven Software Engineering, ch. 3, pp. 53-72, IGI Global.
Model-Driven Applications
Using Model-Driven Mechanism to Bridge the Gap between Business and IT
Tong-Ying Yu
Independent Consultant, China
Abstract. How to bridge the gap between business and information technology (IT) has always been a
critical issue for both the developers and IT managers. The individualized, differentiated demands by
different customers and situations, the constantly changing in both business and IT are great challenges to
the applications for enterprises. In this chapter, we respectively discuss the problems from the left side
(computer) in software engineering, with object-orientation (OO), model-driven engineering (MDE),
domain-driven development (DDD), Agile, etc., and the right side (the real world) in enterprise engineering
(EE) with enterprise modeling (EM) and enterprise architecture (EA), of the gap. It is shown there are some
fundamental problems, such as the transforming barrier between analysis and design model, the
entanglement of business change and development process, and the limitation to the enterprise engineering
approaches such as EA by IT. Our solution is concentrated on the middle, the inevitable model as a
mediator between human, computer and the real world. We introduce model-driven application (MDApp)
which is based on model-driven mechanism (MDM), operated on the evolutionary model of the target thing
at runtime; it is able to largely avoid the transforming barrier and remove the entanglement. Thus, the
architecture for enterprise model driven application (EMDA) is emerged, which is able to strongly support
EE and adapts to the business changing at runtime.
The context of this chapter is the applications of information technology (IT), mainly, the software which
supports the comprehensive operations (business and management) of an enterprise
, i.e., the
“applications for enterprises” or “enterprise (business) applications”; another conventional name is
information system (IS). For many software developers, “enterprise applications” means a series of
technical characteristics, but our focus on the demand, the applying targets and objectives, the
environment, as well as the openness and collaboration between computers and humans, in particular the
essential functional requirements including the adaptation to business changing.
IT and the applying enterprise / business are mutually independent fields, which have its own ecosystem,
though IT should always services business in our context. It is not surprising that, there is an innate gap
between them which can be appeared in anywhere the IT needs to be aligned with the business; this is the
basic issue we must face. Empirically, the biggest challenges to enterprise applications come from the
differences and changes in the demands, also the running environment and the IT itself. First, there are
some conflicts between the different needs from different customers, different situations, and developer’s
pursuit to generic a solution; the latter is also a factor what makes the product to be bloated and
complicated. Second, the uncertainty, constant and rapid changing of business requires the application
system has higher flexibility and capability to evolve in runtime; this is a huge challenge to the existing
software techniques. Third, IT itself is one of the most complex and rapid changing fields, which leads to
an increasing requirements to the maintenance, governance, and the adaptation to the operating
environment. Furthermore, in such the applying context, the problems that require solving by the
application system is open; this will make a significant impact on the development and the whole life
cycle of the application. Moreover, between the business and IT camps, and also the different roles in
various phases, there are always the problems to the communication and understanding with the different
This is author’s final manuscript of the chapter accepted with Progressions and Innovations in Model-Driven Software
Engineering, Díaz, V.G., et al. (Eds.), IGI Global, 2013 (in press). For you personal study and review only.
Yu, T.-Y. (2013-08). Model-driven applications: Using model-driven mechanism to bridge the gap between business and IT. In Díaz, V. et al. eds, Advances
and Application in Model-Driven Software Engineering, ch. 3, pp. 53-72, IGI Global. https://thinkinmodels.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/yu2013-mdapp.pdf
professionals and standpoints; technically, this requires some common languages or media to represent
the issues of business and IT they are faced. In addition, it seems we are already in the age of total
computer information processing, that is, almost all data and their derivatives (e.g. forms or documents)
should be stored, processed by a computer-based way; papers are only the complementary media in some
special circumstances. However, have a review on those problems, it can be seen, such the information
islands and the functional silos which proposed about half a century ago, in our experience, are still not a
substantive change, even more serious. Above challenges and issues, with such the cultural and regional
differences, and so on, makes that bridging the business-IT gap, establishing strategic alignment or fusion
of them, to be still the hard and most important subject for the industry. We believer, there are still more
essential approaches that waiting for discovery and validation.
In this chapter, we focus on the role of models for the problem-solving by human with computer, and
targeted at the relationship between a certain computer system and the outside world—the people and
physical or abstract entities, their states, activities and events—especially in dynamic way at runtime. We
start to demonstrate at the inevitable way to connect human, computer, and the real world: models and
modeling. And then, around them, have some review on the two side of the gap (see Figure 1),
respectively in software engineering and enterprise engineering. Based on the discussions, the model-
driven application (MDApp) is introduced, which is based on the principle we called model-driven
mechanism (MDM); further, the architecture of enterprise model driven application (EMDA) is presented.
2.1 Model as Mediator between Computer, Real World, and Human
No matter what challenges the business-IT gap bring us, there is only one of core issue, that is, how to
utilize computer to solve the real world problem we faced. Regardless of the means, to solve any problem,
we must first know what fact there—by model. This principle is not only suitable for human, and is also
suitable for computer. Smith (1985) depicted the relationship between computer and the real world and
showed us a basic view for the relationship between computers (generally may be a program, computer
system, even a description, thought) and real world; he put the computers in the left box and the real
world in the right box, where the “inevitable model” is placed as mediator between them
. His picture
also implied the same relationship between human and real world; for our subject, however, all the three
relationships are important, so we depict the basic landscape as Figure 1, wherein the lower half layout is
logically equivalent to the Figure 1 in Smith (1985, p. 21), and we labeled the relationships.
Figure 1: Inevitable model as mediator between human, computer, and the embedding world.
Computer Real World
Smith implied that, the gap between computers and the real world is able and only able to be connected
by model of the real world thing, as well as between human and the world. This view is a background of
the exploration to business-IT gap: the IT domain on the left side; the business domain on the right side,
and some model as mediator to be connected them.
Another important point shown on Figure 1 is that, under our subject, the question is not only between
computer and the world but with human: a computer handles some thing based on the mediating model
setting by human, thus the model is served as a mediator for both the human and computer.
In addition, the “real world” is a relative concept; what thing is in the real world depends on your
standpoint: e.g., for computer, or human? When a human takes a computer to handle some affair, it can be
regarded that there is some thing in real word for both
. In this case, why we can’t use the same model to
represent the real word thing, if it is possible, for both the computer and human? Fortunately, it is not just
possible but the best way.
Relevant to our subject, based on Figure 1, the efforts to bridge the business-IT gap can be
classified into three groups: on the left side such as (mainly) software engineering, on the right
side as enterprise engineering (see Sec. 4), and on the middle for bridge over the gap—the
solution based on the mediating model.
2.2 Domains and Models for Enterprise Applications
The term “domain”, “domain model” is overloaded in software field; there are many different definitions
(Larman, 2004, Sec. 9.2). Here, for effective discussion, we try to give a set of relatively consistent
descriptions for some concepts of domain and model involved in the subject of this chapter, as consistent
as possible to the common usage. The word “domain” is used against “problem” or “subject”, i.e., it is
referred to the scope, in which the problem or subject are occurred or involved, and more specifically, it is
referred to the set of objects or entities with properties and basic relationships
. A point is that the
different problems or affairs may be occurred and repeatedly in the same domain; on other hand, the
boundary of a domain is usually relative. Accordingly, the models are appeared as two classes: the first
class is modeling a target or subject, e.g., a system, a problem, a business process, etc.; the second class is
modeling a domain, i.e., “domain model” in general, e.g., the domain of an problem, the domain of an
application or system. They reflect two different perspectives, though there may be no need to establish a
domain model for such a single, certain problem. To some open problems or subject, however, the
relative independent, predetermined domain model is necessary and important. Such the domain model is
quite close to the concept of ontology.
Figure 2: Some domains and their relationships for an enterprise application.
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